Day Three A类小作文(三)
在所有的雅思图表作文中,流程图(process diagram)可以说是最令人“不寒而栗”的一种题型。它与地图(sketch map)、对比示意图(profile drawing)和组合图(combination)并称为“四大复杂图表”。虽然这些图表题目的出现频率很低,但只要它们一现身,就立刻成为雅思考场的“杀手”。流程图的确是一种较为棘手的图表题,它的难写之处体现在以下四个方面。
题目原文是这样的:The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts.根据题干内容,这是澳大利亚气象局收集最新天气信息,并做出可靠预报的一个过程。有了这样的理解,再加上图中箭头的指示方向都是从左到右的,我们可以基本断定整个流程图也应该由左往右进行推移,难点一就这样解决了。
接着,我们注意到图中有一些特别醒目的粗体、大写的文字,出现在图的最上方:INCOMING INFORMATION, ANALYSIS&FORECASTING, PREPARING THE BROAD-CAST, BROADCAST,显然它们的重要性要远高于其他文字,故可以判断这些就是该流程的四大步骤,难点二也迎刃而解。然后,我们发现在第一个大步骤中,其实有三个小步骤:satellite, radar, drifting buoy,并形成并列关系。同样在第二个大步骤里面,也有三个类似的小步骤:satellite photo, radar screen, synoptic chart,但如果仔细看其中贯穿的箭头我们会发现,前面两个小步骤都是一一对应的,即satellite→satellite photo, radar→radar screen;唯独最后一个小步骤由三条箭头同时贯穿,这意味着必须要有satellite, radar, drifting buoy三种信息的综合,才能产生synoptic chart,这是该流程图中的一个奥妙之处,理解了以后也就顺利地解决了第三个难点。

Incoming information is collected through three different channels:satellite, radar and drifting buoy.
In the second stage of analysis and forecasting, satellite information is converted to satellite photos, and radar information is reflected on a radar screen.
At the same time, however, a combination of all three kinds of information is needed to produce a synoptic chart.
Then, the results of analysis and forecasting are collated and sent to a central computer system to prepare the broadcast.

题目说:The diagram shows the life cycle of the silkworm.由于是一个生命周期的循环,而且也标有①-④的数字,所以前面三个难点几乎荡然无存了,只留下最后一个难题:如何使用合适的动词把四个步骤有条理、有文采地描述出来。请欣赏下面的范例:
First of all, a moth lays a multitude of eggs on mulberry leaves.After 10 days, the eggs successfully hatch into silkworm larvae that feed on the leaves.Then,4 to 6 weeks later the larvae are found to be surrounding themselves with silk threads.This process continues for 3 to 8 days until they are completely covered within a cocoon.Lastly, an adult moth emerges from the cocoon after another 16 days and is again responsible for egg reproduction, launching the life cycle of the silkworm into a new round.
我们注意到这里不仅有单一的动词,也有动词词组(例如feed on);既有动词的主动语态,也出现了被动语态(例如be found to, be covered within)。另外,反身代词surround oneself with……以及一些副词again, completely的运用也非常娴熟。除了动词之外,形容词词组(be responsible for)和分词(launching……into……)的使用也为文章增加了极大的语法和词汇的多样性。而四个步骤之间的时间过渡词运用得也同样精彩,可以说是完全没有重复。



The diagram illustrates the stages in the life of the salmon, from birth to maturity. It is clear that there are six main stages as the salmon develops from egg to mature adult.We can also see that salmon spend time in three distinct locations during the cycle, moving from river to estuary to ocean and then back upstream.
Salmon begin their lives in rivers where the adult fish lay and incubate their eggs.After emerging from eggs, the young salmon spend the next stage of their lives being reared in freshwater areas.Then, at some point in their development, the fish swim downstream to river estuaries where rearing continues.
Following the estuary rearing period, the maturing salmon migrate to the ocean, where they eventually become fully grown adults. Finally, the adult fish travel back upstream to spawning areas of rivers;here they reproduce and lay their eggs, and the life cycle begins anew.