Word List 11

trust/ trʌst / vt./n. 相信,信任,信赖
[例] a lack of trust 缺乏信任
[参] trustworthy(adj. 可信赖的);trustful(adj. 相信的,信任的)
height/ haIt / n. 高,高度
[记] high(adj. 高的) 的名词形式
[例] What is your height ? 你有多高?
forget/ fəˋget / v.(forgot, forgotten, forgetting) 忘记,忘掉
[用] 1. forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过…: I'll never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time. 我永远无法忘记和小学校长初次见面时的情景。2. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事: She forgot to post the letter. 她忘记寄信了。注意: 后接doing和to do时含义不同的动词还有:regret, remember, stop, try等,一般来说,doing表示动作已发生,to do表示动作还未发生。但是stop doing sth. 表示“停下正在做的事”,stop to do sth. “停下来去做另外一件事”;try to do sth. 表示“努力做某事”;try doing sth. 表示“试着做某事”。
[参] forgetful(adj. 健忘的,不留心的)

common/ ˋkɒmən / adj. 普通的;公共的;共有的
[考] 1. have... in common 共同,共有…: We have our differences, but we have a lot in common. 我们有所不同,但也有许多相同之处。 2. common sense 常识
broadcast/ ˋbrɔːdkɑːst / v.(broadcast/broadcasted, broadcast/broadcasted, broadcasting) 广播 n. 广播节目
[记] 联想记忆:broad(宽,广)+cast(投,射) →传播的范围很广→广播
[例] The station begins broadcasting at 6 a.m. 电台清晨6点开始广播。
primary/ ˋpraIməri / adj. 初级的;首要的
[记] 词根记忆:prim(第一,首要)+ary(…的)→首要的
[例] primary school 小学 // Her primary aim is to get into a medical school. 她的首要目标是考上医学院校。
stay/ steI / v. 保持,停止,阻止 n. 逗留(时间)
[用] stay+adj. 保持…: How does sea water stay clean? 海水是怎样保持清洁的呢?// stay alive 维持生存
[例] Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while. 迈克渴望摆脱繁忙的都市生活一段时间。// How long are you staying in Xi'an? 你准备在西安待多久?
[考] stay up 熬夜
such/ sʌtʃ / adv. 那么,如此 adj. 这样的,那样的 pron.(泛指) 人,事物
[用] 1. such+a/an+(adj.)+n.:such a loss 这样的损失 2. such+复数名词/不可数名词: The ladies took only tea and coffee and such drinks.女士们只喝茶、咖啡以及诸如此类的饮料。// such unselfish love 如此无私的爱 3. no/any/all/many+such+可数名词: As I know, there is no such car in this neighborhood. 据我所知,这附近没有这样的车。4. such... that... 如此…以至于: They were such fun that I spent the whole day with them. 他们有趣极了,所以我和他们待了一整天。// We were in such an anxious rush that we forgot the airline tickets. 我们如此匆忙以至于忘了拿飞机票。
[考] such as 诸如,例如
[参] so(conj./pron./adv. 如此,这么)
review/ rIˋvjuː / vt. 复习;重新调查 n. 复习;复查;评论
[记] re(重新)+view(看)→重新看→复习
[例] to review the situation 回顾形势 // book review 书评 // to review last week's lessons 复习上周的功课
regret/ rIˋgret / n. 遗憾,懊悔;令人遗憾的事 vt.(regretted, regretted, regretting) 遗憾;后悔
[用] 1. regret作名词时,如果表示遗憾、懊悔的情绪,为不可数名词;如果意为感到遗憾的事或歉意,则为可数名词。I can't come—please give them my regrets. 我不能来了,请代我向他们表示歉意。2. regret doing sth.(=regret to have done sth.) 为做过某事而后悔: Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn't have done? 你是否曾经为做了不该做的事情而后悔? 3. regret to do sth. 为要做某事而遗憾(动词常为say, inform, tell等表示“通知、告诉”等含义的词) : I regret to say that you have failed your exam. 我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试不及格。 4. 后接doing和to do时含义不同的动词还有:forget, remember, stop, try等。
[例] My only regret is that I could not devote more time to the just cause. 我唯一的憾事是不能花更多的时间在这一正义的事业上。// Have a care of what you say or you may regret it. 注意自己说的话,不然你会后悔的。
[考] 1. have no regrets 毫无遗憾: He said he had no regrets about leaving the university. 他说他对离开大学毫不遗憾。 2. much to one's regret 令某人非常遗憾或抱歉的是: Much to my regret, I must leave now. 很抱歉,我现在得走了。
fresh/ freʃ / adj. 新鲜的;不熟练的
[例] fresh fruits 新鲜的水果 // She's quite fresh to office work. 她没有办公室工作的经验。
[参] freshness(n. 新鲜)
tradition/ trəˋdIʃn / n. 传统,惯例
[例] diet tradition 饮食习惯
moral/ ˋmɒrəl / adj. 道德的,精神的 n. 道德;寓意
[记] 词根记忆:mor(道德)+al(…的)→道德的
[例] I can't help your plan with money, but I'll give you moral support. 我拿不出钱来支持你们的计划,但是我会给你们精神上的支持。
[参] morally(adv. 道德上地);morality(n. 道德)
hopeless/ ˋhəʊpləs / adj. 没有希望的;不可救药的
[记] 组合词:hope(希望)+less(少的)→缺少希望的→没有希望的
