
The Prince and the Pauper

The Prince and the Pauper Are Born

Two boys were born on the same day. Edward Tudor was born in Westminster Palacepalace n.宫殿;王宫. His father was the King of England.

Everybody blessedbless v.为……祈福 the birth of the Prince of Wales.

The other child was Tom Canty.

He was born in a family of pauperspauper n.贫民;穷人.

Nobody blessed the birth of the child.

Tom's family lived in a small, dirty place in London.

Tom had to beg every day, but he was a brightbright adj.聪明的;伶俐的 boy.

Father Andrew taught Tom how to read and write.

He told Tom charmingcharming adj.迷人的;美丽的 tales about kings and princes.

“How wonderful it would be to be a prince! I would like to see one some time,” Tom said to himself.

One day, Tom went to the great palace and saw the prince!

He had nice silksilk n.丝绸 clothes and jewelsjewel n.珠宝 hanging from the clothes.

A soldier pushed Tom away from the gate.

“How dare you treatreat v.对待;看待 a poor boy like that? Open the gate and let him in!” Prince Edward cried outcry out 大叫;喊叫.

Then Edward said to Tom. “You look tired and hungry. Come with me.”

Edward took Tom into his nice room.

“What is your name?” asked Edward.

“Tom Canty, sir,” answered Tom.

“Tom, tell me about the life of people outside the palace,” said Edward.

Tom talked about running in the street and swimming in the river.

“Oh, it sounds so wonderful! I want to take offtake off 脱下 these clothes and swim in the river like you,” said Edward.

“I want to wearwear v.穿;佩戴 clothes like you,” said Tom.

A few minutes later they stood in front of a mirror. They looked so alike.


Lost time is never found again.


“Well, stay here until I come back. That's a commandcommand n.命令;指示!” said Edward.

He hidhide v.把……藏起来;隐藏 something in a hurry and ran out of the room.

Edward ran to the gate and shouted,“Open the gate!”

The soldier hit Edward on the ear.

“Get out of here, you pauper!” shouted the soldier.

“I am the Prince of Wales!” cried out Edward.

A crowd of beggarsbeggar n.乞丐 surroundedsurround v.围绕;环绕 him and laughed.

Edward began to run and got lost.

Night fell and he was cold and alone.

Suddenly, a drunken man grabbedgrab v.抓住 him and said, “Where have you been?”

“Oh, are you his father?” cried Edward.

“His father? What do you mean? I'm your father,” he cried.

“No, I am the Prince of Wales. Returnreturn v.返回;回到 me to my father, the King,” said Edward.

“Ha-ha! You're madmad adj.疯狂的. Let's go home!”

At the palace, Tom began to worry.

The prince's cousincousin n.同辈表亲;表兄弟(或姐妹), Lady Grey, walked in.

Tom fell on his knees and cried out,“Please don't killkill v.杀死 me. I am not a prince, but poor Tom Canty.”

She was surprised and ran away.

Soon a group of servantservant n.仆人 took Tom to the King.

“My child, you know me, don't you?” asked the King.

“Yes, I do,” said Tom, “but I am not the prince. I was born a pauper.”

The King seemedseem v.好像;似乎;看来 worried.

He asked Tom a question in LatinLatin n.拉丁语.

Tom answered him, because he had learned a little Latin.

“Mad or not, he is my son. He has studied too much. He will get well,” said the King.


One swallow does not make a summer.


The Prince Meets Miles Hendon

John Canty, Tom's father, was draggingdrag v.拖;拉 Edward through the streets.

Soon they arrivedarrive v.到达 at the Cantys' home.

“What is your name? Say it again,” said John.

“I am Edward, Prince of Wales,” said Edward.

Tom's mother came to him and said sadly, “Poor Tom, you've read so much.”

In the middle of the night the family quickly left home.

John Canty was being searchedsearch v.搜寻;搜查 for as a murderermurderer n.杀人犯.

They got to London Bridge. There was a great crowd. When some people started a fightfight n.打斗;打架, Edward ran away from John.

Edward went to the Guildhall and cried out, “Open the door! I am the Prince of Wales!” Soon Edward was surrounded by a crowd.

The crowd only laughed atlaugh at 嘲笑 the young boy.

