Word List 03
stratagem / ˈstrætədʒəm / 阅
n. 战略,计谋 deceptive scheme
The sudden withdrawal of the enemy was nothing but a stratagem intended to lure us away.
aggregate ● / ˈæɡrɪɡeɪt / 阅
v. 使聚集,积聚 gather; accumulate
With this amount of fund, the company’s investment will aggregate to a large sum.
apposite / ˈæpəzɪt /
adj. 适当的,恰当的 appropriate; fitting
He could always make the apposite reply to the clients.
validate / ˈvælɪdeɪt / 阅
v. 确认;证实 confirm; ratify
These results of the experiments validated his theory.
credo / ˈkreɪdoʊ / 阅
n. 信条 creed
“Honesty is the best policy” is his credo in life.
disingenuous / ˌdɪsɪnˈdʒenjuəs / 阅
adj. 不真诚的,不坦率的 lacking genuine candor; insincere
His disingenuous apology made his girlfriend more dissatisfied with him.
slander / ˈslændər / 阅
n. 诽谤 defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements
The defendant countercharged the prosecutor with vicious slander.
liability / ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti / 阅
n. 不利条件,障碍;债务,负债 drawback; debts
Her slight accent was a liability that she was eventually able to overcome.
accessible ■ / əkˈsesəbl / 阅
adj. 易接近的,易得到的 easy to approach; obtainable
These comments are not accessible to students.
deviate / ˈdiːvieɪt / 阅
v. 背离,偏离 turn away from (a principle, norm); depart; diverge
The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path.
prolong / prəˈlɔːŋ / 阅
v. 延长,拖延 make longer; draw out; lengthen
Scientists all over the world are dedicated to discovering drugs that can prolong human life.
centrifugal / senˈtrɪfjəɡl /
adj. 离心的 radiating; departing from the center
Centrifugal force is actually a form of inertia.
erode / ɪˈroʊd / 阅
v. 侵蚀,腐蚀,削弱 eat away
The famous history site has been eroded away by wind and rain over thousands of years.
dishearten / dɪsˈhɑːrtn /
v. 使沮丧,使失去勇气或希望 discourage; cause to lose courage or hope
Jack’s failure to pass the final exam disheartened him.
mnemonic / nɪˈmɑːnɪk / 阅
adj. 记忆的,记忆性的 pertaining to memory
Fiona can use mnemonic tricks to master many new words at a time.
convert 阅
/ ˈkɑːnvɜːrt / n. 皈依者 one who has adopted a different religion or opinion
/ kənˈvɜːrt / v. 皈依;使改变 to persuade or induce to adopt a particular religion, faith, or belief; to change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another; adapt to a new or different purpose
He becomes a complete convert to Buddhism.
acrid ● / ˈækrɪd / 阅
adj. 尖刻的,辛辣的 sharp; bitterly pungent
The writer is famous for her essays with acrid flavor.
retroactive / ˌretroʊˈæktɪv / 阅
adj. 有追溯效力的 taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition (as a tax)
It is unknown whether the new regulations are retroactive or not.
congruent / ˈkɑːŋɡruənt / 阅
adj. 一致的 in agreement; corresponding
For them, there are many areas of congruent interests.
emendation / ˌiːmenˈdeɪʃn / 阅
n. 修改,改善 correction of errors; improvement
He said there would be some emendations to the statement.
duplicity ■ / duːˈplɪsəti / 阅
n. 口是心非,搞两面派,欺骗;虚伪 double-dealing; hypocrisy
She was furious at his duplicity and never believed him.
foster / ˈfɔːstər /
v. 抚育;鼓励 rear; encourage
She has fostered the orphan for eight years.
arcane / ɑːrˈkeɪn / 阅
adj. 神秘的;晦涩难懂的 secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated
To many westerners the oriental culture is still very arcane.
defunct / dɪˈfʌŋkt / 阅
adj. 已死的,已灭绝的;失效的 dead; no longer in use or existence
A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies.
