
Group 7
例 Of course, biological control agents can safely be released only if it can be verified that they feed solely on the target weed. The screening tests have so far been fraught with difficulties.——GRE 1997年11月,Section B
例 The air is mixed by means of turbulence that depends on the wind for its energy. As wind speed increases, so does turbulence, and thus the rate of heat and moisture transfer.——GRE No. 5-1, Section B
记 un-mix-ed
un-=not,如“unrepresentative”(非代表性的)(GRE 1993年4月,Section C)
-ed:形容词后缀,如“intended”(意图的)(GRE 1997年11月,Section B)
例 I must emphasize that I am not making a plea, disguised or otherwise, for the exercise of illusionist tricks in painting today, although I am, in fact, rather critical of certain theories of non-representational art. ——GRE 1998年11月,Section A
记 dis-guise-ed
dis-=apart,如“discrete”(离散的)(GRE No. 8-3, Section B)
guise=manner; fashion
-ed:形容词后缀,如“depleted”(耗尽的)(GRE 1999年4月,Section A)
记 con-fus-ed
con-=com-=together,如“commentary”(评论)(GRE No. 4-2, Section B)
fus, fute=pour,如“refute”(推翻)(GRE No. 9-5, Section B)
-ed:形容词后缀,如“specialized”(专业的)(GRE No. 9-5, Section A)
记 un-alloy-ed
un-=not,如“unambiguous”(清楚的)(GRE 1995年4月,Section A)
-ed:形容词后缀,如“purified”(净化的)(GRE 1996年4月,Section A)
benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] n.利益,好处;帮助;恩惠;补助金;救助金;保险赔偿费;退休金;抚恤金;福利金
例 People who excel should receive the superior benefits appropriate to their excellence.——GRE 1993年2月,Section A
记 bene-fit
bene-=well,如“benevolent”(慈善的)(GRE No. 2-2, Section B)
advantage [ədˈvæntɪdʒ] n.优势,优点;有利条件;好处,利益,便利;优越地位
例 These studies suggest that species frequently take advantage of the physics of pollen motion by generating specific aerodynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their female reproductive organs. ——GRE 1990年4月,Section B
记 ad-vant-age
ad-=ab-=from,如“abstract”(抽象的)(GRE No. 6-2, Section A)
-age:抽象名词后缀,如“message”(消息)(GRE No. 4-1, Section B)
deficit [ˈdefɪsɪt] n.逆差;亏损,亏空;赤字;缺少;缺乏;不足;不足额;缺陷;失利;落后——deficient[dɪˈfɪʃnt]adj.不足的;欠缺的;有缺陷的;不充分的
例 Yet Walzer's argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism—namely, that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. ——GRE 1993年2月,Section A
记 de-fic-it
de-=dis-=apart,如“decode”(译解)(GRE No. 8-1, Section B)
fic=do,如“difficulty”(困难)(GRE No. 8-3, Section A)
-it:抽象名词后缀,如“spirit”(精神)(GRE No. 2-3, Section A)
consequence [ˈkɑnsəkwens] n.结果;后果;影响;推论;推理;重要性;显要
例 Their shapes are noticeably different. Sinistral rarity might, then, be a consequence of possible disadvantages conferred by these other concomitant structural features. ——GRE 1992年4月,Section A
记 con-sequ-ence
con-=com-=together,如“contrive”(设计)(GRE 1997年4月,Section A)
sequ, sue=follow,如“ensuing”(接着发生的)(GRE 1990年4月,Section B)
-ence:抽象名词后缀,如“precedence”(优先)(GRE No. 2-1, Section A)
attraction [əˈtrækʃn] n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物;游览胜地
例 It is primarily this multiplicative increase in data obtained from the multipath transmission of signals that accounts for oceanographers' attraction to tomography: it allows the measurement of vast areas with relatively few instruments.—— GRE 1994年4月,Section B
记 at-tract-ion
at-=ad-=to,如“attack”(攻击)(GRE No. 4-3, Section A)
tract=draw,如“extract”(提取)(GRE 1991年2月,Section A)
-ion:抽象名词后缀,表示“行为,过程”,如“concentration”(专注)(GRE 1996年4月,Section B)
Although many genuine friendships are entered into only out of pure goodwill ______with selfish considerations, many real ______accrue to those who enter into such relations. ——GRE 2007年10月,Section 1
A fraught...benefits
B unmixed...advantages
C disguised...deficits
D confused...consequences
E unalloyed...attractions