
List 4

0301 reflect
v. 1 仔细思考 2 显示;反映 3 反射
例 McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. 麦吉说没有找到下家就辞职让他有时间去思考他想要经营什么类型的公司。
0302 reflection
n. 1 深思 2 反射 3 倒影 4 反映;体现
例1 The intellectuals may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgement. 这些知识分子可能擅长教书,而且不仅仅是为了挣钱,但是他们大多数人对涉及道德判断的人类问题很少或者根本没有进行独立思考。
例2 "I don't think the findings that we have are any evidence of personal delusion," says Epley. "It's a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves." “我认为我们得到的研究结果不能证明这是个人错觉。”埃普利说。“这只不过是人们普遍自我感觉良好的一种体现。”
0303 revenue
n. 收益,收入;税收
例 Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues. 部长们还应该考虑提高房屋租赁市场的稳定性,这将对那些已注册的租赁服务提供商把营业收入投入到新开发的项目的能力产生重大影响。
0304 sizable
adj. 相当大的
例 Part-time students make up a sizable proportion of the college population. 非全日制学生在大学生总人数中占很大的比例。
0305 draft
v. 1 起草,草拟 2 征召…入伍 n. 草稿;草案
例 In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17th of May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be "morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning". 在5月17日会议上讨论的建议序言草案中,夏皮罗表示,专家组已取得广泛的共识,认为“试图利用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿将是违背道德伦理的”。
0306 nutrition
n. 营养(作用);营养学;营养品
例 Mental health can't be learned, only reawakened. It is like the immune system of the body, which under stress or through lack of nutrition or exercise can be weakened, but which never leaves us. 心理健康无法通过学习而获得,只能重新唤起。它就像身体的免疫系统一样,若承受压力,或缺乏营养、缺少锻炼,就会变得很虚弱,但是并不会离开我们。
0307 cope
v. 应付,对付,处理
例 Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. 自人类的创造力萌芽开始至今,人们发明了日益巧妙的工具来处理那些危险的、枯燥的、繁重的或者只是令人讨厌的工作。
0308 compute
v. 计算;估算
例1 His failure to compute correctly resulted in an explosion. 由于他计算错误而造成了一起爆炸事件。
例2 Statistics tells us how to compute measures such as averages or deviations. 统计学告诉我们如何计算(一定的)量,比如平均值和偏差数。
0309 publicity
n. (媒体或公众的)关注;报道;宣传,推广
例 Standards in education have received much publicity over the last few years. 最近几年教育水平受到了很大的关注。
0310 isolate
v. 使隔离;使孤立
例 There is pressure for change from within the lawyer profession, but opponents of change among the regulators insist that keeping outsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money rather than serve clients ethically. 律师行业内部有要求变革的呼声,但是,管理层中一些反对变革的人士却坚持认为,不让非执业律师进入律师事务所是为了不让律师为挣钱发愁,从而一心一意地为客户服务。
0311 terrific
adj. 1 巨大的;很大的 2 很棒的,极好的
例 It's worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. 记住,尽管刚打印出来的无修改痕迹的稿件看起来也许很棒,但文章的可读性只取决于在思考与写作过程中投入的努力。
0312 urge
v. 敦促;力劝 n. 强烈的欲望;迫切的要求;冲动
例 Professor Dinesh Bhugra also urged councils to impose "fast-food-free zones" around schools and hospitals—areas within which takeaways cannot open. 迪内希·胡格拉教授还敦促委员会在学校和医院周边实行“无快餐区域”,在该区域内不能开设外卖餐馆。
0313 multiple
adj. 多个的;多种的
例 Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes, including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system. 超越“非对即错”的文化战争逻辑,意味着要开放中间地带,以及认识到当今的移民管理体系需要多种途径、多种结果,包括一些在现有制度下通过法律难以达成的途径和结果。
0314 trace
n. 痕迹;踪迹 v. 1 查出;仔细寻找 2 追溯 3 描摹,描绘
例1 After The Pickwick Papers, Dickens plunged into a bleaker world. In Oliver Twist, he traces an orphan's progress from the workhouse to the criminal slums of London. 继《匹克威克外传》之后,狄更斯的视角转向了一个更加阴冷的世界。在《雾都孤儿》中,他讲述了一个孤儿从工厂学徒到误入伦敦贼窟的悲惨历程。
例2 Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. 在此,达尔文主义似乎给出了一种合理的说法,因为如果全人类的起源都相同,那么似乎有理由认为文化多样性可以追溯到的源头范围也更为有限。
0315 traceable
adj. 可追踪的;可追溯的