tactile / ˈtæktl / 阅
adj. 触觉的,有触觉的 pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
Some animals have well-developed olfactory organs, while others have well-developed tactile organs.
multilingual / ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl /
adj. 使用多种语言的 having many languages
Switzerland is a multilingual country.
artless / ˈɑːrtləs /
adj. 无虚饰的;朴实的 without guile; open and honest
Jill is an artless and naive girl.
etymology / ˌetɪˈmɑːlədʒi /
n. 词源学 study of word parts
Knowing about the etymologies of words is a good way to remember them.
verbose ■ / vɜːrˈboʊs / 阅
adj. 啰嗦的,唠叨的 wordy
Your report is too long and verbose.
vilify ■ / ˈvɪlɪfaɪ / 阅
v. 诽谤,诋毁 slander
He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.
apprehension ■ / ˌæprɪˈhenʃn / 阅
n. 恐惧 fear
Her apprehension about the future grows stronger and stronger.
dictum / ˈdɪktəm /
n. 正式声明,权威意见;名言,格言 authoritative and weighty statement;saying; maxim
Webster’s dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.
quench / kwentʃ / 阅
v. 熄灭,抑制(欲望);满足 douse or extinguish; assuage or satisfy
I would rather drink cold water to quench my thirst instead of tea or coffee.
expedient ■ / ɪkˈspiːdiənt / 阅
adj. 权宜之计的;有利的 suitable; practical n. 权宜之计 action
It was an expedient to employ some part-time staff.
corrode ● / kəˈroʊd / 阅
v. 侵蚀 destroy by chemical action
Water causes metal to corrode.
rejuvenate / rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt /
v. 使返老还童,使恢复活力 make young again
It still remains a mystery why this medicine can rejuvenate the aged.
pivotal / ˈpɪvətl / 阅
adj. 关键的 crucial; key; vital
These regulations are pivotal to our economic interests in U.S.
notoriety ■ / ˌnoʊtəˈraɪəti /
n. 恶名,臭名昭著 disrepute; ill fame
His severe family violence has won him an unenviable notoriety.
prototype / ˈproʊtətaɪp / 阅
n. 原型,样板 original work used as a model by others
Technicians have begun testing a prototype of the new smart phone.
practicable / ˈpræktɪkəbl /
adj. 能实行的,行得通的 feasible
The couple agreed that the only practicable way for the time being was to sell the house.
impending / ɪmˈpendɪŋ / 阅
adj. 迫近的,即将来临的 nearing; approaching
We should get prepared for the impending financial crisis as soon as possible.
unimpeachable / ˌʌnɪmˈpiːtʃəbl / 阅
adj. 无可指摘的,可作模范的 blameless and exemplary
He is a man of unimpeachable character and conduct.
codify / ˈkɑːdɪfaɪ / 阅
v. 编成法典,编纂;整理 arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify
These procedures codify lessons from years of experience.
discount ■ / dɪsˈkaʊnt / 阅
v. 不考虑,忽视,漠视 disregard; dismiss
Parents should not discount what their child said.
brandish / ˈbrændɪʃ / 阅
v. 挥舞;炫耀 wave around; flourish
The man who is brandishing a chopper is completely out of control.
animated / ˈænɪmeɪtɪd / 阅
adj. 活生生的,活泼的 lively; spirited
We held an animated discussion over next year’s plans yesterday.
deplete / dɪˈpliːt / 阅
v. 用完,耗尽 reduce; exhaust
Mankind must take care not to deplete the Earth of its natural resources.
felicity / fəˈlɪsəti / 阅
n. 幸福;恰当,巧妙 happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.)