[例] This group of young teenagers feel hopeless about their future. 这群年轻人感到前途无望。
uniform/ ˋjuːnIfɔːm / n. 制服
[记] 词根记忆:uni(单一)+form(形式) →单一形式→制服
[例] School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across the USA. 校服在美国变得越来越流行。
delighted/ dIˋlaItId / adj. 高兴的,快乐的
[例] John was very delighted to do his classmates a favor. 约翰很高兴为他的同学效劳。
[参] delightful(adj. 使人快乐的;宜人的)
forehead/ ˋfɔːhed / n. 前额
[记] 词根记忆:fore(前)+head(头部)→额头
[例] There is a pain in my forehead. 我额头疼。
could/ kʊd /(can的过去式) modal v. 表示能力、许可、请求、可能等
[用] 1. 表示可能,只能用于肯定句: 表示现在或将来的可能用could+do/be...: It could be a trap. 这可能是个陷阱。表示过去的可能用could+have+done/been: They could have forgotten to phone. 他们可能忘了打电话。注意:may和might以及can都有类似的用法。2. 用于否定句,表示否定推测: 对现在或将来的否定推测用couldn't+do/be...: You couldn't talk to the dead. 你不可能和死人谈话。对过去的否定推测用couldn't+have+done/been: They couldn't have gone skiing in the mountains last winter because there was little snow there. 去年冬天他们不可能去山里滑雪,因为那儿根本没有什么雪。注意区别:could和can用于否定句可以表示“不可能”,而may或might用于否定句表示“可能不”,如: He may/might not know the truth. 他可能不知道真相。// He can/could not know the truth. 他不可能知道真相。
[例] He could read when he was three. 他三岁时就能认字。// Could you give me a ride to school? 我能搭你的车去学校吗?
base/ beIs / n. 根据地;底部 vt. 以…为基础,基于…
[例] base station 基点,基地 // a wooden base 木制底
[考] be based on... 以…为基础: One's success is based on how hard he has tried. 一个人的成功基于他努力的程度。
[参] basis(n. 基础,根据)
bleed/ bliːd / v.(bled, bled, bleeding) 出血,流血
[例] The cut on my arm bled for a long time. 我胳膊上的伤口流了好长时间血。

use / juːz / vt. / juːs / n. 利用;应用
[考] 1. make(better/the best) use of(较好地/充分地) 利用 2. come into use 开始投入使用 3. use up 用光
[参] useful(adj. 有用的,有益的);useless(adj. 无用的);user(n. 使用者,用户)
allow/ əˋlaʊ / vt. 允许,准许
[用] 1. allow(doing) sth. 允许(做) 某事: Smoking is not allowed in public. 公共场所不许吸烟。2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,注意其被动形式是sb. be allowed to do sth.: The government servants aren't allowed to accept rewards. 公务员不得接受酬谢。
skillful/ ˋskIlfl / adj. 熟练的;技艺精湛的;灵巧的
[例] Michael Jordan is a skillful basketball player in America. 迈克尔·乔丹是一名技艺精湛的美国篮球运动员。
[参] skillfully(adv. 巧妙地;技术好地);skilled(adj. 熟练的)
辨:skilled, skillful
listen/ ˋlIsn / vi. 听,仔细听,留神听
[例] English majors usually practise English by listening to the radio. 英语专业的学生通常会通过收听广播来练习英语。
pleasant/ ˋpleznt / adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的
[例] They had a pleasant chat over a cup of coffee. 他们一起喝了杯咖啡,谈得很开心。
[参] unpleasant(adj. 令人不愉快的,讨厌的);pleasantness(n. 愉快;舒适)
leather/ ˋleðə / n. 皮革
[记] 联想记忆: 天气(weather) 对皮(leather) 毛(feather) 制品的保存有影响
characteristic/ ˌkærəktəˋrIstIk / adj. 特有的,独特的,典型的
[例] People living in cities have to bear the characteristic noises there. 住在城市里的人不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。
shine/ ʃaIn / v. 发光;照耀
[记] 联想记忆: 太阳照耀(shine),蝙蝠害羞(shy)得藏在洞中
[例] The clean window is shining when sunlight is getting through. 阳光射进来的时候,干净的玻璃窗闪闪发光。
generation/ ˌdʒenəˋreIʃn / n. 代,一代
[记] 词根记忆:gener(出生,产生)+ation→代,一代
[例] generation gap 代沟
dusty/ˋdʌsti / adj. 尘土般的;尘土多的
[例] If your computer is dusty, use a clean cloth to clean it. 如果你的电脑沾满了灰,用一块干净的布清理一下。
permission/ pəˋmIʃn / n. 允许,许可,同意
[记] 词根记忆:per(贯穿,自始至终)+miss(送)+ion→自始至终都有人不允许发送→允许
[例] The company has been given no permission to expand its market. 该公司还没被批准扩大市场。
turn/ tɜːn / v. 旋转;转变;转弯 n. 轮流
[用] 1. turn out to be 结果是,原来是: The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 结果天气非常好,这大大超出了我们的预料。2. turn+n./adj. 变成/变得…: Lu Xun was a medical student before he turned writer. 鲁迅成为作家之前是学医的。注意:turn后接名词时不需要冠词。
[例] Her face turns red. 她脸红了。// at the turn of the century 在世纪之交
[考] 1. turn away 走开;转过脸 2. turn down 调低(声音);拒绝 3. turn in 上交 4. turn into(使)变成 5. turn on/off 打开/关闭 6. turn out 生产;证实;发觉是 7. turn over 翻转;移交 8. turn to 转向;变成;求助于 9. turn up 调大(声音);出现,到来 10. in turn 轮流,按次序
