Emotional Value sits on the shoulders of hundreds of researchers who have painstakingly toiled in universities around the globe, carefully attempting to capture the essence of customer behavior. We thank you for your efforts and hope we faithfully reflected your conclusions as we translated astute statistical work into language that people who work in the day-to-day operations of business can understand and use.
We also owe a special debt of gratitude to the emotionally sensitive staff, especially Publisher Steven Piersanti himself, at Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. They have become working partners with us as we refined the ideas in this book. Berrett-Koehler is a best-case example of how an organization can add emotional value and in the process create raving fans.
Our TMI colleagues also are to be acknowledged, especially those who read through more than one draft of this work and laboriously gave us their feedback, which we can only see as a magnificent gift. These include Paul Holden, Yvonne James, Chris Lane, Allan Milham, Bill Oden, Peta Peter, Ralph Simpendorfer, Jill Sweatman, and Elcee Villa. The San Francisco TMI staff managed ongoing business as the authors completed this book. Thank you, Lynne Barnard, Jaie Hightower, Jennifer Schmicher, and Lars Spivok for keeping us sane.
We must mention our families, who put up with our difficult schedules as this book was being written. Jeffrey Mishlove should be considered a coauthor in terms of his considerable contributions. Personal thanks to Judith Davison, who provided us with a powerful example of emotions in the health-care industry. We must also thank Sharon Goldinger for holding our feet to the fire to make sure the book’s citations are correct and that the English soars. And a special thank you to Maureen O’Hara, who gave us hours of her time in a personal interview. Michael Edwardson has been incredibly generous, not only in writing the foreword for this book but also in sharing his comments and fascinating approach in the field of consumer emotions. In no way should he or anyone else who provided feedback to the authors about this book be held responsible for any errors. But they should receive credit for the things that are right.
Finally, this work would not have the focus it does were it not for all our customers, with whom we have worked over the years and who taught us the true importance of adding emotional value to our seminars and speeches.