Different people have different definitions of felicity.
circumscribe / ˈsɜːrkəmskraɪb / 阅
v. 限制 limit; confine
The new traffic rules circumscribed some actions of the drivers.
rant ● / rænt / 阅
v. 咆哮,大声责骂;激昂地说,夸夸其谈 rave; scold; talk excitedly; make a grandiloquent speech
When he heard that his little boy lied at school, the father began to rant at his son with wild fury.
foolhardy ● / ˈfuːlhɑːrdi /
adj. 愚勇的,莽撞的 rash
It is foolhardy if we work against the giant company at this point.
decoy / ˈdiːkɔɪ /
n. 引诱;诱饵 lure or bait v. 诱捕 lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy
As soon as the ducks got near his decoy, the hunter fired.
domineer / ˌdɑːməˈnɪr/
v. 专横跋扈 rule over tyrannically
The officer often domineered over his inferiors.
adulterate / əˈdʌltəreɪt / 阅
v. 掺杂 make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances
It is illegal for the sellers to adulterate milk with water.
awe / ɔː / 阅
n. 敬畏 solemn wonder
He stood there motionlessly in awe of his uncle.
ascetic ■ / əˈsetɪk / 阅
adj. 修道的,苦行的 practicing self-denial; austere
Monks in China stand for a kind of ascetic lifestyle.
retract ■ / rɪˈtrækt /
v. 缩进;收回 withdraw; take back
The victim of the rape declared that she would never retract her statement regardless of any threat.
adroit / əˈdrɔɪt / 阅
adj. 熟练的,机敏的 skillful
We chose Jack because he is an adroit negotiator.
stolid ● / ˈstɑːlɪd /
adj. 不易激动的,感觉迟钝的 unruffled; impassive; dull
Ted and Chris are twin brothers. Ted is a romantic and passionate young man, while Chris is stolid and unimaginative.
succumb / səˈkʌm / 阅
v. 屈服,屈从;死 yield; give in; die
My father is addicted to smoking and succumbs to temptation whenever he sees a cigarette.
forum / ˈfɔːrəm /
n. 公共集会场地;讨论会 place of assembly to discuss public concerns; meeting for discussion
This program provided a valuable forum for students to exchange different ideas on cross-cultural communication.
petty / ˈpeti / 阅
adj. 琐碎的,不重要的,小的 trivial; unimportant; very small
The couple started having squabbles over petty little things only one month after their marriage.
uniformity ■ / ˌjuːnɪˈfɔːməti / 阅
n. 同样,一致 sameness; monotony
Though they showed no uniformity of dress, they did have favored styles and armament.
cater to 阅
迎合 supply something desired (whether good or bad)
Their website was designed to cater to young mothers.
prestige / preˈstiːʒ / 阅
n. 声望,威望 impression produced by achievements or reputation
Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games greatly added to China’s international prestige.
haphazard / hæpˈhæzərd / 阅
adj. 偶然的,随意的;杂乱无章的 random; unsystematic; aimless
The rescue operation seemed to be totally haphazard.
synoptic / sɪˈnɑːptɪk / 阅
adj. 提要的,摘要的 providing a general overview; summary
The author made a synoptic analysis of the development of cloning technology in the article.
seismic / ˈsaɪzmɪk /
adj. 地震的 pertaining to earthquakes
The frequent seismic activities in the past year have disturbed the citizens throughout the country.
extol ■ / ɪkˈstoʊl / 阅
v. 赞美,颂扬 praise; glorify
They extolled Sam’s carving techniques.
embrace / ɪmˈbreɪs /
v. 拥抱;欣然采纳;包括 to hug; to accept sth readily; to include
He embraced an opportunity to get promoted.
amnesia / æmˈniːʒə / 阅
n. 记忆缺失,健忘症 loss of memory
An accident resulted in her suffering from amnesia.
comeuppance / kʌmˈʌpəns /
n. 报应 rebuke; deserts
The Buddhists believe in comeuppance.
lethal / ˈliːθl / 阅
adj. 致命的 deadly
Have you seen the movie named Lethal Weapon?
vindicate ■ / ˈvɪndɪkeɪt / 阅
v. 证明无罪;为…辩护,支持 clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support
He tried hard to vindicate his innocence.