A strangestrange adj.陌生的 man said to Edward, “Prince or not, you are bravebrave adj.勇敢的! Come with me.”

At that moment, a messengermessenger n.报信者 yelledyell v.大叫,叫喊,“The King is dead!” Everyone bowedbow v.低下(头) their heads. Then someone shouted,“Long live the King!”

Everyone was shouting for Edward Tudor, the new King of England. Edward was very sad. His father was dead!

The strange man took Edward to his room.

“Who are you?” Edward asked.

“I am Miles Hendon,” he answered and told his story.

“My father was a very rich and kind man. But my younger brother was bad and turned my father againstagainst perp.反对;与……相反 me. I was sent away to fight in the wars. I was capturedcapture v.俘虏;俘获 there and put in prisonprison n.监狱 for many years. But I got free and have just returned.”


One's words reflect one's thinking.


Then Edward told his own story.

“Poor boy! He thinks he is the king! His mind must be sicksick adj.生病的;有病的. Well, I will be his friend,” Miles said to himself.

The next morning, Miles went out to buybuy v.买 some clothes for Edward.

When he returned to the room, Edward was gone!

A strange man came and took Edward with him.

Edward followed the stranger out of London into the forestforest n.树林.

He thought they were going to meet Miles Hendon, but it was a tricktrick n.诡计;骗局. Tom's father was waiting for him. A group of thievesthief n.小偷 and beggars were there.

“Well, now do you know your father?” asked John Canty.

“My father was the king!” cried Edward.

The beggars and thieves laughed, and someone shoutedshout v.大喊.

“Long live Foo-foo the First!”

Edward went with a man namedname v.命名 Hugo to beg.

When a man came near, Hugo screamedscream v.尖叫, “Ahhh!”

And he said, “Please, sir, give me a pennypenny n.便士. My brother will tell you how sick I am.”

“I will give you three, you poor man,” the man said.

“He is not my brother,” Edward said.

“What? Not your brother? Who is he, then?” the man asked.

“A thief! He has picked your pocket,” Edward answered.

Hugo jumped up and ran away. Then Edward ran the other way.

The Prince's Adventures

Edward ran until he saw a little huthut n.简陋的小房子.

An old man was prayingpray v.祈祷;祷告 inside.

“A holyholy adj.神圣的 hermithermit n.隐士!” exclaimed Edward.

The hermit looked at him and said,“Who are you?”


Out of debt, out of danger.


“I am the King,” said Edward.

“Oh, welcome! Please come in,” said the hermit.

Edward went in and the hermit gave him some food.

But as soon as the boy fell asleepfall asleep 入睡, he took out his knifeknife n.小刀.

“His father, Henry, was a bad king. I will kill this boy!” he said to himself.

The hermit tiedtie v.(用线、绳等)系 him up and put a cloth in his mouth.

The hermit stood over Edward with his knife.

Suddenly, a man shouted, “Open the door!”

Oh, it was Miles Hendon.

The hermit droppedrop v.落下;掉下 the knife and went outside.

“Where is the boy? I know he is here because I saw his footprintsfootprint n.脚印!” said Miles.

“Oh, the poor boy? I sentsend v.派遣;打发 him to get something. I will show you which way to go in order toin order to 目的是;为了 find him,” said the hermit.

Edward tried to cry out but he couldn't. He was very sad when he heard them both walk away.

At that moment, the door opened again and John Canty and Hugo came in!

Hugo took Edward to the citycity n.城市.

He stolesteal v.偷;窃取 a woman's pig and ran away, putting the pig into Edward's hands.

The woman shouted, “Thief! Thief!”

Soon a crowd surrounded Edward.

Miles was close by to help.

The police came and took him to a judgejudge n.法官.

The judge asked, “How much does the pig cost?”

The woman answered, “Three shillingshilling n.先令 and eight pence.”

Then he said, “When someone steals a thing over the valuevalue n.价值 of thirteen pence, he will be hanged. Did you know that?”


Out of office, out of danger.


“Oh, I don't want the poor boy to be hanged! What can I do?” cried out the woman.

The judge said, “Changechange v.改变 the value of the pig.”

“Yes. The pig is eight pence,” the woman said.

