任务一 Status Enquiries
➲ Teaching Goals
This task is an important part when you want to do business with the firm at first time. It tells us how to get the information of the company we want to deal with from the bank. So we should make it clear how to make a credit enquiry.
➲ Teaching Contents
Status enquiries are those written communications in which traders request information concerning the financial position, credit, reputation, and business methods of other firms. In business, it is of the utmost importance to obtain all the information possible respecting the firm one is about to enter into relations with.
There are various ways of obtaining such information. Instead of applying to a business friend, traders sometimes apply to banks, chambers of commerce, or enquiry agencies. The information obtained from a bank or from a chamber of commerce is generally most reliable. However, a bank will not give information direct to an unknown trader unless the enquiry is from one of its fellow banks. Therefore, when taking up a bank reference, the trader must do so through his own bank.
Letters enquiring status are more or less stereotyped. Some large firms make there enquiries on specially printed forms containing the questions they would like to have answered.
Status enquiries are generally headed “confidential” or “private and confidential”. These words are also written on the envelope.
Traders asking for information must bear in mind that they are asking a favor and therefore should write in polite and appreciative terms. When the information is received, be it favorable or unfavorable, a suitable letter of acknowledgment and thanks must be sent. This is no more than common courtesy.
➲ Key Points
1. apply to适用于;运用;向……申请(要求)
The law applied to all persons.
In this way they can better apply theory to practice.
For particulars apply to Mr. Brooker.
2. more or less或多或少;几乎
no more不再
no more than不过,仅仅,和……一样不
more and more越来越
at most / at the most最多,至多,不超过……
I've more or less finished reading the book.
3. When the information is received, be it favorable or unfavorable, a suitable letter of acknowledgment and thanks must be sent.
➲ Exercise and Thinking
※ Why is it important to obtain all the information possible respecting the firm one is about to enter into relations with?
※ In what way or ways can such information be obtained?