
多数考生在拿到听力试卷后便是一通狂读,直到听到那句神奇的“You will see that there's an example that has been done for you.”后才从阅读模式跳频到听力模式,殊不知在其之前涉及context的至关重要的两句话他们却丝毫不以为然地错过了,从此就如同行走于雾霾(maze)中一样去做题,一塌糊涂。然而,如果认真听到了这两句key sentences的话,就可以收到“云开月儿明”的效果。What kind of context?
●Section 1, you will hear______.
●First, you will have time to look at Questions 1 to 4.或Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you will have some time to look at Questions 5 to 10.
SECTION 3 Questions 21-30(剑6 Test 1)
Question 21
Choose the correct letter,A, B or C.
21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?
A attend a class
B write a report
C read a book
Questions 22-25
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions 26-30
Complete the summary below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Business Centre
The Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire 26______and 27______.
There are materials for working on study skills(e.g., 28______) and other subjects include finance and 29______.
30______membership costs £50 per year.
当听力试卷出现这样一个section时,也许你会用最快的速度将它从头至尾狂读一遍,然而坑爹的是你对其主要想要表达的内容仍然会一头雾水,更加坑爹的是接下来的听力录音是针对哪几个小题播放的呢?只是21题还是全部?You have no idea!但如果你在最开始的听力context中听到了这两句:Section 3, you will hear a man enquiring about college courses. First, you will have some time to look at Questions 21 to 25.(第三节中你将会听到一位男士咨询大学课程,首先,你将有时间阅读21至25小题),一切就都crystal clear了!
▶ 关于数字的预测

