Focus on Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
Describe a meal you particularly enjoyed.
You should mention:
where you ate
what you ate
who you were with
and why you enjoyed it.
28. Listen to a student speak about this topic.
“I’m going to talk about a meal I enjoyed. It was right after my university graduation, when I was about 21. My whole family came to see me graduate and it was a very proud day. After the ceremony we all went to a nearby restaurant, which was busy with other families who were all doing the same thing. The atmosphere was exciting and busy. The restaurant was beautiful, with long tables, candles and flowers. My family also gave me a huge bunch of flowers and some cards and special gifts. I was there with my mum, dad, two brothers and my grandfather and I remember that we ordered a lot of seafood and champagne to celebrate. I can’t really remember what else we ate, but the seafood was delicious. Oh, that’s right, we had lobster to share, which was amazing. We spent all afternoon at the restaurant, talking, eating and laughing. And of course, we took lots of photos. My father made a speech of congratulations and wished me good luck for the future. It was such an enjoyable day because I knew that my family was very proud of me and we all shared my celebration together. And everything about the restaurant was perfect. The waiters were friendly and the food was fantastic. I am happy that I remember this special day in my life so clearly.”
29. Answer the following questions:
a. What did the student eat?
b. Why was the meal special?
30. Look at the tape script.Circle the present tense verbs and underline the past simple verbs.What do you notice about the tenses the speaker has mainly used?
31. Think about a meal you have enjoyed and make your own answer to the prompt card. Use these questions to help you make notes before you speak.

32. Now use your notes to talk to your partner for one minute on this topic.
33. After making brief notes on each of the following topics, choose one to talk about.
• What you ate for breakfast today.
• Your favourtie fast food restaurant.
• A type of food you love.