



本书所收录的所有词汇都属于近些年考过的高频单词。为了让读者更加深刻地理解词汇在实际中的运用,我们参考了美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English)中主词条出现的频率,由低到高将词频分为1~5五个等级,供读者参考。

单词的中英文释义。每个词的释义,并不是机械地搬运词典释义,而是结合具体考点语境做出对应的解释。英文释义从《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)simple definition或full definition当中选择性摘录,同时也参考了美国传统词典(American Heritage Dictionary)的释义。

provincial [prəˈvɪnʃl]

【释】adj. 眼光狭隘的 limited in outlook

【例】After encountering a wide range of perspectives at college, Emma began to question if her previous outlook had been too provincial and conservative.


【释】adj. 乡下的 lacking the polish of urban society

【例】After moving to the city, Jon realized that his hometown theater was only a provincial imitation of Broadway.

insensitive [ɪnˈsensətɪv]

【释】adj. 漠视的,不在乎的 not responsive or susceptible

【例】Emma was gradually alienated by her colleagues due to her insensitive behavior and lack of empathy.

shackle [ˈʃækl]

【释】v. 阻碍 to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps

【例】The prisoners were rendered immobile as their limbs were cruelly shackled to the poles with thick metal chains.


在GRE考试中,有一种题型叫做句子等价(sentence equivalence),俗称“六选二”。其中绝大多数情况下是要求考生选择一对同义词,使句子的逻辑变得通顺。基于实际考试,我们将考过的六选二词对予以标明,使所背即考点,性价比更高。

注意:(1)有的时候两个词在原考题语境中是一对正确选项(比如说inferable from与entailed by)抛离了语境可能不是一对同义词,会使读者产生困惑,不用纠结,做到面熟即可。




cumbersome [ˈkʌmbərsəm]

【释】adj. 笨拙的 unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk

【例】The train journey was uncomfortable because the lady seated next to me was carrying some cumbersome baggage that she refused to store away in the roof rack.


【派】cumber(v. 阻碍,挡路)

encomium [enˈkoʊmiəm]

【释】n. 赞美 glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise

【例】Sir John Rose, the former boss of Rolls-Royce, deserves the encomium he receives from the public as he is a truly tremendous business leader.



decelerate [ˌdiːˈseləreɪt]

【释】v. 减缓 to decrease the rate of progress of

【例】The software company decided to decelerate their pace of introducing new products, and focus on improving existing ones.

revitalize [ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz]

【释】v. 使…复活 to make active, healthy, or energetic again

【例】The shampoo commercial dishonestly claimed that the product could revitalize tired hair and cure split ends.

indisputable [ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl]

【释】adj. 不容置疑的 impossible to question or doubt

【例】Given the indisputable video-replay evidence, the referee had no choice but to overturn the touchdown.


roost [ruːst]

【释】v. 栖息 to settle down for rest or sleep

【例】Some species of birds prefer to roost in the shady woods during the day as they are kept safe from predators due to the use of camouflage.
