G20 's Push for the Building of a New Global Partnership for Development and China's Strategic Choice
Huang Chao
Abstract: The global partnership for development is not only at the heart of the United Nations Development Agenda, but also an important guarantee for the implementation of the agenda. The 2015 United Nations Development Sum-mit established the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, which is a new type of development partnership. It is more comprehensive and profound than the development partnership as outlined in the Millennium Development Goals. Development has always been an important issue of concern to G20, but it was at the 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit that development was for the first time placed in a prominent position of the global economic policy framework. It was also at the 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit that collective and country action plans were pioneeringly formulated around the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sus-tainable Development. This new global partnership will provide important politi-cal momentum and resources for the implementation of the global development agenda and for the building of global partnership for development. Specifically, the G20 Hangzhou Summit has reached a consensus on development and a con-sensus on building a new global partnership for development based on a more in-clusive partnership philosophy; G20's multi-year action plan, particularly its initiatives to mobilize domestic resources and promote private sector investment, is anticipated to push the building of a new global partnership for development. China, as the largest developing country and a major member of emerging econ-omies, has significant impacts on the sustainable development agenda and the building of the new global partnership for development.
Keywords: New global partnership for development, United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, G20 mechanism