The Entry Threshold of the Cooperative and Its Goal Orientation
—As a Balance Mechanism for the Cooperative Support Policy
Abstract: The practice of setting up the entry threshold and downsizing of the specialized farmerss cooperatives reflects the phased and differential utilization of support policies. The reason why dropping the open principles of the current system is both from the pressure of the profits and pro-poor growth in reality. The change in this situation depends mainly on the supportive policies established on the basis of the widespread positive external costs of cooperatives. In this paper, two cooperatives cases are used to show that the reasons for the establishment of the entry threshold are not because of the heterogeneity of the members, but the conflicts between the pro-poor growth and the development of the cooperatives. The current cooperatives support policies are not effective, due to the multiple objectives. The cooperatives support policies carried multivariant goals deviate from its original aims at the level of practical interaction. In order to making the balance mechanism work, the policy makers must make room for the Important traits and provide a kind of intersection where different goals converge from the receivers' points.
Key words: entry threshold; pro-poor growth; cooperative support policy;balance mechanism