



图1-1 用宇宙微波背景辐射检验电荷—宇称—时间反演(CPT)对称性

图1-2 BICEP研究组公布的引力波时空涟漪证据

图2-1 γp→J/ψπ+n的总截面

图2-2 γp→J/ψωp的总截面

图2-3 U-boson粒子衰变产生的正电子能量谱

图2-4 Transverse momentum dependence of the elliptic flow of midpseudorapidity charged parti-cles in midcentral Au+Au collisions at=7.7 GeV for different values of the parton scatter-ing cross section σ and the ratio RV of the vector coupling constant GV to the scalar coupling con-stant G in the NJL model.The experimental data from the STAR Collaboration are from Ref.28.

图2-5 Transverse momentum dependence of the initial elliptic flows of midpseudorapidity nu-cleons and kaons(solid lines with squares)as well as their antiparticles(dashed lines withspheres)right after hadronization in minibias Au+Au collisions a=7.7GeV for different values of R V=GV/G in the NJL model.

图2-6 Same as Fig.2 but for results after hadronic evolution.

图2-7 Relative elliptic flow difference between nucleons and antinucleons as well as kaons and antikaons for different values of RV=GV/G in the NJL model compared with the STAR data.

图2-8 μ子多重度的分布

图2-9 质子、轻组分膝区拐点

图2-10 HiRes能谱(笔者注:踝区能谱曲线)

图2-11 大亚湾电子反中微子震荡概率数据

图2-12 大亚湾中微子震荡能谱畸变数据

图2-14 微波背景辐射强度—频率分布

图2-15 以角尺度展现的宇宙微波背景辐射温度各向异性的能谱(多极矩)

图2-16 哈勃第三代广域相机(WFC3)拍摄的ESO137-001

图2-17 哈勃和钱德拉X射线图像的组合(发出X射线的炽热等离子体以蓝色表示,拖在星系后方极长的距离)