More Praise for Stop Guessing
“Stop Guessing presents a way of tackling hard problems. It is not a recipe book—rather, it identifies a set of behaviors that are essential to be successful at cracking those problems that do not readily submit to guessing as a viable solution. These behaviors are not difficult to learn but are essential when dealing with those frustrating challenges. No, you will not work miracles, but some might think that you do! This book is now on my reading list for all my students, as it will enable them to be more effective in their future careers.”
—Malcom McCulloch, Professor, Engineering Science, University of Oxford
“I’d recommend this book to anyone involved in industrial problem solving. This approach should help readers get to the right answer quickly and with much less wasted effort.”
—Tim Ridgman, Course Director, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge
“Having known Nat for fifteen years, I know he possesses a deep passion for solving problems, especially those more difficult and previously unsolved. In Stop Guessing he addresses the worthy cause and power of leveraging our human capital and capability to convert from firefighting to proactive and permanent solutions by leveraging people’s potential as problem solvers. He effectively addresses the inhibitors to and realities of owning and embracing the solution. He embraces the art of the possible.”
—Greg Smith, Executive Vice President, Supply Chain, US, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
“I am so in awe of how Nat’s mind works to create solutions to really challenging issues. I am so glad he took the time to share what he knows with us through Stop Guessing.”
—Diana Chapman, coauthor of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership and cofounder of the Conscious Leadership Group
“Vigorous, optimistic, and approachable. Nat shows us a robust approach that can empower people to take a confident, active role in solving problems. Readers who master this approach will save time and money and improve their self-esteem.”
—Dan Rosenthal, Radiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
“If you love endless meetings, excuses, and doing your best or simply want to cement your status quo, buy another book. If you want to solve complex problems, buy this one.”
—Bernard Rzepka, CEO, Industrial Firm
“Greene’s framework is an essential arrow to have in your quiver—whether you are battling weather in the Himalayas or hostile takeovers in the boardroom.”
—Patrick Sweeney, Adventurer and Three-Time CEO
“I see the challenges described in this book all the time, at every level of business. It’s a no-brainer to teach these behaviors to people: they will be much more likely to succeed where they currently struggle.”
—Nick Gee, Director, Leading Global Bank
“Through sharing his vast experience, Nat Greene clearly shines a light on why so many problem-solving efforts fail. I highly recommend Stop Guessing for those charged with solving problems!”
—Clay Hood, Vice President, Supply Chain, North Atlantic Consumer Products Company (retired)
“Throughout history, science has continued to reveal that the human mind is more capable than previously imagined. In this highly approachable work, Nat Greene pushes this frontier by giving us direct access to powerful problem-solving intelligence based on adopting a set of defined behaviors. All those who read this book will find themselves empowered, living with a greater sense of ease, and amazed.”
—Jim Fallon, Technology Executive and Entrepreneur
“Clear and concise. Nat Greene has provided expert insights from his consulting practice into how to solve daily problems—his how-to bible is a must-read for busy executives who need to stop guessing!”
—Susan Livingston, Partner, Banking
“Rarely do books fundamentally change the way one looks at life’s headaches, but this straightforward guide empowers us with simple steps to avoid the pitfalls most encounter when struggling with a persistent challenge. Problems ranging from the enormous to the mildly annoying can be solved when employing Mr. Greene’s techniques. There is nothing inherently complicated about his approach; it simply requires discipline and the willingness to resist shortcuts. I find myself newly encouraged to tackle the problems that have been riddling my life for far too long!”
—Mark Anderegg, CEO, Little Sprouts