Day 06

You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.
[ˈkredɪt] n. 赊账期限;信贷,赊欠;赞扬,功劳;学分;信任 vt. 信任,相信;把…记入贷方;把…归于
例 The car dealer promised to provide the consumer with a ¥30,000 credit loan without interest for one year. 汽车经销商允诺可以给消费者提供3万元的一年期无息贷款。
商 credit account 赊购账户 / credit balance 贷方余额 / credit card 信用卡 / credit control信贷管理 / credit rating 信用等级 / credit sale 赊售;赊销 / letter of credit 信用证 / credit $8,000 to his account 将8000美元打到他的账户
搭 do credit to 为…争光 / have sth. to one's credit 完成…;取得… / on credit 赊购 / to one's credit 值得赞扬
派 creditable adj. 值得表扬的 / credibility n. 可信度,可信性 / creditor n. 债权人,贷方
[ʃɒp] n. 商店,店铺 vi. 到商店去购物 vt. 购买(商品)
例 Setting up shop on the web is an increasingly attractive option for young people. 越来越多的年轻人选择在网上开店。
商 set up shop 开店;开始营业 / shop assistant店员 / shop floor (工厂工人的)工作场所 / shut up shop 关店,打烊;歇业
派 shopping n. 购物 (例:shopping list 购物清单 / shopping mall 购物中心) / shopkeeper n. 店主
[ɪɡˈzɪst] vi. 存在;维持生存
例 The problem has existed in the business field for quite a long time, but it has not been properly dealt with yet. 该问题已经在商业领域存在很长时间了,但是它至今仍未得到妥善解决。
派 existent adj./n. 存在的(物);实有的(物) / existence n. 存在;生活方式 / existing adj. 存在的;现行的;实在的 (例:existing problem存在的问题)
[rɪˈspɒnsəbl] adj. 需负责任的;有责任感的;应归咎的;责任重大的
例 He is responsible for the financial department in this company. 他负责公司财务部的工作。
搭 be responsible for 对…负责
[ɪˈmædʒɪn] vt. 想象;设想,料想,猜想;(错误地或无根据地)以为
例 You can hardly imagine that the decision has brought such heavy losses to our company.你几乎难以想象这个决定给我们公司带来了如此严重的损失。
搭 imagine (doing) sth. 假想(做)…
派 imaginable adj. 可想象的;想象得到的 / imaginary adj. 幻想的;虚构的(例:imaginary threats 想象中的威胁) / imagination n. 想象力;创作力;幻想物
M I'm sorry for my decision.
W That's far from enough! You can not imagine how many losses it has brought to our team.
[ˈreɪlweɪ] n. 铁路;铁路公司;铁路系统
例 He has been working on the railways before retirement. 退休之前他一直在铁道部门工作。
搭 railway station 火车站
[sprɪŋ] n. 春天,春季;弹簧,发条;泉;源泉;跳,跃 vi. 跳,跃;反弹;迅速行动;涌现,突然出现 vt. 突然提出(或宣布)
例 The construction sector is set to boost the job market in the third quarter of the year as the industry shows tentative signs of springing back to life. 建筑行业必将在本年第三季度刺激就业市场,因为该行业初步显示出复苏的迹象。
[rɪˈsiːv] vt. 收到,接到,领到;接受,得到;接待,接见,欢迎;遭受,受到
记 词根记忆:re(表强调)+ceive(拿,抓)→得到
商 receive guests 会客;接待客人 / receive payment 收到付款 / send and receive emails收发电子邮件
搭 receive a warm welcome 受到热烈欢迎
派 receivable adj. 应收款的 (例:amounts receivable 应收款额) / received adj. 被承认的 / receiver n. (破产公司的)管理人;(电话)听筒;接收器;收件人
[ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn] n. 波动,浮动
例 A few months' fluctuation of gold prices on the London market was flattened at last. 伦敦市场的黄金价格在经历了几个月的波动后终于稳定了下来。
[ˈprɒbləm] n. 问题;疑难问题;习题;引起麻烦的人 adj. 找麻烦的;惹乱子的
例 The top priority for the government now is to solve the problem of unemployment. 政府目前首要的任务是解决失业问题。
商 financial/technical problems 财政/技术困难 / unemployment problem 失业问题
搭 problem child 问题儿童 / address/solve problems 处理/解决难题
派 problematic adj. 造成困难的;产生问题的
[ˈkɒpi] n. 抄本,副本;一份 v. 抄写;复印;复制;模仿
例 The group's success is full of luck and their success can not be copied by others. 这个集团的成功有许多幸运因素,他们的成功是不可能被别人复制的。
商 copy document 文件副本 / copy of bill 票据副本 / hard copy 硬拷贝;打印稿 / original and copy 原件及复印件
搭 make a c opy o f sth. 复制…,拷贝… / backup copy 副本;备份
派 copyist n. 抄写员;临摹者
[ˈsləʊɡən] n. 口号,标语;简短醒目的广告语
例 Kate came up with a catchy advertising slogan for our new products. 凯特为我们的新产品想出了一条吸引人注意的广告语。
商 advertising slogan 广告语 / campaign slogan宣传口号
We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 1st April and enclosed is our latest catalogue and price list.