例 Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories, but she asked no questions, gave no instructions—nor received traceable, recorded answers. 很难说布鲁克斯女士是否怀疑过她的记者们是如何获取新闻报道的素材的,但她不曾询问过,不曾给过任何指示——也不曾得到任何可追溯的、有记录的回答。
0316 track
n. 路径;轨道v. 跟踪
例 It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean's largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species. 现在已经很难找到海洋中最大的动物蓝鲸的踪迹了。商业捕鲸几乎使它们灭绝了,因而现在蓝鲸被列为濒危物种。
0317 micro
adj. 非常小的
例 And thanks to the continual miniaturisation of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimetre accuracy. 由于电子和微型机械仪器的日益袖珍化,现在已有一些机器人系统能够进行几种精确到亚毫米的脑部和骨科手术。
0318 adopt
v. 1 采用;采取 2 收养;领养
例 The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers. 该法案将迫使雇主在招聘工人时采取限额制度。
0319 steady
adj. 稳固的;稳定的 v. 使稳定
例 According to the survey, there has been a steady increase from 67.77%to 71.93%of students from freshmen to juniors holding temporary jobs, while the percentage of seniors working part-time has jumped markedly to 88.24%. 据调查,从大一到大三,有兼职工作的学生的百分比从67.77%稳定上升到71.93%,而有兼职工作的大四学生的百分比则急剧上升到了88.24%。
0320 hemisphere
n. 半球
例 Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the oil price higher still in the short term. 强劲的经济增长势头,加上北半球冬季的到来,有可能在短期内将石油价格推高。
0321 quantity
n. 数量;数额
例 Under these circumstances, Okuley must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately. 在这种情况下,奥库利必须储备大量的粮食,而不是立刻消耗掉所有粮食。
0322 elevate
v. 提高,提升
例 Immigrants are quickly fitting into American common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. 移民很快地融入美国大众文化之中,这种现象也许不会从整体上提升美国文化,但对美国文化也几乎没有害处。
0323 elevation
n. 高度;海拔;提升
例 The severe low temperatures vary with latitude, elevation, and distance from the ocean. 严寒低温随纬度、海拔和距海洋远近的不同而不同。
0324 geographic
adj. 地理(学)的
例 The geographic languages are very important media for human beings to explore the earth environment and to exchange geographic information. 地理学语言是人类探索地球环境和交流地理信息的重要媒介。
0325 enthusiasm
n. 热情;热爱
例 No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities. 没有哪门学科像人文学科这样,对专业化倾注如此多的热情。
0326 viewpoint
n. 1 观点,看法 2 视角,角度
例 To understand the different aspects of the cultural life, anthropologists used a holistic viewpoint and systematic research methods. 为理解文化生活的不同方面,人类学家们采用了整体的视野与系统的研究方法。
0327 prime
adj. 首要的;最好的 n. 盛年;全盛时期 v. 使做好准备
例1 When Hoffa's Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. 1960年,霍法领导的卡车司机联盟处于鼎盛时期,只有10%的美国政府工作者加入了工会,而现在这个比例达到了36%。
例2 The snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the interpersonal realm. Psychologists at the University of Toronto found that viewing a fast-food logo for just a few milliseconds primes us to read 20 per cent faster, even though reading has little to do with eating. 对快速刺激做出瞬间决策不仅限于人际交往范畴。多伦多大学的心理学家发现,盯着一个快餐商标看上几毫秒就会让我们做好将阅读速度提高20%的准备,尽管阅读和吃饭之间几乎没有什么关联。
0328 reveal
v. 展现;揭露,透露
例 The story content and structure are thought to reveal the leading character's attitudes, views and inner conflicts. 人们认为,故事的内容和结构会揭示主人公的态度、看法以及内心的矛盾。
0329 revelation
n. 被揭露的真相;揭露,披露
例 One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived. 令人吃惊的真相之一是,丽贝卡·布鲁克斯竟然对发生在其新闻工作室的事情知之甚少,她竟然几乎从未加以过问,而实际上她也从不询问这些新闻报道的来源。
0330 resource
n. 资源(常用复数);财力
例 This article will discuss about the meaning of government's public service and the adjustment of government's function, the idea of public service, the safeguard of financial resource and its providing way, etc. 本文将对政府公共服务的内涵、政府职能的调整、公共服务的理念、财政资源的保障及其提供方式等问题进行探讨。
0331 summarise
v. 总结,概括
例 This article analyses and summarises the theories of new urban districts development from the viewpoints of economy, society, and environment. 这篇文章从经济、社会和环境三个角度分析总结了城市新区开发的理论体系。
