第二部分 新材料产业
第二章 钕铁硼稀土永磁产业
2.1 烧结钕铁硼稀土永磁材料
2.1.1 该领域主要涉及分类号 IPC分类号
H01F1按所用磁性材料区分的磁体或磁性物体;磁性材料的选择 DWPI手工分类代码
L03B02A5 Rare earth nickel/cobalt/ironalloys
P53-V09 rare earth metals
V06-N04A permanent magnet
2.1.2 中文关键词
2.1.3 英文关键词
boron, iron, neodymium, rare earth, neodymium, sintering, sintered, transition metals, transition elements, transition, family, magnetic materials, rare earth perma-nent magnet, the magnetic energy, energy product, alloys, magnets, magnetic king, coercivity, instruments, meters, electro-acoustic motors, mechanical properties, chem-ical composition, magnetizing, performance, coating, adhesion, corrosion resistance, disk, high-pressure, charging, motor, compound, high saturation magnetization, phos-phate, passivation, inorganic salts, then plating, electrophoretic deposition, speakers, disk drives, magnetic resonance imaging, ingredients, milling, profiling, tempering, centerless grinding, rounding machine, double side grinding, grinding, slicing ma-chines, wire
2.1.4 国内主要申请人
2.1.5 国外主要申请人
Intermetallics Co. Ltd., Hitachi, Ltd., Nitto Denko Corporation, Inter Metallics K.K, Toyota Motor Corporation, Earth-Panda Advance Magnetic Material Co., Ltd.,Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan Science and Technolo-gy Agency, Sanvac Magnetics Co., Ltd., Equity One, Inc., ULVAC, Inc., Molycor-pinc, TDK Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Showa Denko K.K, NEC Corpo-ration, General Electric Company, Grirem Advanced Materials Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Kyocera Corporation
2.1.6 烧结钕铁硼专利检索表达式范例 烧结钕铁硼国内专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=(H01F1/057%)or分类号=(H01F1/05%)and名称,摘要,主权项+=(硼% and铁%)or分类号=(H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼 %)and烧 结)and分 类 号 =(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=((NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B or钕铁硼)and烧结)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼%))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 烧结钕铁硼国外专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=(H01F1/057%)or主分类号=(H01F1/05% or H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or Neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and race%)and boron%)and sintering)and分类号=(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C%or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re% Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or R%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and Race%)and boron%)and sintering)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 烧结钕铁硼innography专利检索表达式
((IPC_H01F1/05 or H01F1/08 and H01F1/053)or((IPC_H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and @(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or tran-sition elements% or transition% and race%)and boron%)))or((IPC_C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C and@(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R% Fe% B or Nd% Fe% B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and race%)and boron%)))or@title(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B))and@(abstract, claims, title)(sintering or sintered) 烧结钕铁硼innovation专利检索表达式
(IC=(H01F1/05 or H01F1/08and H01F1/053)or(IC=(H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or((rare earths or neo-dymium)and(iron or transition metal or transition elements or transition and Race)and boron)))or(IC=(C04B35 or B22F or C09 or C22C or C22F or B32B or F27B or C01B or C01G or C01F or C21D or C23 or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C or and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or((rare earths or neodymium)and(iron or transition metal or transition elementsor transition and race)and boron)))or TI=(NdFeB or RFeB or ReFeB))and CTB=(sintering or sintered)
2.2 粘结钕铁硼稀土永磁材料
2.2.1 该领域主要涉及分类号 IPC分类号
H01F1按所用磁性材料区分的磁体或磁性物体;磁性材料的选择 DWPI手工分类代码
L03B02A5 Rare earth nickel/cobalt/ironalloys
P53-V09 rare earth metals
V06-M03A permanent magnet
2.2.2 中文关键词
2.2.3 英文关键词
neodymium, iron, boron, neodymium, rare earth, transition metals, transition ele-ments, transition, bond, bonded, family, magnetic materials, rare earth permanent magnet, the magnetic energy, energy product, alloys, magnets, magnetic king, coer-civity, instruments, meters, electro-acoustic motors, mechanical properties, chemical composition, magnetizing, performance, coating, adhesion, corrosion resistance, disk, high-pressure, charging, motor, compound, high saturation magnetization, phosphate, passivation, inorganic salts, then plating, electrophoretic deposition, speakers, disk drives, magnetic resonance imaging, ingredients, milling, profiling, tempering, center-less grinding, rounding machine, double side grinding, grinding, slicing machines, wire
2.2.4 国内主要申请人
2.2.5 国外主要申请人
Hitachi, Ltd., NEC Corporation, Seiko Holdings Corporation, MolycorpInc, Pan-asonic Corporation, The Dow Chemical Company, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., Daido Steel Co., Ltd., Aichi Steel Corporation, Nidec Corporation, Showa Den-ko K.K., Kaneka Corporation, Akzo Nobel N.V., TDK Corporation, Equity One, Inc., BGRIMM Magnetic Materials & Technology, Mitsubishi Materials Corpora-tion, Grirem Advanced Materials Co., Ltd., Central Iron&Steel Research Inst.