[ˈpɑːtnə(r)] n. 配偶;合伙人;股东 vt. 与…合伙
商 junior/senior partner 次要/主要合伙人 / trade partner 贸易伙伴
派 partnership n. 合股;合伙 (例:partnership agreement 合伙人协议)
[ˈlɪvɪŋ] adj. 活(着)的,有生命的;在使用中的,活动中的;现行的;生动的,逼真的 n. 生计,生活,收入;生活方式
例 It may not be the best job in the world, but it's a living. 这也许不是世界上最好的工作,但也不失为生活的出路.
搭 a living legend 活着的名人 / be the living proof of sth. …的活证明 / living wage 生活工资(可维持最低生活水准的工资) / scrape a living 勉强维持生计 / within/in living memory 在当今人们的记忆中的
[ˈbrəʊkə(r)] n. 经纪人;股票经纪人 vt. (作为中间人来)安排,协商
商 customs broker 报关行;海关经纪人 / insurance broker 保险经纪人 / mortgage broker 抵押经纪人 / real estate broker 房地产经纪人 / stock broker 证券经纪人,股票经纪人
派 brokerage n. 经纪业
[fetʃ] vt. 拿来;请来;售得,卖得;(船)到达 n. 取得;诡计
例 The new style cloth is expected to fetch a good profit between three and five million US dollars. 这款新式布料预计能带来300万到500万美元的利润。
商 fetch cycle 提取周期
搭 fetch off 杀死;救出;由岸上搬上船 / fetch out 拿出;引出;使显出
派 fetching adj. 迷人的,动人的,吸引人的
[ˈhɪdn] adj. 隐藏的;隐秘的;隐蔽的
例 These hidden files were dug out as evidence to verify the abuses suffered by these poor Indian workers. 这些隐蔽文件的发现证实了那些悲惨的印度工人所遭受的虐待。
商 hidden employment 隐形就业
[ˈhʌŋɡri] adj. 饥饿的,感到饿的;渴望的;荒年的
例 He was hungry for every possible piece of information related to the wrecked ship since it was fully loaded with goods which hadn't been paid for. 他非常渴望得知失事货船的任何可能的信息,因为船上满载着未付款的货物。
搭 be hungry for 渴望 / go hungry 挨饿
派 hungrily adv. 饥饿地;渴望地 / hunger n. 饥饿;渴望
[ˈkɒntækt] n. 接触;联系,交往 vt. 联络,联系
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+tact(接触)→共同接触→接触
商 business contacts 商业联系;业务往来 / contact number 联系电话
搭 contact lens 隐形眼镜 / eye contact 目光接触 / in contact with 接触到 / lose/keep contact with sb. 与…失去/保持联系
派 contactable adj. 可以联系到的
Our company has maintained long-term trade contacts with many American companies.