▶ 关于专有名词的预测

▶ 关于词性使用的预测

▶ 关于词类的预测

关于听力中的paraphrase,剑桥雅思官方指南中指出“Paraphrase is the use of different words to express the same idea. In order to test whether you have understood the Listening texts, the questions in IELTS will paraphrase the words used in the texts.”,换言之,改述就是运用不同的词汇来表达相同的概念,为了测试应试人员是否真正理解听力文本,雅思听力试题会对听力文本中的词汇进行改述。
【剑7 Test 1】12.The company has most camping sites in______.
A France
B Italy
C Switzerland
【听力文本】France is where we have the majority of sites.
【解题密钥】题目中的most camping sites与听力文本中的the majority of sites意思一致,均意为“大多数的宿营地点”。这里是用形容词most来改述名词majority。故选A。
【剑7 Test 1】29.When managing change, increasing the company's______may be more important than employee satisfaction.
【听力文本】Yes, but managing people isn't as easy as it looks. For example, change in the work place can be very tricky, especially if there's a need to increase profit. And at times like these managers may have to give priority to profit rather than individual staff needs.
【解题密钥】题目中的...be more important than employee satisfaction与听力文本中的give priority...rather than individual staff needs意思一致,均表达了“……比满足员工需求更加重要”。根据上下文可以推断出“增加利益(to increase profit)比满足员工需求更加重要”。这里用be more important来改述give priority to。故该题答案是profit。
【剑8 Test 1】21.The tutor thinks that Sandra's proposal
A should be re-ordered in some parts.
B needs a contents page.
C ought to include more information.
TUTOR:...So read it through carefully before submitting it, okay?
SANDRA: Will do.
TUTOR: And I've made a few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced.
Anything else?试想将来某日你行走于牛津、哈佛、斯坦福校园中,身边会仅仅是“卷福花生”和“绯闻女孩”吗?当然他们会占据半壁江山,但同时还会有来自Canada、Australia、New Zealand、India、Japan等世界各地飙着international English的芸芸众生,他们从事着不同的职业,或许是你的landlord,或许是一名librarian,或许是指导你论文写作的tutor,甚至会是你的roommate。
那么,雅思听力考试的终极目的(ultimate goal)其实就是检验你是否能够如身临其境般与他们进行无障碍的交流,当然在考试中就是正确无误地完成试题了。所以《剑桥雅思官方指南》也明确指出:You will hear native speaker accents from several English-speaking countries in the test. These may include British, American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand accents.这就要求大家在日常的听力练习中需要加强对不同国度英语语音的辨别,我们也将会在Day 2中给大家进行详细讲解。
■Each question in the Listening module is worth one mark.
■For questions where the answers are letters or numbers, you should write ONLY thenumber of answers required. For example, if the answer is a single letter or number, you should write only one answer. If you have written more letters or numerals than are required, the answer must be marked wrong.
如果答案是英文字母或数字,你只能填入所需的答案数量的字母或数字。这一点主要是针对单选题和多选题。在单项选择的答案中,只能写一个正确的字母,否则算错。在多选题的答案中,如果是两个或者是两个以上的题号,每个题号后面只能写一个正确的字母,但是顺序可以颠倒(in any order)。
■Answers may be written in upper or lower case.
■ Words in brackets are OPTIONAL-they are correct, but not necessary.
剑桥系列考试的听力答案中,经常会出现这样的情况:April(the) 18th、put(it) together或者(the) best buy。在这些答案中,括号里面的the和it是可有可无的。之所以将其放入括号中是因为它们是一些不重要的单词,如果不写的话肯定不会影响答案的意思。我们建议考生遇到这样的情况,最好在不超过字数要求的时候保留这些并不太重要的单词。最好不要在答案中出现加带括号的单词,因为括号中的单词如果错误或者不应该有的话,答案是算作错误的。
■Alternative answers are separated by a single slash.
我们在剑桥系列的答案中经常会见到下面这样的情况:15/15 people、move around/move about、the best/the best buy/safe、a term/one term、2 modules/for 2 terms、a topic/one topic、children's education/their children's education等等。但是请各位注意,这只是在答题纸上表示出了各种有可能正确的答案而已,作为阅卷考官的评分标准。你的答案中就不要出现斜线分隔符了。
■If you are asked to write an answer using a certain number of words and/or(a)number(s), you will be penalized if you exceed this. For example, if a question specifies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the correct answer is “black leather coat”, the answer of “coat of black leather” is incorrect.
如果题目要求指定你必须使用几个单词或一个(或多个)数字,你若使用超过指定字数的答案,将会被扣分。比如,如果问题规定你的答案不能超过3个单词,而正确答案是“black leather coat”,你的答案若是“coat of black leather”,虽然意思完全正确,但仍然会算答错。在此,建议在预测的过程中就把题目要求中的字数要求醒目地勾出来,这样就可以避免类似的低级错误。
1)省略小品词。如果答案总字数超过题目要求,我们可以省略答案中的一些连词、冠词和介词。比如:(a) double bedroom, near(the) railway station,(in the) entrance hall等等。像AND,OR等一些词都可以省略。
2)加连字符。我们还可以在一些相关的单词中间加上连字符。比如:a double bedroom可以写成a double-bedroom, near the railway station可以写成near the railway-station, in the entrance hall可以写成in the entrance-hall。
■In questions where you are expected to complete a gap, you should transfer only the necessary missing word(s)onto the answer sheet. For example, to complete “in the...”, and the correct answer is “morning”, the answer “in the morning” would be incorrect.
如果是填空题,你只需要把所缺的答案部分写在答题纸上。比如要填充“in the______”,正确答案应该是“morning”,而你如果写“in the morning”,就算答错。
■All answers require correct spelling(including words in brackets).
■Both US and UK spellings are acceptable.
■All standard alternatives for numbers, dates and currencies are acceptable.
在雅思听力考试中所有数字、日期、货币等的标准替代符号均可接受。在严格遵守字数要求的前提下,在写这一类答案的时候,既可以写成英语单词也可以写成阿拉伯数字或者是金钱符号。比如:twenty=20;ten percent=10%;July 20th=July 20;15 dollars=$15;120 pounds=£120。但是要注意:关于金钱的单词要写在数字的后面,而符号要写在数字的前面。有一个需要特别注意的是:20 minutes 30 seconds不能写成20′30″,只能写成20.5 minutes。因为20′30″在英语的习惯性表达方式中也可表示20 feet 30 inches,这样会引起歧义。
■All standard abbreviations are acceptable.
雅思听力考试中,所有英语标准缩写均可接受。比如:街道有很多种说法,Street=St,Road=Rd,Boulevard=Blvd,Avenue=Ave,Drive=Dr;一些组织,United Nations=UN,United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization=UNESCO;一些称呼,Doctor=Dr,Professor=Prof,等等。这里建议大家最好使用自己熟悉的标准缩写,但是不能用错。比如:20 minutes不能写成20m,因为20m可能会与20米混淆。