Praise for Salsa, Soul, and Spirit
“What a remarkable contribution Salsa, Soul, and Spirit makes to leaders in all three sectors as they work to provide rich diversity, powerful inclusion, and equal access within their organizations and in society.”
—Frances Hesselbein, CEO, Leader to Leader Institute, and former CEO, Girls Scouts of America
“This wonderful book made me want to dance with joy. In Western society, we suffer from a loss of community and spirit because we’re so disconnected. American Indian, Latino, and African American cultures have never forgotten that we need to be together and that diversity is not a problem but a blessing. May this book lead you to discover what we’ve been missing—each other.”
—Margaret J. Wheatley, author of Leadership and the New Science
“Juana Bordas has broken new ground. She has documented and analyzed the effective and unique practices of Latino, Black, and American Indian leaders. Salsa, Soul, and Spirit is a fascinating read that shows us the road to leadership for a multicultural America.”
—John Echohawk, Pawnee, Executive Director, Native American Rights Fund
“To be relevant—let alone thrive—in the 21st century, business leaders need a new awareness of our interdependency and a new leadership paradigm like that described in Salsa, Soul, and Spirit.”
—Jack Lowe, Board Chair, TDIndustries
“The politics of inclusion is not just some politically correct idea. It’s essential to the adaptability of any organization or society that must rely on new ideas and synthesis in a changing world. Juana Bordas has given us a firsthand inspirational primer, full of wisdom and insight, for anyone practicing leadership that challenges people to thrive anew.”
—Dr. Ron Heifetz, cofounder, Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit is a refreshing and inspiring vision of a new form of leadership for the 21st century. Bordas captures the unique but successful models of leadership developed by racial and ethnic minorities. Our nation would greatly benefit from leaders who embody these traits.”
—Honorable Federico Peña, former Mayor of Denver, former US Secretary of Transportation, and former US Secretary of Energy
“Frequently, people say it is too hard to have both excellence and diversity. Salsa, Soul, and Spirit shows not only why it doesn’t have to be that hard but also why it is critically important at this moment in history to develop organizational leadership that is both excellent and diverse. People need to read this book.”
—John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
“Bordas has taken the philosophy and spirit as espoused by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders and fashioned leadership principles that further the dream of an equal and just society.”
—Ambassador Andrew Young, civil rights leader, former Mayor of Atlanta, and former Congressman from Georgia
“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit is a compelling, vibrant, and engaging exploration of the deep roots of multicultural leadership. It will challenge your view on leadership. Bordas’s personal journey to integrate her Hispanic culture into her own leadership witnesses the great benefits of blending cultures rather than assimilating them.”
—John Izzo, author of The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die and Stepping Up
“Reflecting the traditions of Black, Latino, and Native American cultures, Salsa Soul, and Spirit fashions a leadership model based on community, generosity, and a commitment to work for the common good. These proven leadership practices that sustained communities of color for generations are a source of strength, hope, and wisdom that will guide us through the turbulence of the 21st century.”
—LaDonna Harris, Comanche, President and founder, Americans for Indian Opportunity
“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit fills a necessary void in the study of leadership with its integration of the common elements of spiritual and programmatic leadership that are typical of minority approaches to social problems and also build the basis for coalition politics.”
—Dr. Ronald W. Walters, coauthor of African American Leadership
“It is empowerment time in America—a time to live up to the basic values of equality and justice. Empowerment means closing the racial divide and opening the doors to leadership at all levels, so it represents our great and dynamic diversity. Salsa, Soul, and Spirit is a road map to guide us on this journey and invites us to work together to create an America that benefits from the beauty and potential of all its people.”
—Marc H. Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League, and former Mayor of New Orleans
“Juana Bordas clearly understands that building an inclusive America requires leadership forms that respect and resonate with our growing diversity. Salsa, Soul, and Spirit provides an excellent road map that can transform and energize leadership into an authentic multicultural form that is truly representative of our great nation and its unifying ideals.”
—Honorable Anna Escobedo Cabral, former Treasurer of the United States
“The new America is a web of myriad cultures and traditions. In this new era, we must enlarge our vision of what it means to be an American as well as embrace our identity as world citizens. This inspirational book can guide us to this multicultural future and sets forth a visionary leadership model that is founded on both our democratic traditions and our great diversity.”
—Dr. James Joseph, former Ambassador to South Africa and author of Remaking America
“Juana Bordas is one of our nation’s most effective facilitators of leadership development. Salsa, Soul, and Spirit brings together her years of experience and insights. Her book is unique because it offers principles for leading in an increasingly diverse America. A must-read for those interested in becoming leaders of our multicultural society.”
—Raul Yzaguirre, President Emeritus, National Council of La Raza