0332 naked
adj. 裸体的;裸露的;无遮盖的
例 Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye. 通过望远镜他可以看见数以百万计的肉眼看不见的星星。
0333 vision
n.1 视野 2 想象;幻想 3 展望 v. 想象
例1 Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions of fancy cars and extravagant homes. Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly. 对于巨额财富的想象通常是对名车、豪宅的憧憬。然而,购买这些物质所带来的满足感常常很快就会消失殆尽。
例2 A Department of Health spokesperson said: "We need to create a new vision for public health where all of society works together to get healthy and live longer." 一名卫生部的发言人说:“我们需要为公共健康创造新的愿景,全社会都能为健康长寿行动起来。”
0334 visionary
adj. 1 有远见的,有眼光的 2 空想的 n. 有远见的人
例 The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. 20世纪下半叶,各路英才、勇士、企业家以及有远见卓识的人经过努力创造了一种绝妙的机器,这种机器兼有打字机和印刷机、制片厂和影剧院、画笔和画廊、钢琴和收音机以及邮件和邮递员的功能。
0335 statistics
n. 统计数字;统计学
例 The television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50%took a loss in 1989. 要在电视行业里生存下来并非易事,统计数字尤其说明了这一事实。在80家欧洲网络电视公司中,有多达一半在1989年是亏损的。
0336 statistical
adj. 统计的;统计学的
例 The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today. 《科学》杂志的主编马西娅·麦克纳特今天宣布,该杂志将在同行评审程序中额外增加一轮统计数据核查。
0337 statistician
n. 统计学家;统计员
例 Vaux says that Science's idea to pass some papers to statisticians "has some merit, but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify ‘the papers that need scrutiny’ in the first place". 沃克斯说,《科学》杂志把一些论文交由统计学家审查的想法有一定的优点,但是缺点在于,它首先要依赖评审编辑委员会来区分‘哪些论文需要接受审查’。
0338 detect
v. 发现;查明;测出;发觉
例 Darwin points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations. 达尔文指出,在简洁明了地表达自己的观点时,他总会遇到很大的困难。但是他认为,正是这种困难起到了弥补作用,迫使他长时间专注地思考每个句子,从而使他能在推理和亲自观察中发现错误。
0339 detector
n. 探测器,检测器
例 Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors. 考古学家也可使用地面雷达、磁场记录和金属探测仪等技术手段来确定一些被掩埋遗迹的具体位置。
0340 voluntary
adj. 自愿的 n. 志愿行动
例 The issue of voluntary part-time relates to Obamacare because one of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outside of employment. 自愿从事兼职工作的问题和奥巴马医改有关,因为医改的主要目的之一便是让人们在无业的情况下也能获取医疗保险。
0341 federal
adj. 联邦的
例 While warnings are often appropriate and necessary—the dangers of drug interactions, for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 虽然警示语常常是合理而必要的——比如关于药物相互作用的风险的警示语——并且很多是州或联邦法规所要求的,但是当有消费者受伤,这些警示语能否真正保护制造商和销售商使之免责,这还很难说。
0342 definite
adj. 明确的,清楚的
例 During the experiment, we need to record sufficient data to enable definite conclusions to be reached. 实验过程中,我们需要记录足够多的数据以便得出明确的结论。
0343 skyscraper
n. 摩天大楼
例 The best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools. 顶级律师挣得盆满钵满,这吸引了更多学生扎堆似地涌入法学院。
0344 import /
v. 进口
n. 1 进口 2 重要性
例 The financial development is of great import to the economic growth, and as a new perspective of financial research, the financial ecological impact on the role of regional economic growth also can not be overlooked. 金融发展对于经济增长十分重要,而作为金融研究的一个新角度,金融生态对区域经济增长的影响作用也是不容小视的。
0345 importation
n. 进口;引进
例 The extensive cooperation with foreign companies and separate importation channel ensure the economic prices of the products. 多年来同外商的广泛合作和独立的进口渠道保证了该类产品的经济价位。
0346 concentrate
v. 全神贯注;集中
例 Through the perfect cooperation between us, now the company can concentrate on producing more superior products, thus benefiting each customer. 通过我们双方的完美合作,目前该公司能够专注于生产开发更优质的产品,从而惠及每位顾客。
0347 contract /
n. 合同
v. 1 订合同;签合同 2 收缩
