第4章 Lesson 4: Damon and Pythias
Long ago there was a ruler who was so harsh that the people plotted to drive him out of the city. The plan was discovered, and the king commanded that the leaders of the plan be put to death. One of the leaders was named Damon and he lived a long way from the city. He asked that before he was put to death that he be allowed to go home and say goodbye to his family. He promised he would come back to be killed.
However, the king did not believe that Damon would keep his promise, and he said, "I will not let you go unless you find a friend to stay in your place. Then, if you are not back by the date of your execution, I will kill your friend instead." The king thought to himself, "surely no one will take the place of a man who is condemned to death."
Now Damon had a very dear friend named Pythias who came forward and offered to stay in prison while Damon went away. The king was very much surprised, but he had given his word. So Damon went home, while Pythias went to prison.
Many days passed, the time of the execution was coming, and Damon had not returned. The king went to the prison and said to Pythias, "your friend will not return."
"You are wrong, " said Pythias. "Damon will be here if he can possibly come, but he has to travel by sea, and the wind has been blowing against him for several days. However, it is much better for me to die than for him. I have no wife and children, and I love my friend so much that it would be better to die than to live without him. So I am hoping that he does not return until after I die."
The king left the prison feeling very confused.
The day of the execution arrived, but still Damon did not come. So Pythias was brought to the scaffold. "I got my wish," said Pythias, "I can die for my friend. And I know Damon has tried his best to be here.
At that moment, a man came galloping very quickly on a horse. It was Damon. In an instant, he was at the scaffold and hugging his friend. "Oh, my friend," he said, "I was so worried that I was too late."
There was no happiness in the face of Pythias because he did not want to live if his friend had to die. However, the king had heard everything and at last he was forced to believe in the unselfish friendship of these two. His heart melted at the sight, and he set them both free, asking only that they also be his friends.
I. Word List
harsh: not nice, mean, cruel
execution: to kill someone
condemned: to have no hope
scaffold: a place where people are killed
heart melted: felt very sorry
II. Answer the following questions.
1. Why did the king say that he would kill Damon?
2. Why did Pythias agree to stay in prison in place of Damon?
3. Why did Pythias hope that Damon didn't return?
4. What was Damon worried about?
5. Why did the king allow both Damon and Pythias to be set free?
III. Circle the true sentences.
1. Many people liked the king.
2. Damon lived close to the city.
3. Damon and Pythias were great friends.
4. Pythias wanted to die for his friend.
5. The king executed Damon and Pythias.
6. The king wanted Damon and Pythias to be his friend.
IV. What's the word? Choose the correct word from the story.
1. ruler, leader: k _ _ _
2. die, killed: e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. running, sprinting: g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. embracing, caressing: h _ _ _ _ _ _
5. moment, second: i _ _ _ _ _ _