I have given chapters of this book to many friends and colleagues. They were very helpful at all stages in validating or challenging some of the ideas I put forth. Special thanks go to Otto Scharmer, Lotte Bailyn, John Van Maanen, David Coghlan, Sue Lotz, Mary Jane Kornacki, and especially the reviewers from Berrett-Koehler who provided detailed feedback on the draft. Joan Gallos and Michael Arthur read over the finished draft and provided yet another layer of help, which enabled me to clarify several ideas further.
My wife passed away during the writing of this book, but the last six months of her final battle with breast cancer after a good twenty-five-year fight provided much food for thought about helping and caretaking. I thank her posthumously for the fifty-two wonderful years we had together and for providing the creative home atmosphere that always made my writing a pleasure rather than a chore.