[kənˈfɜːm] vt. 确定,批准;使巩固,使有效;确认,保兑,证实
记 词根记忆:con(表强调)+firm(牢固的)→使…更加牢固→确认;批准;证实
例 Thank you for your information and I will confirm it with our accounting department.谢谢您提供的信息,我还需要和会计部门对此进行确认。
搭 confirmed one's position 巩固…的地位
派 confirmed adj. 成习惯的,根深蒂固的 / confirmation n. 确认;保兑;承诺出售书,财产转让书 (例:sales confirmation 销售确认书 / purchase confirmation 购货确认书)
[əˈnɔɪ] vt. 使生气;使恼火;打扰
例 It annoyed the customer that the seller put off the delivery again and again. 令这位客户恼火的是卖家一次又一次地推迟发货时间。
搭 annoy sb. to do sth. 做…令…很恼火
派 annoyed adj. (人)恼火的 / annoying adj. (物)令人恼火的 / annoyance n. 烦恼
[ˈʌptɜːn] vt. 使向上;使翻转 vi. 向上翻转n. 增长;好转
记 组合词:up(向上)+turn(转动)→向上翻转
商 economic/market upturn 经济/市场增长 / receive/undergo an upturn 获得增长
搭 on the upturn 正在好转 / an upturn in demand 需求的增加
[rɪˈzɔːs; rɪˈsɔːs] n. [pl.] 资源,财力;办法,对策
记 联想记忆:re(再一次)+source(来源)→不断从来源地挖掘资源→资源
例 All plastics that are created annually consume 2% to 4% of this country's energy resources. 这个国家每年制造的塑料制品消耗该国2%到4%的能源。
搭 energy/natural/water resources 能源/自然资源/水资源 / limited/scarce resources 有限的/稀缺资源
派 resourceful adj. 资源丰富的;足智多谋的
[weɪt] n. 重量;砝码;重压,压力;重要(性);价值;权,权数 vt. 加重量于;使负重
例 Our manager remind us to give due weight to our customers' feedback. 经理提醒我们对客户的反馈予以应有的重视。
商 weight note 重量单(标明货物从船上卸下时的重量) / gross/net weight 毛重/净重
搭 carry the weight on one's shoulders 肩负重任;自以为了不起 / give weight to 重视 / pull one's own weight 干好本分工作
派 weighting n. 额外津贴
[ˈæləkeɪt] vt. 配给,配置;分配;部署;确定…的位置;把…拨下来
记 词根记忆:al(表强调)+loc(放)+ate(动词后缀)→把东西发放到各地→配置;分配
例 A large sum has been allocated for ordering new office equipment. 拨下来一大笔款项用于订购新的办公设备。
商 allocate credit 分配信贷 / allocate profits 分配红利 / allocate quota 分配配额 / allocate resources 分配资源
搭 allocate sth. to 把…分配给
派 allocation n. 配给,分配;分配额(或量);划拨的款项;拨给的场地;财政拨款(例:allocation of funds 资金分配 / financial allocation 财政拨款) / optimal allocation 最优配置
Our company is now undergoing a steady upturn of annual profit.
