Urbanization is the unavoidable result of human society's development. The process of urbanization is one that protects the rural residents' rights and benefits, and that promotes the full and free development of individuals. The modernization of human beings is the true nature of urbanization, as well as the fundamental demand of the new-type urbanization in the new era. In the new century, our country has adopted a new-type developing way that is“taking the large cities as the centre, the middle and small cities as a second important centre, counties as a bond, towns as the endings, and rural communities as fundamental supporters”. In the process of new-type urbanization, rural communities, as the endings of the new-type urban system, play an important part in the process of the new-type urbanization. In addition, the establishment and management of rural communities are closely connected with the modernization of our country. The modernization of rural communities' management is a fundamental project supporting that of our country.
However, in the rapid development of modernization, the management of rural communities, as a matter of fact, is out of date and, is holding back the modernization of our country. If confined by kinds of regulations and systems, it is difficult for farmers to leave their hometown, even if they can leave their farms. Influenced by the restrictions of these regulations and systems, the politics and economy of the rural communities are interwoven; the management is conservative and exclusive; the outsiders fail to move in and fit in with the locals and to participate in the managing activities of the local communities. As a consequence, in the combination of openness and moving, it is hard to preserve the legal interests of rural residents. The union of the politics, economy, administration and social function of the communities, the incomplete growth of society, as well as the weak foundation all restrict the full development of autonomy. Besides, the weakening of collective economy, and management services' function make it difficult to satisfy the dramatically increasing spiritual and physical demands of farmers. The traditional management system which takes the villages and villagers as foundation, makes it difficult for every resident of the rural communities to receive the services offered by the government, leading to the new-type service government and the construction of people's livelihood facing great challenges. The urban-rural dualism is preventing the development of modern society and the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. What's more, the respective management of towns and cities also does harm to the fusion and mixture of towns and cities. Now the urgent problem deserving research is how to reform the traditional management of rural communities, to make the farmers have more free rights and developing space, fulfill the modernization of human beings, to promote the fusion of towns and cities, and to guarantee the management of modernization in our country
Based on this, this book conducts systematic research about the management issues of rural communities in the process of the new-type urbanization. Considering the differences of different regions in social development in our countryside, in fundamental conditions, in the challenges faced as well as the goals to fulfill in the rapid progress of urbanization, this book chooses three typical rural communities as samples to analyze; the chosen three kinds of rural communities are agricultural communities, non-agricultural ones and commercial ones. By comparing and analyzing the management of these three kinds of communities in the progress of new-type urbanization, this book aims to explore the management transformation of rural communities, themodernization and other related issues in the new era. Firstly, this book analyzes the internal and external environment of contemporary rural community governance reform and innovation in the process of new-type urbanization, and attaches great importance to exploring the impact of modern development on the contemporary agriculture, farmers and countryside. Under this background, the book analyzes the deficiency of modernization of rural grassroots governance. Second, this book conducts in-depth comparative analysis of the background of the reform of rural community governance and the driving mechanism, the main content and practice methods, reconstruction of new type of organization and the governance participants, the reconstruction of new governance mechanism in the three chosen types of agricultural, non-agricultural and commercial communities. Analyzing the logic of the rural community governance reform in these areas, and exploring the common features and differences of the rural community governance in different areas, this book, in the process of discussion, achieves the combination of the comparative analysis of local government“top-down”reform and of the community residents“bottom-up”perspective, not only paying attention to the process of the government“top-down”reform, but also paying attention to analyzing, in the interests of rural community residents, who are most closely connected with the interests of the rural community governance reform, their feelings, vision and interests requests for the rural community construction and governance, investigating what they think, what they meditate, what they expect and what they have done, to explore the tension between the government planning and community residents willing.
In the end, the book discusses how to realize the effective governance of the rural communities in the process of urbanization. In the discussion part, the book firstly puts forward the question of the background of modernization for rural community governance reform and innovation and practice; secondly, it reviews the historical process of rural community governance in our country and basic characteristics; in addition, it also carries on thorough analysis of the realistic characteristics of the current rural community governance; then, it points out the goals for rural communities to achieve the modernization of governance; on this basis, the book digs the value pursuit of modernization of rural community governance and management concept, management mode, and the strategic thinking. Finally, it deeply analyzes the key points, the key factors, constitutive requirements, and other theoretical issues of the modernization of rural community governance. Finally, the the book puts forward some policy ideas to promote the modernization of rural community governance in the context of new urbanization.
Overall, the contemporary rural community governance reform is the planning adjustment of the grassroots social governance in order to adapt to modern social development, and is the embodiment of grassroots governance modernization. Through the governance reforms, the rural residents are free from various bondages and are provided with a broader historical stage and more freedom for their full development, which is the very obligation and responsibility of the national public power, the nature embodiment of public power operation and the fundamental expression of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. However, in the new historical period, due to the differences of the social foundation, development concept, mode and comprehensive consideration factors, the implementation of the plan differ in different areas, and many areas of community governance has not achieved good results. Contemporary rural community governance reform and modernization, which performs under the background of the national governance modernization, should take the“modernization of human beings”as the fundamental goal all the time; it needs the government leading planning, delegating more powers to lower-level governments and to societyin general while improving regulation, developing and strengthening social forces, finally leading various parties to participate together, and forming a good situation of collaborative work. Meanwhile, we also need to regulate the behavior of different participants, establish rules of consensus, truly safeguard the vital interests of the people through reform, meet the demand of public interests, safeguard social harmony and stability, promote the smooth transition of grassroots social governance, and also make the community governance reform in the new period truly become a powerful booster force of governance modernization.
Keywords: the new-type urbanization; the governance of rural communities; reform; the modernization of human being