1.2 Significance of the research
Thanks to Kasper & Rose(2002:5),we have learned that IL pragmatics works under two categories:the study of second language use which examines how nonnative speakers comprehend and produce action in a target language and the study of second lan-guage learning which investigates how L2 learners develop the ability to understand and perform action in a target language.
Motivated by an acquisitional approach to ILP research and L3 studies from the perspective of ILP,the present study meets the need for developmental research of interlanguge pragmatics and the need for exploration into learners of English with different L1 backgrounds,thus enriching the bulk of research in the field of both SLA and pragmatics.Thus far,a large number of interlanguage pragmatics studies have primarily focused on the comparison of the realization patterns of speech acts in two languages(e.g.Blum-Kulka & Olshtain 1986;Blum-Kulka et al.1989;Carcia,1993;Hill,1997;Hassall,2003;Byon,2004)rather than exploring the various factors influencing pragmatic development(e.g.L1 transfer,input,instruction).So is the case in China.For example,substantial cross-cultural studies deal with the similarities and differences between Chinese and English realization patterns of speech acts,the universality of politeness phenomena,the social factors influencing the performance of speech acts,the pragmatic failures found in intercultural communication,and so on.However,few studies have explored how Chinese learners of English,still less,those of ethnic minorities,acquire pragmatic knowledge.
Though there is abundant research on ILP abroad but most of those researches are conducted in ESL settings,the findings of which may not apply in China EFL settings.Hence the EFL teaching field in China is in urgent need of research aimed to examine the pragmatic competence of EFL ethnic learners.Apart from contributing to our current understanding of pragmatic development in IL in general and,thus,further strengthening the relationship between ILP and SLA,or even TLA,the present research is in particular relevant to the teaching of the pragmatic aspect of language in Chinese ethnic universities.What is more,it has great pedagogical implications for the teaching of English since it highlights specific difficulties that minority students may experience in the development of L2/L3 pragmatic competence.From a developmental perspective,the present research framework and findings as a basis for future study of pragmatics can also put forward hypotheses for a longitudinal study.Besides,the findings will have some implications in general for curriculum design,material development and instruction of L2/L3 pragmatics in the Chinese context.
In brief,the present research is of great significance in guiding the overall reform and practice of language teaching and learning of English majors in ethnic universities in the following respects:to diagnose Chinese ethnic minority learners' IL pragmatic competence in general and differences and similarities between and among different ethnic minority learners of English in performing certain speech acts in particular;to predict the possible causes of problems in IL pragmatic competence development;to establish the corresponding ILP competence development model and seek ways to facilitate it;to provide direct or indirect implications for tertiarylevel English teaching in Chinese ethnic universities;and to stimulate an all-round intercultural discussion of EFL in the Chinese context.