stock exchange
例 Prices on the New York Stock Exchange fell heavily today. 今日纽约股票交易所股价猛跌。
商 stock exchange activity/condition/price 证券交易活动/条件/价格 / Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System 证券交易所自动报价系统 / Stock Exchange Daily Official List 证券交易所每日正式牌价表
[tɜːn] v. (使)转动,翻转;周转;(使)变化,(使)变成 n. 转向,转动;轮流,轮班
例 With wise investment, Jim managed to turn $68,000 into $100,000 in two years. 吉姆投资明智,在两年内把68000美元变成了100000美元。
搭 by turns 轮流地 / in turn 依次地,轮流地 / out of turn 未按照正当顺序地;不合时宜地 / turn about 转身;回头;改变意见;反复思考 / turn down 拒绝
[ˈɪnkʌm; ˈɪnkəm] n. 工资,收入,收益,所得
记 联想记忆:in(进入)+come(来)→进来的东西→收入
商 disposable income 可支配收入 / income and expenditure account 收支账户 / income statement 损益表;(发给失业者或低收入者的) 收入报表 / income support 收入补助/ personal income tax 个人所得税 / source of income 收入来源
[depθ] n. 深度;深奥,深刻
记 联想记忆:dep(看做deep,深)+th(名词化后缀)→深度
例 His company went bankrupt and he was in the depths of despair. 他的公司破产了,他现在正处于绝望的深渊。
商 be in the depths of a recession 正遭遇经济衰退最严重的时期
搭 be out of one's depth 在水深没顶的地方;为…能力所不及 / depth charge 深水炸弹 / depth of knowledge 知识的深度 / in depth 全面;深入;详细
[ɡest] n. 客人;宾客;顾客;寄生生物 vt. 款待 vi. 做特约演员;客串 adj. 客人的;特邀的,客座的
例 In order to make our distinguished guest feel more comfortable, we reserved a room decorated similarly to the style of his hometown house. 为了让贵宾感到更舒适,我们预订了一间跟他家乡房屋的装修风格类似的房间。
搭 be my guest 别客气,请用;请便 / guest of honour 贵宾
pre-tax return
例 The investor made a pre-tax return of £4 million from the project. 该投资者从这个项目中获得了400万英镑的税前收益。
[rɪˈspɒns] n. 回答,答复;响应,反应
记 词根记忆:re(回)+spons(许诺)+e→回应许下的诺言→回答;响应
搭 in response to 作为对…的答复 / written response 书面回应
Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing in response to your last email.
[preɪz] n./v. 表扬;赞扬;称赞;颂扬
例 The designer is highly praised for his contribution to the company's development.这位设计师因其对公司发展作出的贡献而受到大力表彰。
搭 in praise of sth. 赞扬… / praise sb./sth. to the skies 〈口〉把…捧到天上去 / win high praise 赢得高度赞扬
[klʌb] n. 俱乐部;夜总会;棍棒,球棒 vt. 用棍棒打
例 In order to meet more successful men, the businessman attended the local business club.为了结识更多的成功人士,这位商人参加了当地的商业俱乐部。
搭 baseball/football club 棒球/足球俱乐部 / night club 夜总会
派 clubber n. 喜欢泡夜总会的人
[ˈkɒntrækt] n. 合同,契约
[kənˈtrækt] vi. 缩小,收缩;订立合同,订约 vt. 感染(疾病),染上(恶习);订(约);使皱缩
记 词根记忆:con(一起)+tract(拉,拽)→把二者拉到一起→合同将两者的利益拉到一起→订立合同
例 The company won a big contract to supply construction materials for the property developers. 这家公司赢得了一单为房产开发商提供建筑材料的大合同。
商 a contracting market 萎缩的市场 / break a contract 毁约 / carry out a contract 履行合同 / labour contract 劳动合同 / sales contract销售合同 / sign a contract with the supplier与供应商签订合同 / under contract 受合同约束的
搭 contract a disease 感染疾病 / contract into sth.订约参与… / contract out of sth. 订约不参与…/ contract sth. out to sb. 订约把…承包给…
派 contractor n. 承包商;签约人 (例:a building contractor 建筑承包商) / contraction n. (经济)紧缩 (例:credit contraction 信贷紧缩 / fiscal contraction财政紧缩) / contractual adj. 契约(性)的,合同(性)的 (例:contractual claim 合同规定的索赔)
