第六节 国际私法的体系及研究方法
7.Substantivism versus Selectivism
(1)The Original Substantivist Method
The very name of our subject“conflict of laws”, and in particular“choice of law”, presupposes that in all cases that have contacts with more than one state:(a)each involved state has an active or passive desire or claim to have its law applied; (b)that these claims“conflict”in the sense of being of roughly equal intensity and validity; and(c)that the only way to resolve the conflict is to choose the law of one of the involved states.
Each of these premises has been seriously disputed in different periods in history.For example, the last of the above premises has been rejected by what is generally regarded as one of the first recorded methods of resolving multistate problems.That method, which was employed by the Roman praetor peregrinus in adjudicating disputes between Roman and non-Roman subjects, was based on the notion of a constructive blending of the involved laws rather than on a choice from among them.The praetor resolved these disputes by constructing and applying to the case at hand a new substantive rule of decision derived from the laws of both or all involved countries. Thus, the first instinct of the legal mind when confronted with a multistate private-law dispute was one of compromise rather than of choice, eclecticism rather than all or nothing.Instead of choosing the law of one of the involved states regardless of the outcome such a choice might produce for the particular case, the praetor would focus on the needs of that case and devise for it the most appropriate substantive solution, drawn from the laws of all involved states.
This substantivist method died out before the fall of the Roman empire and, by the time Roman law was“rediscovered”in Western Europe, the idea of choosing one of the involved laws rather than blending them had set in.The modern selectivist method was thus born and soon began to dominate the international scene.
(2)Contemporary Scholastic Substantivism
During the twentieth century, the substantivist method made a fairly momentous reappearance in international and interstate commercial arbitration, where it has become the preferred method among arbitrators.The result is the production of a voluminous, if not widely publicized, body of transnational, and at the same time a national, substantive law.
In the United States, the substantivist method has also acquired new and eloquent supporters in the writings of established academic commentators, including two participants in this Symposium, Professors von Mehren and Juenger.
Professor Arthur T.von Mehren has suggested that many true conflicts can be resolved expediently by a compromise of the conflicting policies of the involved states, rather than by a full vindication of the policies of the one state and a complete subordination of those of the other state.This compromise would take the form of a special substantive rule that would be constructed ad hoc for the case at hand and would be derived from the laws of both or all involved states.For example, a true conflict between the strict liability law of one state and the law of another state that does not impose liability could be resolved by a special substantive rule that would allow the recovery of only half of plaintiff's actual damages, or of certain items only, such as medical expenses and loss of earnings.
Professor Friedrich K.Juenger advocated a wider use of the substantivist approach.He proposed that conflicts of laws be resolved by constructing from among the involved states a rule of law that best accords with modern substantive-law trends and standards.For example, for products liability conflicts, Juenger proposed that, from among the laws of the places of conduct, injury, acquisition of the product, and domicile of the parties, the court should choose“[a]s to each issue...that rule of decision which most closely accords with modern standards of products liability.”
Finally, Professor Luther L.McDougal argued that, in constructing the ad hoc substantive rule of decision, courts should not confine themselves to the laws of the states involved in the conflict but should instead look beyond those laws and try to construct“the best”rule of law.
(3)Contemporary Judicial Substantivism
The above scholarly suggestions have not yet had any appreciable conscious following from the bench.However, Judge Jack B.Weinstein, another participant to this Symposium, came close to using the substantive-law solution when he proposed the development of a“national consensus law”for handling a complex product-liability class action brought by the victims of Agent Orange.In his contribution to this Symposium, Judge Weinstein seems to move in a different direction when he proposes the application of the law of the forum qua forum in a similar hypothetical case.Both of Weinstein's proposals seem to be motivated by his profound disillusionment with the selectivist method as practiced in the United States.Such disillusionment on the part of a judge with this breadth and depth of conflicts experience should give all of us a reason for pause.This disillusionment is quite common among judges called upon to decide the complex“mega torts”discussed by Weinstein.Indeed, the selectivist method comes very close to the crashing point in coping with these cases and thus the thought of abandoning the method is entirely understandable.In ordinary single tort cases, however, the selectivist method remains dominant and its use is rarely questioned.
One possible exception to the judicial use of the selectivist method is the increasing use of dépeçage, namely the application of the laws of different states to different issues or aspects of the same cause of action.Dépeçage comes close to the substantivist method in that it leads to the creation of a hybrid substantive rule that does not exist as such in any of the involved states and that springs into existence only for the case at hand.Nevertheless, dépeçage differs from the substantivist method in that it is driven by selectivist rather than substantive considerations.It is not an intended substantive solution, but rather the unintended result of one feature of modern selectivist methods—their insistence in analyzing and resolving each issue separately (called“issue-by-issue analysis”).
On balance, the lack of contemporary judicial following of the substantivist method should not be surprising.One reason is the fact that for so long“[w]e have become so accustomed by tradition and theory to ideas of conflict, choice and selection.”A more serious reason, however, has to do with contemporary understandings about the appropriate role of judges and the hierarchy of sources of law.For, unlike some arbitrators, judges are expected to decide disputes according to law, not ex aequo et bono.The problem with the judicial version of the substantivist method is that it authorizes the retroactive application to unsuspecting litigants of a“law”that does not in fact exist anywhere until the moment the judge invents and utters it.Although it could be argued that this is no different than what judges have been doing in expanding the common law, the better view is that there is, at a minimum, a large difference in degree(the degree of pretension)and, more likely, an important difference in kind.
(4)Legislative Substantivism
In contrast, the substantivist method does not encounter the above difficulties when employed by the legislature, that is, by the body that has the unquestionable authority to promulgate new law that is meant to be applied prospectively only.During the twentieth century the substantivist method has been employed repeatedly in enacting uniform substantive rules intended to resolve multistate problems directly, without the intervention of choice-of-law rules.
At the international level, these rules originate in international conventions such as the 1980 United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, which is now in force in 56 countries; the 1929 Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air; the 1956 Geneva Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road; the 1964 Hague Con vention on Uniform Sales Laws; and the 1973 Washington Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will.
At the interstate level, one very productive source of uniform substantive rules is the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws, which has produced approximately 200 uniform laws during the twentieth century.One of these uniform laws is the Uniform Commercial Code, which is now in force in all fifty states of the United States.
Obviously, by eliminating the multiplicity of substantive laws, the enactment of these uniform laws has also eliminated the possibility of conflicts of laws in the areas covered by the uniform laws.To that extent, the substantivist method has commensurably reduced the scope of operation of the selectivist method.This reduction is relatively small and, although it should continue to grow in the future, the growth will be slow.Thus, for the foreseeable future, the selectivist method will continue to dominate all efforts to resolve multistate conflicts of laws.