About the Author
Gregory T. Haugan, Ph.D., PMP, has been a vice president with GLH Incorporated for the past 20 years, specializing in project management consulting and training. He has more than 40 years experience as a consultant and as a government and private-sector official in the planning, scheduling, management, and operation of projects of all sizes, as well as in the development and implementation of project management systems.
Dr. Haugan is an expert in the application and implementation of project management systems. He participated in the early development of the work breakdown structure (WBS) and C/SCS (earned value) concepts with the U.S. Department of Defense and in the initial development of PERT cost software. He was the Martin Marietta representative on the Joint Army-Navy-NASA Committee developing the initial C/SCS concepts. He is particularly knowledgeable about scope management, cost management, and schedule management and about setting up new projects and preparing proposals. He continues to perform hands-on work as a consultant in these areas, and most of the examples in this book are from his projects.
Dr. Haugan has developed WBSs as a government employee and has specified their use on contracts. He has also developed WBSs as a government contractor in response to contract requirements, and he regards WBSs as fundamental building blocks in project management.
He has written four books published by Management Concepts: Effective Work Breakdown Structures (2002), Project Planning and Scheduling (2002), The Work Breakdown Structure in Government Contracting (2003), and Project Management Fundamentals (2006). Effective Work Breakdown Structures and Project Planning and Scheduling were translated into Japanese and Chinese in 2005.
Dr. Haugan received his Ph.D. in business administration from the American University, his MBA from St. Louis University, and his B.S. in mechanical engineering/aeronautical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
To my wife Susan, whose love and support made this book possible.