[rɪˈpiːt] n. 重复,反复 vt. 重做;转述vi. 重复
记 联想记忆:re(再)+peat(音似“批他”)→再一次批评他→重复,反复
例 Henry is fond of repeating that the project's success is all down to him. 亨利喜欢一而再再而三地说这个项目的成功全凭了他。
搭 repeat after 重复 / repeat oneself 重复,复演/ repeat sth. to sb. 向…重复…
派 repeated adj. 再三的,反复的 / repeatable adj. 可再次重复的;可复验的 / repetition n. 重复;背诵;副本
[fiː] n. 费;(对职业性服务的)报酬 vt. 付费给
例 The inland fee before shipment will be paid by Party B at Qingdao Port before the B/L is issued to Party B. 在提单签发给乙方之前,装船前的内陆费用要由乙方在青岛港支付。
商 booking fee 订舱费 / clearance fee 报关费 / license fee 许可费;授权费 / protest fee 拒付费;拒付通知单费用 / storage fee 仓储费/ trucking fee 拖车费
[kæʃ] n. 现金,现钱 vt. 兑换成现金
例 Nowadays electronic transfer has taken the place of cash transactions in international trade. 目前,在国际贸易中电子转账已经取代了现金交易。
商 cash and carry 现购自运 / cash crop 经济作物 / cash discount 现金折扣;现金贴现 / cash flow (公司、政府等的)现金流转 / cash in hand 现金支付 / cash on delivery 货到付款 / cash register 收银机,现金出纳机 / cash sale 现金销售 / cash settlement 现金结算 / cash statement 现金日报表,库存表 / electronic cash 电子货币 / hard cash 现款;现金 / petty cash 小额现金 / cash a check 兑现支票
搭 be strapped for cash 缺钱 / cash cow 摇钱树/ cash in on 靠…赚钱,从…捞到好处 / cash sth. in 把(保险单等)兑换成现金
派 cashier n. 收纳员;司库 vt. 解雇,抛弃(例:bank cashier 银行出纳员) / cashless adj. 无现款的,不用现金的,无钱的
[dɪp] v./n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿
例 This year's sales have dipped from 40 million to 38 million. 本年度的销售量从4000万降到了3800万。
商 a sharp dip in earnings 收益锐减
搭 dip a toe into the water 涉足试试;试做 / dip into sb.'s pocket 花钱;掏腰包 / dip into sth. 浏览…;涉猎…;动用(存款);把手伸进(…取东西)
[ˈvendə(r)] n. 卖主(公司或个人);摊贩
记 联想记忆:vend(出售)+or(表人)→出售的人→卖主
例 The solicitor was acting on behalf of the vendor during the transaction. 交易中由这位律师代表卖主。
商 vendor placing 卖主安排出售
搭 house vendor 出售房子的人 / street vendor街头小贩
[ˈpriːviəs] adj. 以前的,先前的;先的adv. 在…之前
记 词根记忆:pre(以前)+vi(走)+ous(形容词后缀)→以前走过的→以前的
例 Based on his previous experience, he considered that this change would not bring any trouble to the company's development.基于他以前的经验,他认为这种变化不会给公司的发展带来任何麻烦。
搭 previous to 在…之前
派 previously adv. 以前地,早先地
[fɔːθ] adv. 向前;以后;往外
例 Each side set forth its stance regarding the performance of the contract. 各方就合同履行一事分别阐述了自己的立场。
搭 and so forth 等等 / back and forth 反复地,来回地 / set forth 阐明;动身;陈述
[ˈpɜːtʃəs] n. 购买;购买的物品 vt. 购买;收购;换取;置得(房产等)
记 联想记忆:pur+chase(追逐)→为了购买紧俏的商品而竞相追逐→购买
例 John deposited a large amount of money towards the purchase of the house. 约翰预付了一大笔钱作为购买那座房屋的定金。
商 hire purchase 分期付款购买 / proof of purchase 购物凭证 / purchase order 订购单/ purchase price 买价
搭 make a purchase 采购
派 purchaser n. 买方,购买者 / purchasing n. 购买;采购 (例:purchasing power 购买力)
[bæn] vt. 取缔,查禁;禁止 n. 禁止,禁令
商 ban on the sale of sth. …禁售令 / impose/lift a ban on foreign exchange control 颁布/解除外汇管制的禁令
搭 ban sb. from (doing) sth. 禁止…做…
M Supermarkets have been banned from providing the consumers with free plastic bags now.
W That's good! It is good for environmental protection.
[ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt] adj. 不礼貌的
记 联想记忆:im(不)+polite(礼貌的)→不礼貌的
例 It is impolite to decline such a simple request from the customer. 拒绝来自顾客的一个如此简单的要求是不礼貌的。
派 impolitely adv. 不礼貌地 / impoliteness n. 不礼貌
[ˈbɪlbɔːd] n. (路边)广告牌,招贴板
记 组合词:bill(单子)+board(板子)→贴单子的板子→广告牌,招贴板
例 The billboard has its unique advantages in advertising products in small markets. 在小型市场宣传产品,广告牌有其独特的优越性。
商 billboard design 广告牌设计 / outdoor billboard 户外广告牌 / walking billboard 活动广告牌
[ˈɪnfluəns] n. 影响;势力;有影响的人(或事物) vt. 影响;感染;支配;对…有影响
记 词根记忆:in(进入)+flu(流动)+ence(名词后缀)→流入→对…有影响
商 direct/positive/negative influence 直接/积极/消极影响
搭 under the influence of 在…的影响下 / have/ exert influence on sth. 对…有/施加影响
派 influential adj. 有影响力的;有势力的 (例:an influential businessman 有影响力的商人)
[ˈkɒment] n. 评论,意见 v. 注释;评论;发表意见
记 词根记忆:com(带有)+ment(意见)→评论;发表意见
例 The spokesman declined to comment on the event. 发言人拒绝对此事作出评论。
搭 make comment on/about sth. 对…作出评论/ public comment 公众意见
派 commentate vi. 作现场解说 / commentator n. 现场解说员 / commentary n. 现场解说;评论
[ˈjuːniən] n. 工会,联盟;结合,联合,合并;团结,一致,融洽
例 The trade union members are discussing a pay rise with their employers. 工会的会员正与他们的雇主讨论加薪事宜。
商 Trades Union Congress 英国工会联盟
搭 union church 联合教会
派 unionise vt. 使成立联合组织 vi. 加入联合组织
[ˈbrəʊʃə(r)] n. (宣传产品的)小册子
例 We have sent you our latest brochure and price list for your reference. 我们已经给您寄去了我们最新的产品小册子及价格单供您参考。
商 sales brochure 推广小册子
[ˈædvətaɪz] v. 做广告;(在广播、电视、报刊、布告栏等中)公告;公布;宣传
记 词根记忆:ad(做)+vert(转)+ise(使)→使某事到处转,大家都知道→做广告
例 If you want to attract more customers, you can advertise on the local TV programmes.如果你想吸引更多的顾客,你可以在当地电视节目上做广告。
搭 advertise for sb./sth. (在报纸等上)征求…,征聘…
派 advertiser n. 广告商 / advertisement n. 广告,告示;通知,通告;宣传,宣扬 / advertising n. 广告业;[总称]广告 adj. 广告的 (例:advertising campaign 广告宣传活动)
Influenced by the changes of international oil prices, the company's share price dropped by 5%.
[kənˈsʌlt] vt. 请教;找…商议;向…咨询;查阅 vi. 考虑;商议;协商
记 词根记忆:con(一起)+sult(坐)→坐在一起→商议
例 Citigroup planned to consult with shareholders on this issue. 花旗集团计划就此事和股东展开商议。
商 consult a financial adviser 向财务顾问咨询
搭 consult (with) sb. about/on sth. 和…商议…/ consult the manual 查阅手册 / consulting room 诊疗室
派 consultancy n. 咨询公司,顾问公司;咨询服务 (例:management consultancy 管理咨询公司; consultancy fees 咨询服务费) / consultant n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生(例:consultant on economic affairs 经济事务顾问) / consultation n. 咨询;磋商
[dɪˈskʌvə(r)] vt. 发现,找到,发觉
记 词根记忆:dis(去掉)+cover(掩盖)→揭开盖子→发现,找到
例 The businessman discovered the potential business opportunities in waste processing.这位商人在废料加工中发现了潜在的商机。
派 discoverer n. 发现者 / discovery n. 发现
[stɔː(r)] n. 储存,储备;大量;商店,店铺;仓库;[pl.] 储备金;储存品 vt. 储藏,储备;供给;容纳
例 Please store the data of the new products in this USB drive. 请把新产品的数据存储到这个U盘里。
搭 in store 储存着的,准备着的;即将发生的/ out of store 耗尽的;售完的 / set store by 重视 / store away/up 把…储存起来
[ˈpætnt; ˈpeɪtnt] n. 专利权;专利证书 vt. 获得…专利权
[ˈpeɪtnt] adj. 有专利的;专利经销的;明显的
记 联想记忆:pa(“爬”的拼音)+tent(帐篷)→爬进帐篷,窃取专利→专利
例 P&G applied for a patent on its latest invention. 宝洁公司为其最新发明申请了专利。
商 obtain a patent 获得专利 / patent applications/dispute 专利申请/纠纷 / patent law 专利法
搭 a patent lie 赤裸裸的谎言
派 patently adv. 明显地,显然地
[swiːt] n. (一批)随员;一套(家具);(旅馆的)套间,套房;系列,组
例 They've got a whole suite of offices on the 20th floor of this building. 他们在这栋大楼的20层有一整套办公室。
[ʃeɪp] n. 外形,形状 vt. 使成形,制作;使适合 vi. 形成;发展;表现
搭 in all shapes and sizes 以各种形式 / in bad shape 处于不佳状况 / in no shape 决不 / shape (up) well 有前途
Information technologies have greatly changed the shape of this industry.