indifferent ■ / ɪnˈdɪfrənt / 阅
adj. 冷漠的,不关心的;一般的,中等的 unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre
People has become more and more indifferent to each other nowadays.
anticlimax / ˌæntiˈklaɪmæks /
n. 突降,虎头蛇尾 letdown in thought or emotion
The beginning of the film was fine, but the rest was actually an anticlimax.
material / məˈtɪriəl / 阅
adj. 物质的;具体的;重要的 made of physical matter; unspiritual; important
Reporters nicknamed the new singer the Material Girl.
modicum / ˈmɑːdɪkəm / 阅
n. 少量,一点点 limited quantity
Henry only has a modicum of privacy in the face of his wife.
maverick / ˈmævərɪk / 阅
n. 持不同意见者,独来独往者 rebel; nonconformist
She was too much of a maverick ever to make many friends.
spendthrift / ˈspendθrɪft /
n. 挥霍者 someone who wastes money
Compared with his extravagant father, he is far from being a spendthrift.
incriminate / ɪnˈkrɪmɪneɪt / 阅
v. 控告…有罪,使负罪 accuse
Both of them were incriminated to the jury.
feign / feɪn / 阅
v. 假装,装(睡、病等) pretend
He feigned illness at home in order not to take part in the activity.
brawn / brɔːn / 阅
n. 肌肉的力量;强壮 muscular strength; sturdiness
Both brains and brawn are important in completing this job.
bane / beɪn /
n. 祸根,灾星 cause of ruin; curse
Money is the bane of evil.
thwart / θwɔːrt / 阅
v. 阻挠;妨碍 prevent; frustrate; oppose and defeat
My younger brother’s ambition to join the army was thwarted by poor eyesight.
archaeology / ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒi / 阅
n. 考古学 study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
The professor is the authority in the field of archaeology.
addle / ˈædl /
v. 使糊涂;腐坏 muddle; drive crazy; become rotten
Some fruit addles quickly in summer.
pious / ˈpaɪəs / 阅
adj. 虔诚的;宗教的 devout; religious
How to be pious without becoming hypocritical is a huge challenge for church people.
optimist ■ / ˈɑːptɪmɪst / 阅
n. 乐观主义者 person who looks on the good side
The pessimist thinks that the glass is half-empty; while the optimist considers that it is half-full.
impeccable ■ / ɪmˈpekəbl /
adj. 无瑕疵的 faultless
His manners were impeccable.
alacrity / əˈlækrəti / 阅
n. 敏捷,轻快;爽快,乐意 cheerful promptness; eagerness
I proposed to my son that he finish his assignments first, and then watch cartoon. He accepted that with alacrity.
simplistic / sɪmˈplɪstɪk / 阅
adj. 过分单纯化的 oversimplified
The expert’s assessment of the complex relationship between the two countries sounds rather simplistic.
ancestry / ˈænsestri / 阅
n. 祖先;世系 family descent
In recent years many African Americans have started to trace their ancestry in the African continent.
reputed / rɪˈpjuːtɪd /
adj. 一般认为的,普遍认定的,号称的 supposed
No one is sure whether the reputed father is his biological father or not.
fervor ■ / ˈfɜːrvər / 阅
n. 热情,热烈 glowing ardor; intensity of feeling
He threw himself into the work he loved with all fervor.
accommodate / əˈkɑːmədeɪt / 阅
v. 帮助;调节;使适应 oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt
As a freshman, I need to accommodate to the new timetable.
astute ■ / əˈstuːt / 阅
adj. 机敏的;狡猾的 wise; shrewd; keen
Foxes are described as very astute in the stories.
pantomime / ˈpæntəmaɪm / 阅
n. 哑剧 acting without dialogue
Some people feared that Chaplin’s pantomime art was under threat.
permeate / ˈpɜːrmieɪt / 阅
v. 渗透,弥漫 pass through; spread
Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.
exemplify ■ / ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪ / 阅
v. 作为…的范例 serve as an example of; embody
All these recipes exemplify my cooking healthy, delicious and quick.