附录四 中外各种社会学定期刊物
American Journal of Sociology, Chicago, bi-monthly, since 1895.
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, bi-monthly, since 1890.
Bliss, W.D.P.: Encyclopedia of Social Reform, New York,1908.
Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, since 1900.
Proceedings of the American Prison Aosociation, since 1887.
Proceedings of the American Sociological Society.
Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, annual, since 1876.(guide to same: Alex.Johnson, Guide to the Study of Charities and Corrections, Indianapolis,1908).
The Survey,(replacing Charities and Corrections), New York, weekly, since 1909.
The Sociological Review(replacing Sociological Papers), London, since 1908.
Revue Internationale de Sociologie, Paris, since 1893.
L'Annee Sociologie, since 1898, Paris.
The Journal of Social Forces.
The Journal of Applied Sociology.
The Chinese Journal of Sociology, since 1922.(社会学杂志)
The Chinese Social and Political Science Review.