第四章 合同的履行
Chapter Ⅳ Fulfillment of the Contract
第六十条 当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。
Article 60 The parties shall fulfill fully their respective obligations as contracted.
The parties shall observe the principle of good faith and fulfill the obligations of notification, assistance and confidentiality in accordance with the nature and aims of the contract and trade practices.
第六十一条 合同生效后,当事人就质量、价款或者报酬、履行地点等内容没有约定或者约定不明确的,可以协议补充;不能达成补充协议的,按照合同有关条款或者交易习惯确定。
Article 61 For a contract that has become valid, where the parties have not stipulated the contents regarding quality, price or remuneration or the place of performance, or have stipulated them unclearly, the parties may supplement them by agreement; if they are unable to reach a supplementary agreement, the problem shall be determined in accordance with the related clauses of the contract or with trade practices.
第六十二条 当事人就有关合同内容约定不明确,依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,适用下列规定:
Article 62 Where the parties have unclearly stipulated related contents in a contract and fails to determine them in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the following provisions shall apply:
(1)in case of unclear quality requirements, the contract shall be performed in accordance with State standards or trade standards,or in the absence of such standards, in accordance with common standards or special standards conforming to the aim of the contract;
(2)in case of unclear price or remuneration stipulation, the contract shall be performed in accordance with the market price in the place of contract performance at the time of the making of the contract, or according to the government-set price or governmentguided price if it is so required by law;
(3)in case of unclear stipulation of place of performance, where the payment is in cash, the contract shall be performed in the place of the cash recipient; where the payment is in real estate, the contract shall be performed in the place where the real estate is located; where other targeted matters are involved, the contract shall be performed in the place of the party fulfilling the obligations;
(4)in case of unclear time limit for the performance, the debtor may fulfill its obligations at any time, and the creditor may demand the fulfillment at any time, while giving the debtor necessary time to make preparations;
(5)in case of unclear mode of performance, the contract shall be performed in a manner conducive to the realization of the aim of the contract; and
(6)in case of unclear charge for the performance, the charge shall be borne by the party fulfilling the obligations.
第六十三条 执行政府定价或者政府指导价的,在合同约定的交付期限内政府价格调整时,按照交付时的价格计价。逾期交付标的物的,遇价格上涨时,按照原价格执行;价格下降时,按照新价格执行。逾期提取标的物或者逾期付款的,遇价格上涨时,按照新价格执行;价格下降时,按照原价格执行。
Article 63 For a contract with the government-set price or governmentguided price as the fulfilling price, where the government price is adjusted within the delivery period of the contract, the price at the time of delivery shall be the fulfilling price. Where an overdue delivery occurs and the price goes up at the delivery, the original price shall be the fulfilling price; if the price drops at the delivery, the new price shall be the fulfilling price. Where an overdue delivery-taking or overdue payment occurs, the new price shall be the fulfilling price if the price goes up; and the original price shall be the fulfilling price if the price goes down.
第六十四条 当事人约定由债务人向第三人履行债务的,债务人未向第三人履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定,应当向债权人承担违约责任。
Article 64 Where the parties agree that the debtor shall discharge the debts to a third party and where the debtor fails to do so or fails to meet its liability as contracted, the debtor shall bear the liability for breach of contract to the creditor.
第六十五条 当事人约定由第三人向债权人履行债务的,第三人不履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定,债务人应当向债权人承担违约责任。
Article 65 Where the parties agree that a third party shall discharge the debts to the creditor and where the third party fails to do so or fails to meet its liability as contracted, the debtor shall bear the liability for breach of contract to the creditor.
第六十六条 当事人互负债务,没有先后履行顺序的,应当同时履行。一方在对方履行之前有权拒绝其履行要求。一方在对方履行债务不符合约定时,有权拒绝其相应的履行要求。
Article 66 Where the parties are in debt to each other and there is no time order for discharging the debts, they shall meet their respective liabilities simultaneously. Either party has the right to reject the other party's demand for the discharge before the latter meets its own liabilities. Either party has the right to reject the other party's demand for the discharge if the latter fails to meet its liabilities as contracted.