例 Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles reacted more enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, suggesting that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around. 那些被迫练习微笑表情的人比那些双唇紧闭、眉头紧锁的人在看幽默漫画时表现得更加热情,这说明表情可能会影响情绪,而不仅仅是情绪影响表情。
0348 colony
n. 1 殖民地 2 群体,群落 3 聚居地
例 The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity. 在追求公认的文明礼仪和精湛技能的过程中,新英格兰殖民地发生了许多重要的事情。
0349 colonial
adj. 殖民地的 n. 殖民地居民
例 According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial America was "so much importance attached to intellectual pursuits". 根据美国标准哲学史的记载,在美洲殖民地中,没有其他任何地方能够“如此重视对知识的追求”。
0350 colonialism
n. 殖民主义;殖民政策
例 Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian colonialism, many of the leaders of independence shared the ideals of representative government, careers open to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the right to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society. 出生在旧政权和伊比利亚殖民主义的危机时期,许多倡导独立的领袖都怀有这样的理想,即组建代议制政府、任人唯贤、开展自由贸易、尊重私有财产权利以及坚信个人是社会的基础。
0351 colonist
n. 殖民地开拓者;殖民地定居者
例 The colonists' first glimpse of the new land was a sight of dense woods. 殖民者最先看到的是新大陆上茂密的树林。
0352 insist
v. 坚决要求;坚决认为;(~on)坚持
例 The demands follow comments made last week by the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, who insisted the government could not force people to make healthy choices and promised to free businesses from public health regulations. 这些要求是在上周卫生部部长安德鲁·兰斯利发表言论后提出的,他坚持认为政府不能强迫民众做健康选择,并且承诺让企业不受公共卫生条例的制约。
0353 satisfaction
n. 满足,满意
例 The question could not be resolved, at least not to my satisfaction. 这个难题无法解决,至少达不到让我满意的地步。
0354 biographer
n. 传记作者
例 As any biographer knows, a person's early life and its conditions are often the greatest gift to an individual. 如同任何一位传记作家所知道的那样,一个人的早期生活以及当时的际遇常常是他最大的财富。
0355 stretch
v. 伸展,伸出;撑开 n. 连续的一段时间
例 Listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavours. 长时间用耳机听同一种单调的节奏会让孩子沉浸在自己的幻想里,而不致力于其他追求。
0356 observe
v. 1 注意到;观察 2 遵守
例1 Facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. 世界上所有的真相都在等待那些实事求是的研究人员去观察和收集,他们会用科学的方法去做研究工作。
例2 I found, as Hacker observed years before, that most wives want their husbands to be, first and foremost, conversational partners, but few husbands share this expectation of their wives. 我发现大多数妻子期望丈夫首先是她们的聊天伙伴,但很少有丈夫对妻子抱有同样的期望,这是哈克早在多年前就已经注意到的事实。
0357 observer
n. 观察者
例 In the U.S. and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling. 在美国和加拿大,死亡权利运动正在积蓄力量,观察者们正在等待多米诺骨牌开始倒下。
0358 observation
n. 1 观察 2 评论
例 The researchers said most information in the report was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. 研究人员称,报告中的大部分信息是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。
0359 observatory
n. 天文台
例 The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars. 当初创立皇家格林尼治天文台就是为了观察星体并对其进行编目。
0360 cure
v. 治愈 n. 疗法
例 A number of recent advances hold out if not the hope of a cure, then at least the possibility of some drug which could stop the spread of the virus. 近来的一些进展即使不能提供治愈的希望,也至少有望研制出某种药物来阻止病毒的传播。
0361 spotlight
n. 聚光灯 v. 1 用聚光灯照 2 特别关注,突出报道
例 The programme spotlights financial problems in the health service. 该节目特别报道了医疗服务系统的财政问题。
0362 handy
adj. 有用的;方便的
例 Credit cards can be handy—they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash. 信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了。
0363 bias
n. 成见,偏见 v. 使有偏见;使偏心
例 The editors cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectives—especially those that are open about any bias. 编辑们反复核查消息来源,他们更偏爱那些多角度探讨的新闻,尤其是那些对所有偏见都持开放态度的新闻。
0364 biased
adj. 有偏见的
