Focus on Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
11. Read the following Part 2 prompt card.
Describe a movie that you have seen and enjoyed.
You should talk about:
what the movie was called
when and where you saw it
what type of movie it was (comedy, action, romance, etc) and say why you enjoyed it.
In the IELTS exam you have one minute to make quick notes about what you are going to say. Only write main words in your notes.
For example:
“Talk about why you enjoyed it.”
Your notes = Good story, famous actor, very good looking, lots of action.
12. Use these prompts to help you make quick notes before you speak.

13. Speak for half a minute, or longer if you can, about this topic to your partner. Use your notes to make longer sentences. Remember to use the same verb tense as the prompt card. For example:
The movie was called ……………….. I saw it……. (past simple tense)