I am quite sure that each of us has someone, or a few people, in our lives who have made a significant contribution to making us who we are today. These are often teachers, coaches, parents, siblings, childhood friends, colleagues at work, religious leaders, or just plain folks who have been there at a crucial time in our lives and pointed us in the right direction.
One of those great human beings for me is a man named Jerry Pulsipher. Our paths first crossed in 1962 and again in 1963 in London, England. Since that time we have worked together on many projects, and he has helped me write several books. He was one of the team members that discovered the Reality Model and helped me to discover its power.
This book is dedicated to him. William Watson said it best:
’Tis human fortune’s happiest height to be A spirit melodious, lucid, poised and whole.
Second in order of felicity I hold it, to have walk’d with such a soul.
Jerry is a great and noble soul, one without whom this book would not exist. Thank you, Jerry, for leading the way for me.