Fauzia Burke has promoted the books of the following authors, among many others:
Alan Alda
Arianna Huffington
Arthur Agatston, M.D.
Atul Gawande
Barbara Delinsky
Barbara Ehrenreich
Brian Tracy
Carmine Gallo
Claire Shipman
Daniel G. Amen, M.D.
Daniel Silva
Darren Hardy
Dean Koontz
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Doug Stanton
Dr. Larry J. Sabato
Elizabeth Edwards
Evan Handler
Frances Mayes
Greg Behrendt
Jacqueline Winspear
Jan Jarboe Russell
Jeffrey Archer
Joe Pantoliano
Kathy Freston
Katty Kay
Kim Edwards
Lee and Bob Woodruff
Lidia Bastianich
Lisa Bloom
Liz Vaccariello
LL Cool J
Lord Charles Spencer
Mallika Chopra
Maria Shriver
Marina Keegan
Marlo Thomas
Masaru Emoto
Mayo Clinic
Melissa Francis
Mika Brzezinski
Mohsin Hamid
Mollie Katzen
Reza Aslan
Richard A. Clarke
Rick Atkinson
Ron Clark
Rory Stewart
S. C. Gwynne
Salman Rushdie
Sandra Lee
Scott Turow
Seth Godin
Sue Grafton
Tana French
Ted Kerasote
Temple Grandin
Tom Brokaw
Tom Wolfe
Tosca Reno
Tracy Chevalier
Vincent Bugliosi