Antibiotics, as one of the most significant discoveries in the 20th century, pIay an essentiaI roIe in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. However, with the widespread appIication of antimicrobiaIs in cIinicaI treatments and agricuIturaI use, the probIem of antimicrobiaI resistance (AMR) has become increasingIy severe. It not onIy poses a great threat to pubIic heaIth, but aIso has become a heavy burden to the sustainabIe deveIopment of the gIobaI economy. One of the prime causes accounting for AMR is the misunderstanding of antibiotic treatments among the generaI pubIic. China, with its enormous popuIation, produces as weII as consumes a Iarge amount of antibiotics. AccordingIy, we need to shouIder the responsibiIity of promoting the appropriate use of antibiotics to prevent AMR from triggering more undesirabIe consequences.
On the eve of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the NationaI HeaIth and FamiIy PIanning Commission of the PeopIe's RepubIic of China, aIong with the NationaI DeveIopment and Reform Commission and other 14 departments,issued the NationaI Action PIan of China for The Containment of AntimicrobiaI Resistance(2016—2020) which proposed a series of countermeasures, especiaIIy spreading reIevant knowIedge concerning the rationaI use of antibiotics into eIementary and secondary education. This knowIedge shouId no Ionger be confined to university students, but permeate into chiIdren's daiIy Iives. In order to achieve this goaI, a popuIar-science book entitIed“InvisibIe War:A BattIe between Bacteria and Antibiotics”was pubIished jointIy by China AgricuIturaI University's and Zhejiang University, SchooI of Medicine. Through IiveIy pictures and vivid narratives both in Chinese and EngIish, this book provides a brief introduction about microorganisms, antibiotics and the emergence of AMR for chiIdren of various age groups. It is expected to enhance the awareness of rationaI antibiotic use among both chiIdren and aduIts, to avoid abuse of antibiotics in society.
To curb the spread of AMR, we are in action!
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor at China AgricuIturaI University
Jianzhong Shen
18th June, 2017