The woman left and the policeman followedfollow v.跟随;跟着 her out.

He said, “It is a fat pig. I will buy it for eight pence.”

“No! It is worthworth adj.值……钱 more than that,” she said.

“Oh, is it? Then you liedlie v.说谎. Come with me and tell the truth to the judge. The boy will be hanged,” he said.

“OK, give me eight pence.”

Then she walked away crying.

The judge sentencedsentence v.判决;宣判 Edward to a short time in prison.

When the policeman led them away, Miles said to him, “I saw how you cheatedcheat v.欺骗;欺诈 that woman for her pig. Let us go, or I'll go to the judge and say everything.”

The policeman looked the other way as they ran away.

Miles and Edward traveledtravel v.长途行走;旅行 to Hendon Hall.

Miles ran into the great house and shouted, “Brother! I am home!”

A man looked up and said, “Poor stranger. I don't know you.”

“What! You are my brother, Hugh!” said Miles.

“Who are you?” asked the man.

“I am Miles Hendon, of course!” answered Miles.

“We got a letterletter n.信;信函 about six or seven years ago that Miles was deadead adj.死的,” said the man.

“Oh, stop this! Call my father, call my brother Andrew! They will know me,” shouted Miles.


Out of sight, out of mind.


“They were dead,” said the man.

Suddenly a policeman came and Miles and Edward were arrestedarrest v.逮捕;拘留.

Miles and Edward were taken to prison.

Miles' old servant secretlysecretly adv.秘密地 came to see him.

The servant said, “Hugh knows you are Miles, but he wants to keep all the family's wealth.”

One day the servant said, “A new king will be crownedcrown v.为……加冕.”

“Oh, no! The true king of England is here,” cried Edward.

Edward met two women in the prison.

“Why are you in prison?” asked Edward.

“Because we have a different religionreligion n.宗教信仰 from others,” answered the women.

Edward was taught a great lesson: “All kings should experiencexperience v.经历;经受 their own laws, and so learn mercymercy n.仁慈;宽恕.”

Who Is the True King?

Tom's coronationcoronation n.加冕;加冕典礼 day arrived.

He rode on a horse through the city streets.

When he smiled to the crowd, he saw a woman.

“Oh, she's my mother! Mom, I am Tom,” he said to himself.

He was alonealone adj.孤独的 and he missed his family.

Tom arrived at Westminster.

The Archbishop of Canterbury held uphold up 举起 the crown above Tom's head.

Suddenly somebody shouted, “Stop! Don't put the crown on his head!”

It was the true King, Edward.

Tom fell on his knees and cried out,“Oh, my King!”

All the people were confusedconfused adj.迷惑的;糊涂的. Who was the true king?

Then the king's advisoradvisor n.顾问;忠告者 asked Edward,“Where is the missing Great Seal of England?”

Edward said, “Go to my room and open the closet.”


Love me, love my dog.


A servant ran to get it but returned with nothing.

“The Seal is not there!” he said.

“Is it round? Does it have letters carvedcarve v.雕刻 on it? Oh, I see,” Tom shouted,“remember, my King, you put it in another place before you ran out of the room that day.”

“Oh, yes! I did! It's in the coat of armorarmor v.盔甲 in my room!” exclaimedexclaim v.惊叫;呼喊 Edward.

Finally the servant appearedappear v.出现 with the Great Seal in his hand.

When Edward was crowned, the crowd shouted, “Long live the King!”

Later, King Edward asked Tom, “How did you remember where I hid the Seal?”

“Because I used it for days,” said Tom.

“Used it? How?” asked King Edward, but Tom was silentsilent adj.沉默的.

“Speak up and don't fear,” said the King.

“To crackcrack v.砸开;破开 nuts with.”

The King laughed loudly.

That Tom was not the true King of England was now clear.

The King didn't forget his friends. He sent Hugh Hendon to prison and gave Miles his family home.

Tom was appointedappoint v.任命;委派 as Chief of Christ's Hospital.

He took care of the poor people in the streets.

Finally, the Prince and the Pauper were in their places again.

The King learned many things from his adventuresadventure n.冒险经历.

He never forgot those important lessons.

For the rest of his life, he was a good king.

Because he understood his people, and ruledrule v.统治 them with love.