I would like to acknowledge and thank:
Kathy Johnson and Casey Wilson, my managers and leaders at Management Concepts. They gave me the opportunity to write this book and remained unfailingly supportive, positive, and encouraging throughout the editing process.
The many hundreds of participants who have spoken openly and candidly—from the heart and head—in leadership development programs, classes, and coaching. Their stories form much of this book.
My colleagues at Management Concepts in the Management & Leadership business unit, whose multiple intelligences create constant learning for me.
Fellow facilitators and coaches at Management Concepts with whom I have had the good fortune to work, and who have taught me so much: Susan Langlitz, Clara Martinez, Terri Nimmons, Teresa Simons, and Wendy Swire.
The faculty at Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program, whose brilliance, humanity, and personal leadership were a huge influence on my thinking.
My editor, Myra Strauss, a diplomat extraordinaire, who took my words and made them read well.
A former boss, Angus Robertson, whose fundamental human decency, intellect, and modeling of leadership behavior were a huge influence on my thinking.
My former teachers, Ronald Clemons, Walter Johnson, and Larry Whisler, whose talent, uniqueness, and connection profoundly influenced my path into teaching.
The Reverends James Atwood and Edward Dawkins, two men who led against all odds.
All these people made clear, unflinching, unequivocal commitments as leaders.
And finally, my wife, Linda, and daughter, Emma, for their love, support, and daily reminders that it is all well and good to talk about leadership, learning, living, or any other concept in the abstract, but that at the end of the day, it is in everyday life that the great ideas either acquire wings or fall on the floor.