It is the inevitable choice to emphasize the copyright strategy management of digital publishing companies in the knowledge economy age. It must be resolved while China is practicing the intellectual property strategy. This book is about the digital publishing companies'copyright management, which is the preliminary exploration against the above background. In this book, the subject emphasizes the necessity and importance of the digital publishing companies' copyright management strategy in the knowledge economy age, and the main content is how to implement the strategy of the copyright management. The author analyzed and summarized China's digital publishing companies' problems in copyright management with the theory of strategy management and copyright management, and the method of investigation, literature research, comparative analysis and case study.
Digital publishers will become the main promoters to reconstruct the environmental balance of copyright interest while the old copyright interest balance has been breaking by the rapid changes in digital publishing technology, because the new copyright interest balance can achieve a reasonable maximum interest. Driven by this motivation, China's digital publishing companies also have to reconstruct the balance of copyright interest based on the strategic development perspective.
After the rapid development in recent years, China's digital publishing companies have developed the basic chain structure from content production to processing and then to digital distribution. Scanning the rapid developmental process of digital publishing industry, we found that macro copyright environment promote the digital publishing industry to boom including copyright laws, copyright policies, copyright market, technologies and so on. But at the micro level, the digital publishing companies always encounter some major issues in the practice of copyright business. One of them is the copyright dispute, which becomes the main obstacle to impede China's digital publishing companies to be bigger and stronger again and again. One way to solve this problem is to learn the experience of European and American digital copyright publishers. Through research we found that the European and American digital publishers are not entirely consistent in shaping the track with China's. Some digital publishers develop the digital content based on the traditional publishing giants and a number of IT companies start to expand the digital publishing business. As for the particular copyright management, European and American digital publishers pay attention to accessing copyright resources by strategic perspective. They acquire copyright resources not only by cooperating with traditional publishers both in the professional publishing and educational publishing, but also through high price, predatory, selfservice and other ways. European and American digital publishers also attach great importance to copyright protection, which provide a solid guarantee for companies'copyright market development through coping mechanisms in copyright disputes and copyright protection activist coalition building and the construction of copyright technical platforms. From above we can see that the European and American digital publishers who stress the awareness and operational experience in the strategic management of copyright should be learned by China's digital publishers, although there are some differences.
Through above we can draw a conclusion that it should focus on the publishing companies themselves to increase the copyright strategic management level. They should develop a clear strategic plan of copyright combined with their own situation, and then implement it from the support system and the specific operational strategies. In the mean time, they should construct a scientific evaluation index system of copyright business for enhancing the strategic management of copyright business through long-term dynamic control. Specifically, in terms of copyright strategy formulation, China's digital publishing enterprises should give full play to the inherent advantages of mass consumer market and massive copyright resources, actively develop the external opportunties supported by the digital publishing industry policy and the use of new media technologies. At the same time, digital publishers should avoid the lack of high quality resources, the seri ous piracy problems, the fierce competition at home and abroad. Companies should choose their own long-term development plan of copyright operational strategy according to their copyright resourses and operational capability. As for the copyright strategy implement, I think the copyright administrative support system of China's digital publishing enterprises should be organized by the copyright organization, copyright system, copyright culture and copyright technology. In the mean time, it is necessary to take some marketing operational strategy from the copyright obtained, copyright developed and copyright protection. As for the copyright strategy evaluation, China's digital publishers should choose twenty-four key indexes from four levels of copyright obtained, copyright development, copyright protection and copyright management to build a evaluation system to quantify the copyright business, so as to achieve long-term dynamic evaluation and control in the strategic management of copyright business.
Key words: Digital Publishers; Copyright; Strategic Management