第2章 Preface
I invite you to join me on a journey of understanding about a concept that can be life-altering: the Mood Elevator.
I had been researching and gathering ideas for this book for several years but had allowed a busy personal and professional life to keep me from completing it. Then one day we conducted an off-site meeting on personal purpose for all employees at my company, Senn Delaney, a Heidrick & Struggles company. After taking the time to reflect on how I hoped to make a difference in the world, I concluded that my purpose was to “provide understanding and inspiration to an ever-widening circle of people, beginning with my family, to live life at their best mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.”
As soon as I articulated that, I knew I needed to complete my book. I saw sharing these ideas with the world as one of the best ways to bring that purpose to life.
I founded Senn Delaney almost four decades ago to fulfill a vision of enhancing the spirit and performance of organizations by systematically shaping their cultures. Today it is widely recognized as the most successful culture-shaping consulting firm in the world. The Mood Elevator is just one of many concepts Senn Delaney uses as part of its overall process to create thriving organizational cultures.
The Mood Elevator has been enthusiastically embraced by hundreds of thousands of employees of Senn Delaney clients around the world. Many of them have expressed a desire to learn more about the Mood Elevator and to share it with friends and loved ones. The book is designed for them, as well as for others who may learn about the Mood Elevator for the first time through this book.
While many ideas in the book are taught to clients in Senn Delaney sessions, a number of the ideas and suggestions, including those about wellness, fitness, and healthy living, come as a result of my own personal life journey and do not necessarily reflect the views of Senn Delaney or its work with organizations.
My focus in writing The Mood Elevator is simply to benefit individuals by bringing them ideas I have discovered through my life experiences. My hope is that the book will help you take charge of your emotions and be a better you.
Larry E. Senn