From Theory to Practice
Motivating people doesn't work, but this book provides you with a framework, model, and powerful course of action that does. You will also discover a fresh and much-needed new vocabulary for thinking about and expressing motivation. Outdated terminology—such as driving for results or incentivizing behavior—leads you down the wrong path if you are looking for motivation that generates productivity without compromising positive and enduring energy, vitality, and well-being for the people you lead.
• Chapter 1, “The Motivation Dilemma,” explains why motivating people does not work and introduces the Spectrum of Motivation model as an alternative.
• Chapter 2, “What Motivates People: The Real Story,” reveals the true nature of human motivation, the benefits of tapping into it, and the hidden costs of continuing to ignore it.
• Chapter 3, “The Danger of Drive,” presents alternatives to driving for results that, ironically, lead to better results.
• Chapter 4, “Motivation Is a Skill,” provides a deeper appreciation of what individuals need for shifting the quality of their own motivational experience and the skill to help them do it.
• Chapter 5, “Making Shift Happen,” teaches leaders how to conduct a motivational outlook conversation that facilitates a person's shift to higher-quality motivation.
• Chapter 6, “Rethinking Five Beliefs That Erode Workplace Motivation,” confronts how your beliefs and values may undermine leadership practices and recommends best practices that support and encourage people's optimal motivation.
• Chapter 7, “The Promise of Optimal Motivation,” examines the potential of this fresh approach to motivation from three perspectives: the organization, the leaders, and the people who long to flourish in the workplace.
This book is for leaders with the strength to question traditional beliefs and common practices. It is for leaders who recognize that outdated approaches to motivation compromise people's energy, creativity, well-being, and health—both mental and physical. This book is for leaders who want to cultivate a workplace where people flourish. This book is for you if you yearn for a practical yet honorable way to achieve and sustain results that also brings out the best in—and for—people.