

China is a multiracial state, and it is a fact that most of ethnic groups gather in the border areas. There are more than 30 cross-border ethnic groups in China border areas with other neighboring countries, and 16 ones in Yunnan province. Being a special group, they live in different countries in despite of their common of consanguinity and culture, and their identity is a complicated and sensitive issue. For a state, it is an important duty to safeguard state security and stabilization, maintenance unification Chinese nation, promote the development and harmonious relationship for all ethnic groups. Nowadays, multiculture and view valuable is developing, and distribution of benefit become more and more complicate since transformation of China society and globaliza-tion. It is a urgent issue to develop common culture and political view for all eth-nic groups for China. So it is a good case to learn the current relation between state and ethnic groups to study developing and changing identity of Yunnan cross-border ethnic groups.

Considering transformation of China society and globalization, this research chooses Yunnan, where there are maximum crossborder ethnic groups in China, analysis evolution and change of identity of Yunnan cross-border ethnic groups, and discuss the confusion of it in view of culture and social construction.

It is a result of culture maintenance and social system construction for the form of identity of Yunnan cross -border ethnic groups. Firstly, it is culture identity for Yunnan cross-border ethnic groups. They have strong culture identity consciousness between Yunnan cross - border ethnic groups and other groups outside the borders due to history, geography, and common culture origin, especially religion identity and ethnic identity. Despite obstacle of state border and different of state system, their culture identity maintain. Secondly, it also shows the history characteristics of Chinese forms and it is a case of Chi-nese evaluation for the form and develop of Yunnan cross-border ethnic. It is an important base to adopt Chinese culture and identify Chinese since Yunnan cross-border ethnic groups culture common with Chinese culture.

It is tight relationship between evaluation of cross-border ethnic groups identity and state system, and they are the same process for establishment of na-tion-state and form of cross-border ethnic identity. It plays an important role to conform Yunnan cross-border ethnic culture and construction of their political identity. There were much border issue between China and other countries during latterday, and state politics impacted on Yunnan cross-border ethnic groups identity, especially politics identity. Since the establishment of People Republic of China, it was a part of state building to confirm cross-border ethnic groups, and their citizen identity and national identity were constructing by state through ethnic policy, education, and public media.

Nowadays, there are two factors influence Yunnan cross-border ethnic identity since social situation change in frontier areas. On the one hand, the influence dues to the changes of state duties and social systems. State made strong impacts on the construction of cross-border ethnic identity since state played dominant role in social life before the reform and open policies were implemen-ted. After that, state' s influence on society become weak, and it is difficult to construct people' s including cross-border ethnic identity to state. To some extent, it is due to the influence from the globalization. On the other hand, the cross-border activities become more and more active since the reform and open policies were implemented. The cross-border ethnic identity with outside those with common culture and consanguinity become more strong, and it shows trend that their citizen identity and national identity become weak. It could be endan-gering the unity of their political identity.

The meanings of culture identity and political identity are different for cross-border ethnic groups in their lives. Cross-border ethnic groups tend to seek their culture identity based on collective history and consanguinity in their live, and state tends to look on political identity of cross -border ethnic groups in view of state security and area developing. To some extent, culture identity and political identity reveal detached, but they are complected under most situation for cross-border ethnic groups since their location with border, which made their identity sensitive. Under the opening of the frontier, cross-border activities of ethnic become more and more activity, and their ethnic identity and religion identity seek to strengthen. It could be promoted to political identity which arose excessive nationalism and religiosity, and endangers state unity and secu-rity if outside force involved.

It should be considered that the issue of cross-border ethnic identity is resolved based on China history and existing status. As common culture on state level, Chinese culture involve multicultures, including ethnic cultures. Cul-ture identity of cross -border ethnic is a part of common culture identity. So cross-border ethnic right to own and develop their traditional culture should be guaranteed by state, and common culture should be developed at the same time.

There is tight relationship between political identity of cross-border ethnic and their affiliation with state. In view of state, it is important duty to promote social and economic development, help ethnic group to participate in political and economic activities and provide services to them. Through those measures, cross-border ethnic identity, especially their citizen identity and state identity are consolidated and maintained. On the other side, it is also necessary to assort with neighbor countries and regions in order to attract cross - border ethnic groups.

The relationship between state and cross-border ethnic have been changed with the globalization and the opening of the frontier. The harmonious and stable identity depends on the favorable relationship between cross-border ethnic and state. Considering the right of ethnic group, it should construct cross -border ethnic identity according with their live to state. On the other side, cross-border ethnic also need to build their citizen identity and state identity and advance their developing, and involve in state political and socialeconomic activities.

Considering China history and experience from other countries, it is one of effective measures to develop citizen identity aiming to ensure individual right and state interest, and it conform culture identity and political identity.