Group 4
例 We suggest two reasons why this view persists. First, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. ——GRE No. 2-2, Section A
记 ac-cus-atory
ac-=ad-=to,如“accommodation”(住所)(GRE 1994年10月,Section A)
cus=reason,如“excuse”(理由,借口)(GRE 1994年4月,Section A)
-atory:形容词后缀,表示“带有……性质的”,如“explanatory”(解释的)(GRE No. 5-1, Section A)
记 altru-ist-ic
altru, alter=other,如“alternate”(交替;轮换)(GRE No. 2-2, Section B)
-ist:名词后缀,表示“……主义者,从事……的专家”,如“saxophonist”(萨克斯管吹奏者)(GRE 1997年4月,Section A)
-ic:形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的,……的”,如“titanic”(巨大的,重要的)(GRE 1997年4月,Section A)
记 mourn-ful
-ful:形容词后缀,多加在名词之后,表示“充满”的意思,是最常用的形容词后缀,反义词是-less,如“harmful”(有害的)(GRE No. 6-3, Section B)
例 More importantly, the notion that the interruption or intensification of protein production in the brain can be related in cause-and-effect fashion to learning now seems simplistic and unproductive.——GRE No. 3-2, Section B
记 sim-pli-st-ic
sim-=one by one,如“simple”(简单的)(GRE No. 5-2, Section A)
pli=fold,如“application”(应用)(GRE 1995年10月,Section B)
-(i)st:名词后缀,表示“……主义者,从事……的专家”,如“strategist”(战略家)(GRE No. 5-1, Section B)
-ic:形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的,……的”,如“subarctic”(亚北极的)(GRE 1998年11月,Section B)
例 But genre painting, especially when it portrayed members of the humblest classes, was never popular in eighteenth-century France.——GRE No. 6-3, Section A
记 hum-ble
hum=ground,如“posthumous”(死后的)(GRE 1990年4月,Section A)
-ble, -able:形容词后缀,如“measurable”(可测量的)(GRE No. 9-1, Section A)
Powerful as they are, the ______songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.——GRE 2008年6月,Section 1
A accusatory
B altruistic
C mournful
D simplistic
E humble