项目地点:英国,The High Street Oxford OXI 4BE 面积:5000m2 设计:Blacksheep Interior Architecture & Design
LOCATION: The High Street Oxford OX1 4BE, UK AREA: 5000m2 DESIGN: Blacksheep Interior Architecture & Design

东门酒店原是Macdonald Hotels 24家店之一,后被开发商Moorfield收购,并由Mercure特许经营。为了加强管理,Mercure携手Warwick Avenue共同运作该酒店以及集团其他酒店,以确保这些酒店能达到Mercure制定的4星级中高端品牌的标准,即这些酒店都必须具有独特而与众不同的风格,并同时符合国际酒店品牌的各项规定。Blacksheep被指定负责这个酒店的改造设计及其他相关问题的处理,目的是使3星级的东门酒店改造后能升级为4星级。
东门酒店地处17至18世纪著名的Crosse Sword客栈的位置,大约1840年,被改建成Flying Horse客栈。1899年后才由EP Warren建造成东门酒店,用来连接周围几幢彼此分离的建筑。目前东门酒店的具体位置是在牛津高街(‘The High')和默顿街的交接处,因此获益颇多,但也仅仅有一块小空地,一座小型的典型校园酒吧和餐厅,后面有个接待区,可从侧门进入。由于其建造是为了连接周围的建筑群,这个空间也面临了很多诸如室内建筑风格的不连贯等问题。


Designers Blacksheep have now completed the transformation of the entire ground floor of The Mercure Eastgate Hotel in Oxford for client Mercure Hotels , Accor's upper-mid-market hotel brand. The project-which encompassed a new 90-cover restaurant (with private dining area), bar, lobby, lounge and toilet areas-necessitated a complete redesign of the ground floor footplate to optimise key revenue-generating areas for the client and completely refresh the hotel's offer for guests.
Blacksheep also named and did all the branding and graphics work for the new restaurant The High Table, alluding to the grand dining hall traditions of the Oxford Colleges, as well as graphics work for the new bar, which takes inspiration from Oxford's literary alumni. The branding work encompassed all external and internal signage, menus, matchboxes, business cards and other stationary and marketing collateral.
The Eastgate Hotel was formerly one of 24 Macdonald Hotels, which were purchased by developers Moorfield, with the operational franchise taken up by Mercure. Mercure then took on Warwick Avenue to project manage the upgrade of this and other hotels in the group to ensure the hotels fit firmly within the Mercure brand's upper mid-market 4 star profile, which sees every hotel as unique and with its own character, but backed by the quality standards that come with an international hotel brand. Blacksheep were appointed to create the new designs for the hotel and are also actively looking at others of the newly-purchased stock. The aim for the 3-star Mercure Eastgate Hotel is for it to achieve a 4-star listing following all works.
An inn known as the Crosse Sword had been on the Eastgate site from the 17th to 18th centuries, followed by The Flying Horse inn, built around 1840. The Eastgate Hotel was first established in 1899, built by EP Warren and uniting several disparate buildings. The existing Eastgate Hotel benefited from a strong location on the corner of Oxford High Street ('The High') and Merton Street, but had only a small frontage with a typical student-type bar and restaurant and reception area behind, accessed by a side entrance. It had been made up of a series of knocked-through buildings and brought with it concomitant problems of level changes and disjointed interior architecture.
The idea for the new ground floor plan was to rationalise the spaces so that the scheme flowed easily from one space to the next, with easy and effective change from day to night-time use. The brief was to enhance the customer journey and seek to increase the dwell time of both casual and hotel guest users, as well as look to attract more discerning local guests to use the restaurant and bar facilities more frequently.
The kitchen was to stay in its existing location and the new public spaces had to work around this. There was also the opportunity to upgrade the space in accordance with DDA regulations, including the installation of a new disabled lift. Blacksheep's key decision was to switch the spaces around so that the restaurant was located at the front of the hotel, linking in to the new bar, lounge and reception area.
Small exterior works were also carried out, including new external lighting and signage and a new menu box.
The reception area of the hotel was reconfigured to create improved focal points and circulation, removing a through-door into the former restaurant space to create a more open, lobby feel. The existing reception desk, (to the left of the main entrance, was not very user-friendly and didn't set the correct tone for the hotel and its new aspirations - remove sentence) was moved to the right of the entrance, a more pleasing symmetry was created by its position opposite a large existing sandstone fireplace. The bespoke-designed desk is in black-stained timber with a very hard-wearing gold paper with a hammered finish at the front. New floor-to-ceiling cupboards behind the desk, in dark-stained timber with mirrored insert panels covered in bronze film, are used to store all printers and associated products. A greater sense of informality is given by the lower height of the desk, now at seated height, rather than being at standard hotel reception height. A special new feature light-shade in cream runs above the whole length of the desk and a feature wall to the right of the reception uses special calligraphy wallpaper, introducing the literary association, which is expanded upon in the bar area.
An eye-catching circular seat in purple velvet in the centre of the lobby space gives it a focus, with guests able to face the fireplace or people-watch the entrance and desk area. Colours in the reception space were warmed up, using the palette of aubergine, purple and cream throughout, with a timber floor. Blacksheep then created a new lounge and lobby area from half of the existing restaurant space, with the other half used as a dedicated bar. The boundaries between these sections can move between day and night-time usage. The ease of the transition between the spaces is underlined through the use of timber flooring throughout, from the reception right through to the bar.
Two level changes in the space were dealt with via a DDA-conforming lift and ramp, whilst the toilets were also reconfigured with new entrances.