项目地点:英国,伦敦 设计:Blacksheep Interior Architeture & design
LOCATION: London, UK DESIGN: Blacksheep interior architecture & design
诺福特长期以来一直致力于促进可持续发展,其积极参与亚高集团全球客人(Accor Group's Earth Guest)计划。

Novotel London Tower Bridge is situated between Tower Bridge and Fenchurch Street stations, in a historic area of London, much of whose history survives in surrounding street and place names and in the architectural heritage of the area - from Royal Mint street, where new coins were made until 1975, to Pepys Street (bordering the hotel), named after Samuel Pepys, whose legendary diaries give such insights into London life in the 17th century. The area has also historically absorbed people from many different cultures - from silk weaving descendants of Huguenot refugees, to Jewish refugees from Eastern European pogroms to Chinese traders in Limehouse and the strong Sylhelti Bangladeshi community just north of the area, in Brick Lane, all of whom have contributed greatly to the rich layers of social culture and craftsmanship in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.