第六十七条 当事人互负债务,有先后履行顺序,先履行一方未履行的,后履行一方有权拒绝其履行要求。先履行一方履行债务不符合约定的,后履行一方有权拒绝其相应的履行要求。
Article 67 Where the parties are in debt to each other and there is a time order for them to discharge the debts, the party which is the next to discharge the debts has the right to reject the discharge demanded by the party which is the first to meet its liabilities but fails to meet them. The party which is the next to discharge the debts has also the right to reject a corresponding discharge demanded by the party which is the first to meet its liabilities but fails to meet them as contracted.
第六十八条 应当先履行债务的当事人,有确切证据证明对方有下列情形之一的,可以中止履行:
Article 68 The party which ought to discharge its debts first may suspend the discharge if it has truthful evidence to prove that the other party falls under any of the following situations:
(1)business operations seriously deteriorating;
(2)diverting properties and withdrawing capital to evade debts;
(3)falling into business discredit; or
(4)other situations showing inability or possible inability to meet liabilities.
A party that suspends the discharge without truthful evidence shall bear the liability for breach of contract.
第六十九条 当事人依照本法第六十八条的规定中止履行的,应当及时通知对方。对方提供适当担保时,应当恢复履行。中止履行后,对方在合理期限内未恢复履行能力并且未提供适当担保的,中止履行的一方可以解除合同。
Article 69 Where a party suspends the discharge of its debts in accordance with the provisions of Article 68 of this Law, it shall promptly notify the other party of the suspension. The party shall resume the discharge when the other party provides a guarantee. The party that has suspended the discharge may dissolve the contract if the other party has failed to regain its capability of meeting its liabilities and to provide a guarantee within a reasonable period of time.
第七十条 债权人分立、合并或者变更住所没有通知债务人,致使履行债务发生困难的,债务人可以中止履行或者将标的物提存。
Article 70 If a creditor splits, merges or changes domicile without notifying the debtor and thus makes it difficult to discharge the debts, the debtor may suspend the discharge or deposit the targeted matter.
第七十一条 债权人可以拒绝债务人提前履行债务,但提前履行不损害债权人利益的除外。
Article 71 The creditor may refuse an anticipated discharge of debts by the debtor, except that the anticipated discharge does not impair the creditor's interest.
Any additional expenses caused to the creditor by the debtor's anticipated discharge of debts shall be borne by the debtor.
第七十二条 债权人可以拒绝债务人部分履行债务,但部分履行不损害债权人利益的除外。
Article 72 The creditor may refuse a discharge of debts in part by the debtor, except that the partial discharge does not impair the creditor's interest.
SAny additional expenses caused to the creditor by the debtor's discharge of debts in part shall be borne by the debtor.
第七十三条 因债务人怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以向人民法院请求以自己的名义代位行使债务人的债权,但该债权专属于债务人自身的除外。
Article 73 If a debtor is indolent in exercising its matured creditor's rights and thus causes losses to the creditor, the creditor may apply to a people's court to subrogate the debtor's creditor's rights and exercise them under the creditor's name, except for the creditor's rights exclusively belonging to the debtor.
The scope for exercising the subrogation is limited to the creditor's rights enjoyed by the creditor. The expenses required by the creditor's subrogation shall be borne by the debtor.
第七十四条 因债务人放弃其到期债权或者无偿转让财产,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。债务人以明显不合理的低价转让财产,对债权人造成损害,并且受让人知道该情形的,债权人也可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。
Article 74 If a debtor disclaims its due creditor's rights or transfers gratis its property and thus causes losses to the creditor, the creditor may apply to a people's court to rescind the debtor's action. The creditor may also apply to a people's court to rescind the debtor's action if the debtor causes losses to the creditor by transferring its property at a low price evidently unreasonable and with awareness of the transferee.
The scope for exercising the right of rescission is limited to the creditor's rights enjoyed by the creditor. The expenses required by the creditor in exercising its right of rescission shall be borne by the debtor.
第七十五条 撤销权自债权人知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起1年内行使。自债务人的行为发生之日起5年内没有行使撤销权的,该撤销权消灭。
Article 75 The right of rescission shall be exercised within one year from the day on which the creditor is aware or ought to be aware of the matters for the rescission. If a creditor does not exercise its right of rescission within five years from the day on which the action of the debtor occurred, the right of rescission shall vanish.
第七十六条 合同生效后,当事人不得因姓名、名称的变更或者法定代表人、负责人、承办人的变动而不履行合同义务。
Article 76 After a contract has become valid, neither party may refuse to perform its obligations under the contract due to any change in name or designation or any change in legal representative, person in charge or sponsor.