Celia Laighton Thaxter, was born at Portsmouth, N. H., June 29, 1836. Much of her childhood was passed at White Island, one of the Isles of Shoals, off the coast of New Hampshire. “Among the Isles of Shoals” is her most noted work in prose. She published a volume of poems, many of which are favorites with children. She died in 1894.
1. Poor, sweet Piccola! Did you hear
What happened to Piccola, children dear?
'Tis seldom Fortune1 such favor grants
As fell to this little maid of France.
2. 'Twas Christmas2 time, and her parents poor
Could hardly drive the wolf from the door,
Striving with poverty's3 patient pain
Only to live till summer again.

3. No gift for Piccola! sad were they
When dawned the morning of Christmas day!
Their little darling no joy might stir;
St. Nicholas4 nothing would bring to her!
4. But Piccola never doubted at all
That something beautiful must befall
Every child upon Christmas day,
And so she slept till the dawn was gray.
5. And full of faith, when at last she woke,
She stole to her shoe as the morning broke;
Such sounds of gladness filled all the air,
'Twas plain St. Nicholas had been there.
6. In rushed Piccola, sweet, half wild—
Never was seen such a joyful child—
“See what the good saint brought! ” she cried,
And mother and father must peep inside.
7. Now such a story I never heard!
There was a little shivering bird!
A sparrow, that in at the window flew,
Had crept into Piccola's tiny shoe!
8. “How good poor Piccola must have been! ”
She cried, as happy as any queen,
While the starving sparrow5 she fed and warmed,
And danced with rapture, she was so charmed.
9. Children, this story I tell to you
Of Piccola sweet and her bird, is true.
In the far-off land of France, they say,
Still do they live to this very day.
A. Word Definition
favor:kind act.
drive:send away.
dawned:began to grow light.
stir:begin moving with excitement.
doubted:thought impossible.
stole:went quickly.
peep:look quickly.
starving:very hungry.
rapture:great joy.
B. Study Notes
1. Fortune: is capitalized here because it is referring to an imagined force which determines good or bad results for events, but can never be known before it happens.
2. Christmas: A holiday celebrated on December 25th and believed in Christian religions to be the birth date of Jesus Christ. It is common to give friends and family gifts on Christmas morning.
3. Poverty: the state of being poor.
4. St. Nicholas: Saint Nicholas was a historical figure known for his kindness and generosity who became the fictional representative of Christmas. It was said that St. Nicholas would visit the homes of good people and leave gifts for them (or lumps of coal if the people were unkind).
5. Sparrow: a type of small bird.
C. Comprehension Questions
1. What did Piccola find in her shoe on Christmas morning?
2. How did the sparrow enter Piccola's room?
3. What is meant by “driving the wolf from the door? ”
D. Discussion Questions
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? If yes, how? If no, what is your favorite holiday?
2. Imagine that you meet Piccola and you can tell her about one of your traditions or holidays. What would you say to her?