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“This is the book that investors have needed for a long time. It empowers readers to take control of their financial lives and to tune out the propaganda from the investment industry. It becomes easy for investors to do the right things for themselves once they get rid of all the noise and follow the simple approach that the book recommends.”
—Joseph Tomlinson, actuary and financial planner
“In the world of high finance and investment, in which the top 0.01 percent and the wannabes who work for them are out to make lots more money with your money, without giving a hoot about your interests, this is one of the few books that we nonexperts on such matters can trust to get us started.”
—Bill Domhoff, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
“This very practical book by four expert insiders cuts through all the nonsense and reduces successful investing to a few commonsense principles. It can help you and everybody else—except, perhaps, the huge financial industry that generates lavish profits by misleading millions of investors.”
—Richard C. J. Somerville, PhD, Professor Emeritus and Research Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego