Legal disclaimer: This book serves as a guide and resource, but is not legal advice. Qualified professional counsel should be consulted for questions on your specific situation.
For readers located outside the United States of America and those seeking investment from outside the United States of America: The author is an attorney with knowledge of the law of the United States. The US laws are designed to protect US-based investors. Companies based in other countries or companies raising money from outside the United States are likely to be subject to non-US laws and should seek counsel from an attorney with knowledge of the laws of the country in which they are based and/or the countries from which they are seeking investment.
Keeping up with changes in the law: The world of raising capital, including the law that governs it, changes from time to time. For readers of this book, we have created a website with additional resources and updates: jennykassan.com/bookresources. For details on the website and other resources, see the resources section at the end of this book.