The University of Hong Kong—HKU MBA Learn Business Where Business Is
First and Foremost
As the oldest tertiary education institution in Hong Kong,over 128,000 alumni have been at the forefront of community life in Hong Kong,providing leadership in government,in commerce and industry,in education,and in the arts,sciences and culture. On the world scene,the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has established a solid reputation as a premier international university and a member of the global family of universities.Worldwide Recognition
The Economist has ranked the HKU MBA programme No. 1 in Asia for the fifth consecutive year. In The Economist’s latest World MBA Rankings,the programme is not only and yet again ranked first in Asia,but also No. 27 in the world. Given the relatively short history of the full-time MBA programme at HKU,the Faculty of Business and Economics’ achievement of such high regional and world rankings is impressive indeed. In addition to The Economist rankings,the HKU MBA is consistently ranked amongst the top programmes in the world in other scales. The Programme has built one of its most dynamic in a very short period of time. HKU as a whole is ranked No. 28 in the world and also climbed up in the 2015 Financial Times rankings of full-time MBA programmes for the fourth consecutive year to reach No. 28 in the world. We are one of the region’s youngest MBA programmes,but have managed to grow in QuacquarelliSymonds (QS) World University Rankings 2014,and the university is consistently ranked one of the top universities in Asia in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.
14-Month Full-Time MBA Programme
The full-time MBA programme is an intensive 14-month programme with three tracks.All students spend one month in Beijing and nine months in Hong Kong.Then,depending on the track they choose,they spend four months in London or New York or Hong Kong/Shanghai,China.
London Track with London Business School4-5 elective subjects
New York Track With ColumbIa Buslness School4-5 elective subjects
Hong Kong/Chlna Track with Fudan UnIversIty4-5 elective subjects
HKU MBA Highlights Regional Perspective — in the Heart of Asia
Our Asia-Pacific focus,will give you a distinct advantage in building your career in the region,or indeed anywhere in the world,as Asia now lies at the centre of many business ventures worldwide.The China Factor
The HKU MBA’s dual focus on Asia and China business renders the programme highly relevant to the wider region’s dynamic,ever-evolving business environment.The China focus is achieved through special courses with China elements,regional case studies,field trips,seminars and conferences,Chinese language training and company visits.The London & New York Connection: an Expanded Global Vision
The unique partnerships with world-renowned business schools such as London Business School and Columbia Business School provide our students with unmatched opportunities in terms of educational experience and networking.London and New York are both world-class cities and offer great environments for business education along with international exposure for our students.Case-based Approach
The HKU MBA programme adopts an experiential-learning approach,with the extensive useof business cases that enables students to become effective problem-solvers and decision-makers. These cases are written by our own professors and are published by our renowned Asia Case Research Centre (www.acrc.org.hk).
Mentorship & Buddy Programme
This programme connects current students to senior professionals to build mentor-mentee relationship. Students can obtain real-life business knowledge from senior executives and top business leaders. The real case sharing and professional insights from experienced mentors offer students an engaging and enriching learning experience. Recent graduates engage with students as buddies in sharing their information about studies,school experience and network in Hong Kong.
Business Lab
The Business Lab is an elective of the HKU MBA programme that provides students with opportunities to pursue their passion for entrepreneurship. The aim of this module is to incubate the development and consolidation of business concepts and ideas by HKU MBA students whilst making use of all the knowledge and tools learnt throughout the MBA programme.
Collaborative & Interactive Culture
The programme’s relatively small class sizes along with diverse profiles allow for extensive interaction and collaboration.
China Immersion Programme
As many of our students are preparing for careers in China,this programme will help them to build language capabilities,better understand a different business system and expand networks in the region. The course is composed of company visits,language training,executive talks,alumni sharing sessions and cultural activities. Most importantly,the entire cohort will be together at Beijing resulting in better team spirit,communication and networking amongst the group.
Room 104,Block B,Cyberport 4,100 Cyberport Road,Hong Kong