This book integrates theory with practice,and makes a systematic dem-onstration of basic theories,institutions and knowIedge of civiI Iaw.It grounds on existing civiI Iaws and reguIations of China,such as General Principles of the Civil Law,Jus in Rem Law,Contract Law,Law of Succession,Tort Lia-bility Law,combining cIoseIy with the judiciaI interpretations of the Supreme PeopIe's Court.It uses IegisIative and a judicative experiences on civiI Iaw in other countries and Taiwan District for reference,absorbs recent theoreticaI findings by both domestic and foreign academia in civiI Iaw.The authors make every effort to describe existing civiI Iaw IegisIation comprehensiveIy and accurateIy,and to make the structure of the book and theoreticaI anaIy-ses updated to the new century.
Instead of rigidIy adhering to the detaiI of the current civiI Iaw IegisIation,the authors make necessary generaIization,adjustment and compIements in contents,as weII as in structure.The book comprises 43 chapters in six parts,nameIy,Pandect,Jus in rem,Jus ad rem(creditor's rights),Rights of Inheritance,PersonaI Rights,and Torts.