enjoy/ InˋdʒɔI / v. 欣赏,享受…之乐趣;喜欢
[记] 词根记忆:en(使…进入状态)+joy(欢乐,喜悦) →享受…之乐趣
[考] 1. enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 2. enjoy sth. 喜欢某事物: He didn't enjoy the meal. 他不喜欢这顿饭。3. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事: They enjoy watching TV before going to bed. 他们喜欢睡觉前看电视。
[参] enjoyment(n. 快乐,喜欢)
nature/ ˋneItʃə / n. 自然;性质;本性
[记] 词根记忆:nat(出生的)+ure(表状态)→本性
[例] I love getting close to nature. 我十分喜欢亲近大自然。
[考] by nature 生来
[参] natural(adj. 自然的);naturally(adv. 自然地);unnatural(adj. 不自然的)
civilization/ ˌsIvəlaIˋzeIʃn / n. 文明,文化
[例] the civilization of ancient Egypt 古埃及文明
[参] civilize(vt. 使开化,使文明)
cheque/ tʃek /(美check) n. 支票
[例] a blank cheque 空白支票
bathe/ beIð / v. 洗澡,沐浴,浸洗
[例] I bathed and changed my clothes. 我洗了澡,换了衣服。
[参] bathing(n. 游泳,洗海水澡)
convenient/ kənˋviːniənt / adj. 便利的,方便的
[记] 词根记忆:con+veni(=ven,来)+ent(…的)→来去自如的→便利的
[考] 1. be convenient to sb. 对某人来说方便: Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 只要方便,你可以随时来看我。2. convenient to do sth. 便于做某事: The mobile phone is fashionable in style and convenient to carry. 该手机外形时尚且便于携带。
[参] convenience(n. 便利)
glory/ ˋglɔːri / n. 光荣,荣誉
[记] 词根记忆:glor(光荣)+y→光荣,荣誉
[例] win glory for one's country为国争光
1. Try not to cough more than you can ______ since it may cause problems to your lungs.(2013全国1卷)
A. check
B. allow
C. stop
D. help
2. Would you please keep silent? The weather report ______and I want to listen.(2009湖南)
A. is broadcast
B. is being broadcast
C. has been broadcast
D. had been broadcast
3. Letterboxes are much more ______ in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.(2006浙江)
A. common
B. normal
C. ordinary
D. usual
4. You and I could hardly work together, ______?(2009湖南)
A. could you
B. couldn't I
C. couldn't we
D. could we
5. The secretary arranged a(n) ______ time and place for the applicants to have an interview.(2012天津)
A. important
B. spare
C. public
D. convenient
6. Daniel's family ______ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.(2009安徽)
A. are enjoying
B. are to enjoy
C. will enjoy
D. will be enjoying
7. Thousands of people ______ to watch yesterday's match against Ireland.(2010辽宁)
A. turned on
B. turned in
C. turned around
D. turned out
8. — What are you reading, Tom?
— I'm not really reading, just ______ the pages.(2008全国2卷)
A. turning off
B. turning around
C. turning over
D. turning up
9. In those days, our ______ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care.(2008湖北)
A. normal
B. constant
C. permanent
D. primary
10. Don't worry if you don't understand everything; the teacher will ______ the main points at the end.(2009天津)
A. recover
B. review
C. require
D. remember
11. The Great Wall is ______ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.(2009上海)
A. so a well⁃known
B. a so well⁃known
C. such well⁃known
D. such a well⁃known
12. The hotel wasn't particularly good. But I ______ in many worse hotels.(2008全国2卷)
A. was staying
B. stayed
C. would stay
D. had stayed
13. — Robert is indeed a wise man.
— Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ______ his advice!(2007安徽)
A. to take
B. taking
C. not to take
D. not taking
14. A great man shows his greatness ______ the way he trusts little men.(2008福建)
A. under
B. with
C. on
D. by
15. — It's the office!So you ______ know eating is not allowed here.
— Oh, sorry.(2009湖南)
A. must
B. will
C. may
D. need
In order that people may be happy in their work, these things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it.
为了使人们在工作时感到快乐,必须做到以下三点: 他们一定要胜任自己的工作;他们不可做得太多;他们必须对自己的工作有成就感。
——英国作家 罗斯金(John Ruskin, British writer)