例 Dr Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big picture was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. 乌里·西蒙松博士推测,不能考虑全局的决策者经常会因为其日常接触到的片面信息而做出不公正的决定。
0365 unbiased
adj. 无偏见的,不偏不倚的,公正的
例 People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that grants the ability to make judgements which are unbiased by external factors. 从总体上说,人们在做个人决策时对背景信息考虑不周。乍一看,能够不受外界因素影响而做出没有偏见的判断似乎是一种优势。
0366 embrace
v. 1 拥抱 2 欣然接受 n. 拥抱
例 In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, "be lazy." 为了能充分利用注意力和精力,我们也该给自己留出休息时间,或者如纽波特所说的“偷个懒”。
0367 fame
n. 名声,名望,声誉
例 Part of the fame of Allen's book is its contention that "Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him." 艾伦这本书的出彩之处还在于,书中指出:“ 环境并不造就人,而是使人得以彰显自我。”
0368 participant
n. 参与者
例 Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhance the most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictures were real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. 也没有任何证据表明,那些自我提升最甚者(即那些认为美化程度最高的照片就是真实的自己的参与者)这样做是为了弥补内心强烈的不安全感。
0369 harsh
adj. 恶劣的,艰苦的;残酷的,苛刻的
例 Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. 钢铁工人、航空公司职员以及汽车产业内的工作人员都正在加入数以百万计的家庭行列,这些家庭不得不担心利率、股市波动以及退休金可能不够他们养老的严峻现实。
0370 harshness
n. 恶劣;残酷
例 When he comes to realise the harshness of reality, he overcomes his desperation and expects an answer from the human nature. 当他发现现实的残酷之后,他克服了自己的绝望情绪,寄希望于人性的回归。
0371 status
n. 情形,状况;地位
例 Ordinary officers fired off a string of angry demands to the government, to improve their pay, status and conditions. 普通警员愤怒地向政府提出了增加工资、提高地位和改善条件的一连串要求。
0372 nest
n. 窝,穴 v. 筑巢
例 You can stimulate the dog's mental development by placing harmless yet novel toys or objects within the nest. 你可以在幼犬的窝中放置一些无害且新奇的玩具或物品来促进它们的智力发育。
0373 drain
n. 1 下水道 2 消耗,耗费 v. 使流走,使排出
例 This "brain drain" has long bothered policymakers in poor countries. 这种“人才流失”现象长期困扰着贫穷国家的决策者们。
0374 random
adj. 随机的,任意的
例 This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community. 该法案废除了对联邦陪审员特殊学历的要求,并要求从社会各个阶层的民众中随机挑选陪审员。
0375 relief
n. 缓解,减轻;精神慰藉,宽慰
例 To the anxious travellers, the sight of the American shore brought almost inexpressible relief. 对于这些焦虑不安的旅行者来说,看到美国海岸的那一刻给他们带来了几乎无法表达的解脱。
0376 reward
n./v. 回报
例 If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf. 如果抱负要得到高度的重视,那么它的回报——财富、声望、对个人命运的掌握——则必须被认为是值得为之做出牺牲的。
0377 dimension
n. 1 尺寸,面积 2 方面 3 范围
例 Such dimensions of reading suggest—as others introduced later in the book will also do—that we bring an implicit (often unacknowledged) agenda to any act of reading. 这些层面的阅读表明,任何一种阅读行为都遵循一种隐性的(通常是未被注意到的)阅读计划,书中稍后介绍的其他阅读层面也表明了这个事实。
0378 scholarship
n. 奖学金;学术研究
例 In order to visit all the students who had been awarded these travel scholarships, he had to travel to Yorkshire and other places which were new to him. 为了拜访所有获得过这些旅游奖学金的学生,他得出差去约克郡和其他对他来说陌生的地方。
0379 minimum
adj. 最小的;最低的 n. 最小值;最少量
例 To help homeless people toward independence, the federal government must support job training programmes, raise the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing. 为了帮助无家可归者走向自食其力,联邦政府必须支持就业培训项目,提高最低工资标准并资助建设更多的廉价房。
0380 violent
adj. 猛烈的;狂暴的;暴力的
例 Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end. 许多来看电影的人都被这部影片暴力而悲惨的结局所震惊。
0381 polish
v. 1 磨光,擦亮 2 润色 n. 鞋油;亮漆
例 The family's increasing poverty forced Dickens out of school at age 12 to work in Warren's Blacking Warehouse, a shoe-polish factory, where the other working boys mocked him as "the young gentleman". 日益贫困的家庭状况迫使狄更斯12岁就辍学去了沃伦黑鞋油厂工作。在那里打工的男孩嘲笑他,说他是位“年轻的绅士”。
