Many people helped this project come to fruition, but none more than Johanna Vondeling from Berrett-Koehler Publishers. It was she who sent me an e-mail out of the blue suggesting that perhaps there was a book in some of the articles I had been writing for The American Prospect (so thanks to Bob Kuttner and his colleagues over there too).
She’s worked with me every step of the way, and her encouragement, enthusiasm, and ear for what works have been invaluable to me. They say that a good editor makes you believe in her, but a great editor makes you believe in yourself. She’s great.
The rest of the staff at B-K has been extremely helpful as well. Special mention to Jeevan Sivasubramaniam for all he’s done to help move the book along. Karen Seriguchi’s copyediting made the text much more readable.
My colleagues at the Economic Policy Institute continue to educate me, and I’m fortunate to work with such smart, progressive people. Larry Mishel has been an intellectual touchstone and a close friend since the day we met almost fifteen years (and seven books) ago. Sylvia Allegretto, another great colleague and coauthor, and Elise Gould (my health care guru) also deserve mention, as do Josh Bivens, Nancy Coleman, Ross Eisenbrey, Michael Ettlinger, David Kusnet, Lee Price, and Max Sawicky. Yulia Fungard is, simply put, one of the world’s greatest research assistants. Debra Agostini provided friendly and efficient help with administrative matters.
Two reviewers, Charlie Derber and Mark Engler, provided extremely useful guidance; their input helped improve the quality of the text. Brad Coley, Debbie Cowden, Mark Greenberg, Mitchell Max, and Joel Rogers also made helpful suggestions along the way.
Finally, I could never have carved out the time to write this were it not for my wife, Kay Arndorfer. I benefit from her love and friendship every day.