第17章 Lesson 16 Over the Ocean Blue
It is fun to travel on water. Here are some different kinds of boats.
1. Canoe—This is a small, long boat. It was first made by First Nations people. It was made of animal skin or tree bark. Now it is made of fibreglass.
2. Kayak—This small boat was first made by Canada's northern native people out of sealskin. Kayaking is a popular sport now.
3. Sailboat—A sailboat has large sails. It moves when the wind blows.
4. Ocean liner—This is a large ship that carries people across the oceans and seas. These people are on holiday. There are swimming pools, shops, restaurants, and even movie theatres on ocean liners.
I. Word List
bark: skin of a tree
First Nations people: the people who have lived in a country the longest
II. Unscramble the letters and write the names of the boats.
1. otisalba—___________
2. cnoae nlire—__________
3. akkay—___________
4. eacon—__________
III. True or False? Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
___ 1. There are schools on ocean liners.
___ 2. Sailboats are moved by wind.
___ 3. Kayaks are made by seals.
___ 4. There are swimming pools on canoes.
___ 5. Ocean liners are large.
IV. Answer the following questions with a partner.
1. Which boat do you like best? Why?
2. Would you like to take a holiday on an ocean liner? Why or why not?
3. How is a sailboat different from the other boats?
4. How are kayaks and canoes similar?
5. Do you like travelling by boat? Why or why not?