2.2.6 粘结钕铁硼专利检索表达式范例 粘结钕铁硼国内专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=H01F1/057% or分类号=H01F1/05% and名称,摘要,主权项+=(硼% and铁%)or分类号=(H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼%)and粘结)and分类号=(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=((NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B or钕铁硼)and粘结)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or R%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼%))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 粘结钕铁硼国外专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=H01F1/057% or主分类号=(H01F1/05% or H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or tran-sition elements% or transition% and race%)and Boron%))and分类号=(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd% Fe%B or R%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition met-al% or transition elements% or transition% and race%)and Boron%))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 粘结钕铁硼innography专利检索表达式
((IPC_H01F1/05 or H01F1/08 and H01F1/053)or((H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and @(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or tran-sition elements% or transition% and race%)and boron%)))or((IPC_C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05d or B22D or B02C and@(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R% Fe% B or Nd% Fe% B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and Race%)and Boron%)))or@title(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B))and@(abstract, claims, title)(bond or bonded) 粘结钕铁硼innovation专利检索表达式
(IC=(H01F1/05 or H01F1/08 and H01F1/053)or(IC=(H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or((rare earths or neo-dymium)and(iron or transition metal or transition elements or transition and race)and Boron)))or(IC=(C04B35 or B22F or C09 or C22C or C22F or B32B or F27B or C01B or C01G or C01F or C21D or C23 or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or((rare earths or neodymium)and(iron or transition metal or transition elements or transition and race)and boron)))or TI=(NdFeB or RFeB or ReFeB))and CTB=(bond or bonded)
2.3 热压钕铁硼稀土永磁材料
2.3.1 该领域主要涉及分类号 IPC分类号
H01F1按所用磁性材料区分的磁体或磁性物体;磁性材料的选择 DWPI手工分类代码
L03B-02A5 Rare earth nickel/cobalt/ironalloys
P53-V09 rare earth metals
V02-A01A1 for permanent magnet
2.3.2 中文关键词
2.3.3 英文关键词
neodymium, iron, boron, neodymium, rare earth, transition metals, hot, hot press-ing, transition elements, transition, family, magnetic materials, rare earth permanent magnet, the magnetic energy, energy product, alloys, magnets, magnetic king, coer-civity, instruments, meters, electro-acoustic motors, mechanical properties, chemical composition, magnetizing, performance, coating, adhesion, corrosion resistance, disk, high-pressure, charging, motor, compound, high saturation magnetization, phosphate, passivation, inorganic salts, then plating, electrophoretic deposition, speakers, disk drives, magnetic resonance imaging, ingredients, milling, profiling, tempering, center-less grinding, rounding machine, double side grinding, grinding, slicing machines, wire
2.3.4 国内主要申请人
2.3.5 国外主要申请人
NEC Corporation, Daido Steel Co., Ltd., Magnequench Neo Powders Pte. Ltd., General Motors Corp ovction, Hitachi, Ltd., Nippon Steel&Sumitomo Metal Corpo-ration, Toyota Motor Corporation, Canon Inc., Central Iron & Steel Research Inst. Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, Panasonic Corporation, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., GKN plc, Seiko Holdings Corporation, Iowa State University, JFE Holding, Inc., Ko-be Steel, Ltd., Siemens AG, Nisshin Steel Holdings Co., Ltd., Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
2.3.6 热压钕铁硼产业专利检索表达式范例 热压钕铁硼国内专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=H01F1/057% or分类号=H01F1/05% and名称,摘要,主权项+=(硼% and铁%)or分类号=(H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼%)and热压)and分类号=(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=((NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B or钕铁硼)and(热压))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or钕铁硼or((稀土% or钕%)and(铁% or过渡金属% or过渡元素% or过渡% and族%)and硼%))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 热压钕铁硼国外专利检索表达式
主分类号,分类号+=H01F1/057% or主分类号=(H01F1/05% or H01F1/08% and H01F1/053%)or名称,摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or tran-sition elements% or transition% and race%)and hot or(hot pressing)))and分类号=(H01F1/% or H01F10/% or H01F13/% or H01F41/% or H01F7/%)or摘要,主权项+=(NdFeB or Nd-Fe-B)and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C)or名称=(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re% Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and race%)and hot or(hot pressing)))and分类号=(C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C) 热压钕铁硼innography专利检索表达式
((IPC_H01F1/05 or H01F1/08 and H01F1/053)or((H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and @(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or tran-sition elements% or transition% and race%)and hot or(hot pressing))))or((IPC_C04B35% or B22F% or C09% or C22C% or C22F% or B32B% or F27B% or C01B% or C01G% or C01F% or C21D% or C23% or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C and @(abstract, claims, title)(NdFeB or R% Fe% B or Nd% Fe% B or((rare earths% or neodymium)and(iron% or transition metal% or transition elements% or transition% and race%)and boron%)))or@title(NdFeB or R%Fe%B or Re%Fe%B or Nd%Fe%B))and@(abstract, claims, title)(hot or(hot pressing)) 热压钕铁硼innovation专利检索表达式
(IC=(H01F1/05 or H01F1/08 and H01F1/053)or(IC=(H01F1 or H01F10 or H01F13 or H01F41 or H01F7)and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or NdFeB or((rare earths or neodymium)and(iron or transition metal or transition elements or transition and race)and hot or(hot pressing))))or(IC=(C04B35 or B22F or C09 or C22C or C22F or B32B or F27B or C01B or C01G or C01F or C21D or C23 or C25D or B05D or B22D or B02C and CTB=(NdFeB or RFeB or NdFeB or((rare earths or neodymi-um)and(iron or transition metal or transition elements or transition and Race)and Boron)))or TI=(NdFeB or RFeB or ReFeB))and CTB=(hot or(hot pressing))