More Praise for How to Be a Positive Leader
“Profound, practical, inspirational. Written by the most-respected thought leaders in positive organizational scholarship, the chapter-by-chapter evidence-based recommendations provide a compelling case for immediate practical application. This is a must-read for leaders who wish to broaden and deepen the positive impact they can have on organizations.”
—Jim Loehr, cofounder and Vice President, Human Performance Institute
“We need many more positive leaders in our society and in business. Positive leaders create possibility for others. They help us do the right thing and enable us to lead more extraordinary lives. This book is filled with practical advice about how you can become a positive leader. Bravo!”
—R. Edward Freeman, University Professor, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
“This insightful and actionable book beautifully articulates a very relevant and timely set of positive leadership principles. The arrangement of the tools in 'bite-size' segments is the perfect format for any leader to present.”
—Fred Keller, Chairman and CEO, Cascade Engineering
“Every chapter I read struck a chord and made me rethink an element of my own leadership. This book beautifully combines inspirational ideas with high quality evidence. It is thoughtful, insightful, and brimming with fresh approaches.”
—Sharon Parker, Winthrop Professor, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia
“Thirteen insightful essays and about 800 good ideas one can implement for immediate improvement. You’d have to be wildly negative in your worldview not to walk away from reading this book with a wealth of tangible, doable action steps to take your leadership and your organization’s work performance to the next level.”
—Ari Weinzweig, Cofounding Partner, Zingerman’s Community of Businesses
“Every leader and aspiring leader from all sectors of society should enjoy, learn, and be inspired by this practical and highly engaging new volume. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to dramatically improve your leadership skills and make a larger positive impact throughout your career.”
—Stewart I. Donaldson, Dean and Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University
“The Center for Positive Organizations is a treasure trove of people and knowledge. Now we have the map to their treasure. How to Be a Positive Leader gives us a practical path to become better, positive, inspirational leaders.”
—Rich Sheridan, CEO, Menlo Innovations LLC
“Jane Dutton and Gretchen Spreitzer have gathered a sterling group of thought leaders to describe what it takes to become a positive leader. Thought-provoking and provocative, it shows the day-to-day actions leaders can take right now to improve the quality of relationships, build the capacity for collaboration, and unlock the resources of innovation. A must-read for any practicing leader or those destined to follow the extraordinary trajectory to positive leadership.”
—Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice, London Business School
“Jane Dutton and Gretchen Spreitzer have tapped the greatest minds to provide a one-stop resource for leaders who want to create and maintain a meaningful, purposeful, and positive workplace. The leadership tools and experiences discussed play to the desires of leaders to inspire themselves and others; promote excellence, virtuousness, and high quality connections; and reward positive deviance in the workplace to bring about exponential positive change.”
—Roger Newton, founder, Executive Chairman, and Chief Scientific Officer, Esperion Therapeutics, Inc.
“As Gallup polls proclaim that seven in ten American workers are disengaged, this book provides a recipe for change. Simultaneously theoretically rigorous and action oriented, the authors offer concrete actions to recreate yourself and spur others to thrive. As leaders seek to move their organizations to higher levels of excellence, this book provides simple but powerful tools to improve relationships and excitement about the future.”
—Deborah Ancona, Seley Distinguished Professor of Management and Faculty Director, MIT Leadership Center, MIT Sloan School of Management
“The book offers distilled and accessible wisdom from many years of solid research. It is a tour de force of positive leadership, written with a deep sense of humanity and providing a plethora of concrete practices to make an impact.”
—Arne Carlsen, Associate Professor, BI Norwegian Business School
“‘What do I do?' That’s the biggest question we hear from leaders who want to create positive organizations. This book is the answer. It gives you specific actions, inspiring examples, and even tweets. Apply this book and you will be a positive leader.”
—Wayne Baker, Professor of Management and Organizations, University of Michigan, and author of United America
“Positive organization studies is a burgeoning field of evidence-based management that, enacted in everyday organizational life, makes a real difference. Organizational dysfunctions need remedies, and many can be found in the wisdom assembled in these chapters.”
—Stewart Clegg, Professor, University of Technology, Sydney