[miːnz] n. 手段,方法,工具;金钱;财产,收入
例 The government tried every means to prevent the unemployment from getting worse. 政府用尽一切手段阻止失业问题恶化。
商 means of transportation 交通工具 / means test 经济状况调查(以确定是否有资格获取政府补贴)
搭 a means to an end 达到目的的手段 / by all means 一定;务必 / by means of sth. 借助…手段;依靠…的方法 / by no means 决不 / live within your means 量入为出
[ˈsɜːveɪ] vt. 调查;考察;审视 n. 调查;视察
记 联想记忆:surve(看做serve,服务)+y→此次调查是为后期研究服务的→调查
例 This survey shows that the economic recession is world-wide. 该调查显示出经济衰退是全球性的。
商 consumer/readership survey 消费者/读者意见调查 / questionnaire survey 问卷调查 / special survey 特检
搭 carry out/conduct a survey 进行调查
[dɪˈpreʃn] n. 抑郁;抑郁症;萧条,不景气;洼地;低气压
记 联想记忆:depress(使萧条)+ion(名词后缀)→萧条
例 Due to the influence of global economic depression, the bear market will not end in a short time. 受全球经济萧条的影响,熊市不会在短期内结束。
商 Great Depression 大萧条(1929~1933年的全球经济大衰退)
派 depressive adj. 抑郁的 (例:depressive illness 抑郁症)
[pɪt] n. 深坑;矿井;(某一商品的)交易场所 vt. 窖藏;使凹下;使竞争 vi. 凹陷,变得坑坑洼洼
例 Our poor accountants have to pit their wits against the bureaucracy of the tax office. 我们单位可怜的会计不得不与税务局那些官僚周旋斗智。
商 the corn pit 玉米交易厅
搭 be the pits 极坏,极糟糕 / dig a pit 挖了个坑 / pit sb./sth. against sb./sth. 使…与…相较量 / the pit of the stomach 心窝;心底
[klɒk] n. 钟,时钟;计时器;秒表;仪表 vt. 达到或记录(时间或速度);测…的速度
例 The production manager asked all the workers to work against the clock to meet the deadline. 生产经理要求全部工人快速工作,赶在最后期限之前完工。
商 clock in/out 打卡上班/下班
搭 around/round the clock 昼夜地,日夜不停地 / clock up sth. 达到(某一数字或数量) / run out the clock 拖延时间(不让对方得分) / start/stop the clock 开始/停止计时
派 clocker n. 计时员
[hɪt] n. 一击,击打,击中;成功而风行一时的事物;(演出等)成功;点击量;讽刺vt. 打,击,击中;碰撞;伤害,殃及
例 It is predicted that the economy will hit bottom at the end of this year and start to improve at the beginning of the next year. 预计今年末经济形势会探底,明年年初会开始复苏。
商 hit the wall 破产 / take a hit 遭受重挫;承担损失
搭 big hit 热门;非常成功 / hit the headlines 成为新闻头条;被大肆宣传 / hit the road 开始流浪;上路