0382 hint
n. 暗示;提示 v. 暗示;透露
例 The communities minister, Don Foster, has hinted that George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt. 社区部长唐福斯特透露,财政大臣乔治·奥斯本可能会针对现行的地方政府住房借贷数额上限采取更多的弹性政策。
0383 implication
n. 1 暗示;暗指 2 可能的影响(或作用、结果)
例 Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect. 学者、决策者以及各类批评人士都讨论了这些变化带来的社会影响,但是很少有人关注这些变化产生的副作用。
0384 shrink
n. 收缩 v. (使)缩小,收缩,缩水;畏缩
例 Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition. 在面对国外竞争时,一些大型的美国工业产业,如消费电子产业,已经萎缩或完全消失了。
0385 shrinkage
n. 缩小,收缩
例 Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands. 污染导致草原面积缩小。
0386 output
n. 产量;输出
例 Ultimately, the company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost. 这家公司最终同意保持高产量以弥补供货方带来的损失。
0387 slice
v. 把…切成(薄)片 n. 薄片,片
例 Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. 正常情况下,猴子很愿意用几块石头换几片黄瓜。
0388 mood
n. 心情,心境;情绪
例 Drugs that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behaviour are known as psychoactive substances. 影响中枢神经系统并改变感知、情绪和行为的药物被称为精神活性物质。
0389 confirm
v. 证实;确定;批准
例 The refrigerator was delivered in a damaged condition, as confirmed by your delivery man. 冰箱运来时就已经损坏,你们的送货员可以作证。
0390 refer
v. 1 提到,谈到 2 参考,查看 3 涉及
例 When we refer to patterns in the context of cloud, we are referring to the encapsulation of installation, configuration, and integration activities that make deploying and managing environments in a cloud much easier. 当我们提到云环境中的模式时,我们指的是安装、配置和集成活动的封装,它使得云中的部署和管理环境更加容易。
0391 reference
n. 1 提及 2 参考书目 3 参考依据
例 Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. 批评家们还认为,商业性基因检测是否可信主要取决于样本要对比的参考数据库是否强大。
0392 tuition
n. 1 学费 2 讲授;教学
例 From this autumn, the leading UK independent school is going to provide classes in leadership to Chinese students, using live online tuition. 从今年秋季开始,这家英国最好的私立学校将采用在线实时教学的方式向中国学生提供领导能力课程。
0393 image
n. 图像;形象 v. 想象
例 This instrument can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images. 这种仪器可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化为图像。
0394 determine
v. 确定;查明;判定;决定
例 Typically, the researchers survey and sample (make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information. 研究者们基本上通过对大面积的地域进行调查和采集样本(试探性挖掘)来确定在哪里挖掘能得到有用信息。
0395 determinism
n. 决定论
例 Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society. 沃尔夫逐渐接受了某种语言决定论,该理论的极端说法是:语言禁锢了思想,其语法模式可以对社会文化产生深远的影响。
0396 determination
n. 决心
例 The goal of the supporting agencies is the praisable one of supporting "good" as opposed to "bad" science, but a valid determination is difficult to make. 资助机构的目标是支持“有益的”而非“有害的”的科学,这值得赞扬,但要有效断定科学有益还是有害却很困难。
0397 fantasy
n. 幻想;空想 v. 幻想
例 On display here are various fantasy elements whose reference, at some basic level, seems to be the natural world. 这里所展现的是各种奇思妙想的元素,从某些基本层面来看,它们的参照物似乎就是大自然。
0398 strictly
adv. 严格地;绝对地
例 Mr McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms—he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. 麦克沃特先生认为正式语言并非完全不可或缺,也没有提出要进行激进的教育改革——真正让他哀叹消失了的与其说是那些实用的东西,不如说是富有美感的东西。
0399 decisive
adj. 果断的;决定性的
例 Sexual confusion, economic frustrations, and religious hope—all came together in a decisive moment when John Dane opened the Bible. 在约翰·戴恩打开《圣经》的那个决定性时刻,对于性的困惑、经济上的挫败和宗教的期望全都涌现出来了。
0400 mask
n. 面罩 v. 掩盖;掩饰;遮盖
例 The firm has already come under attack in Europe for selling derivatives to Greece that may have helped the country mask its financial problems. 该公司在欧洲饱受诟病,因为其曾向希腊出售金融衍生品,这可能帮助希腊掩饰了自身的财政危机。