Chapter 6 Media,TV&Radio
all the rage ★★★★
<词组> 风行一时
➢ American Idol is all the rage these days. The w inner is guaranteed to become a huge star.
admirer ★★★ [əd’maɪərə(r)]
n. 钦佩者;仰慕者
➢ I have always been a great lover of Ellen DeGeneres,a great admirer of her talk show.
我一直都非常热爱Ellen DeGeneres,是她脱口秀的绝对崇拜者。
air ★★★ [eə(r)]
n. 广播
➢ Radio journalists can get the news on the air quickly and anyone with a battery-powered radio can hear the new s almost anywhere at any time.
attention-grabbing ★★★★★ [ə’tenʃnɡr’æbɪŋ]
adj. 引人注目的
➢ An educated person cannot be swayed by propaganda or attentiongrabbing advertisements,but rather will make informed decisions.
n. 听众;观众;读者
➢ Facebook and Twitter are the only major platforms that allow the singer to reach a global audience instantly.
big name ★★★
<词组> 名人
➢ The creators of the show do decide to take up the idea of inviting a big name to be in the interview.
broadcast ★★★ [‘brɔːdkɑːst]
v. 广播
➢ The news of important events is often broadcasted on the spot over television.
cast ★★★★ [kɑːst]
n. 演员阵容
➢ The cast list alone will guarantee big box office.
celebrity ★★★ [sə’lebrəti]
n. 名人
➢ Celebrity endorsement in som e way does help customers to understand more characteristics of products.
<词组> 浏览电视台
➢ When I watch TV,I like to channel surf,often scanning through the available options.
drama ★★★ [‘drɑːmə]
n. 剧情片
➢ The latest Sony m ovie to get snubbed was The Social Network,a drama about the founding of social networking site Facebook.
embarrass ★★★ [ɪm’bærəs]
v. 使窘迫;使尴尬
➢ John got caught and then embarrassed himself in a tabloid sting.
enlightening ★★★★ [ɪn’laɪtnɪŋ]
adj. 有启迪的
➢ By sparking children’s interest and imagination in various topics,these programmes are often more enlightening than textbooks.
episode ★★★ [‘epɪsəʊd]
n. 一集,一节
➢ I selected an episode of an American TV series and lay down on the sofa to watch.
n. 童话
➢ She likes to see the goodness of the world in the eyes of children,building a brilliant fairy-tale world for the viewers.
fan ★★★ [fæn]
n. 迷;狂热爱好者
➢ I was an early Dan Brown fan,and I read his novels before anyone else had heard of him or was paying any attention to him.
我很早就是个Dan Brown迷,早在别人注意到他或听说他之前,我就读过他的小说。
good-humoured ★★★★ [ɡʊd‘hjuːmə(r)d]
adj. 快乐的;愉快的
➢ The best way to approach them therefore is to leap directly into light,good-humoured conversation and make them laugh.
latest ★★★ [‘leɪtɪst]
adj. 最近的;最新的
➢ The latest episode produced one new entry to the Billboard list.
legendary ★★★★ [‘ledʒəndri]
adj. 传奇的;著名的
➢ The legendary show came to an end last year.
adj. 直播的;现场的
➢ Spring Festival Gala is usually a live broadcast,not a recording.
mainstream ★★★★ [‘meɪnstriːm]
n. 主流
➢ Indie music was no longer about being outside the mainstream; it was the mainstream.
megastar ★★★★ [‘meɡəstɑː(r)]
n. 巨星
➢ The play transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.
mind-numbing ★★★★★ [maɪnd’nʌmɪŋ]
adj. 非常乏味的
➢ In this day and age of reality TV and mind-numbing late-night talk shows,everything seems scripted and pre-programmed.
narrator ★★★★ [nə’reɪtə(r)]
n. 叙述者;讲解员
➢ It is generally held that doctor Watson is a narrator of the story and a faithful partner in the story.
n. 噩梦;使人极其痛苦的事情或经历
➢ I thought the news would be exciting,but it turned out to be a real nightmare.
pre-recorded ★★★★ [ˌpriːrɪ’kɔːdɪd]
adj. 预录的
➢ It was a pre-recorded sequence that had already been heard by the programme editor.
programme ★★★ [‘prəʊɡræm]
n. 节目
➢ I would rather read than watch television; the programme seems to be getting worse all the time.
radioplay ★★★
<词组> 电台广播剧
➢ The Green Hornet was originally a radio play and then adapted to comic books and a movie.
radio station ★★★
<词组> 电台
➢ The website was soon discussed on a radio station and within a week it had a million hits.
n. 剧本
➢ The actors have almost no time to memorize the script before going up on stage.
series ★★★ [‘sɪəriːz]
n. 系列
➢ The TV series gained many fans after it had been played repeatedly on television.
sitcom (situation com edy) ★★★★ [‘sɪtkɒm]
n. 情景喜剧
➢ The intrigue and excitement about watching a weekly sitcom makes it seem as if the week passes more quickly.
soap opera ★★★★
<词组> 肥皂剧
➢ The soap opera sent honeymooners flocking to the places where it had been filmed.
televise ★★★★ [‘telɪvaɪz]
v. 用电视放映
➢ No channel is going to televise this football match.
<词组> 收听
➢ We always tune in at ten o’clock to hear more up-to-date news.
viewer ★★★ [‘vjuːə(r)]
n. 电视观众
➢ The change was an attempt to increase interest and gain more television viewers for the Academy Awards show.