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Analyzing the Failures of ERP Implementation in Chinese Small Enterprises:A Case Study
LI Yulong
(Gabelli School of Business, Roger Williams University, RI 02809, USA)
Abstract Based on extensive literature review that indentified nine critical success factors for ERP implementation, this exploratory case study documented and analyzed a failed ERP attempt by a small feed manufacturer in Northwestern China.The discussions pin-pointed some of the unique challenges facing Chinese small enterprises when modernizing their legacy information systems and made several practical suggestions to these firms'future ERP initiatives.
Key words ERP implementation, Critical success factors, Chinese small enterprises
李裕龙,博士,于2007年起任美国罗杰威廉姆斯大学嘉百利商学院运作管理学助理教授,主要研究方向:企业技术管理、供应链内知识管理、全面质量管理和新产品开发及系统设计。他的近期论文发表于International Journal of Operations and Production Management,Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management等多份国际刊物上。