第11章 Lesson 11: The Fox and the Stork
One day, a fox invited a stork to his den for dinner. The stork sat down at the table, and the fox brought out two bowls of soup. The fox quickly licked up all the soup in his bowl, but the stork could not drink any of the soup because the bowl was too shallow for her long beak.
The fox licked his lips and asked, "Why didn't you eat your soup?" And before the stork could answer, the fox took her bowl and licked it up.
The stork, who was polite, said only, "It was polite of you to invite me to dinner. I would like to invite you to my place for dinner tomorrow."
The next evening, when the fox sat down at the stork's table, soup was served in tall, heavy jars. The stork drank down her soup happily, but the fox could not get at the soup inside. This time, the fox was hungry—but he was also wiser.
I. Word List
stork: a very tall bird with long legs and a long beak
beak: the mouth of a bird
shallow: not deep
jar: a container made of glass
wiser: smarter
II. True or False: Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
___ 1. The stork drank soup at the fox's den.
___ 2. The stork invited the fox to dinner.
___ 3. The fox drank soup at the stork's table.
___ 4. The fox learned something from the stork.
III. Answer the following questions.
1. Why couldn't the stork drink the soup at the fox's den?
2. Why couldn't the fox drink the soup at the stork's table?
3. What important lesson did the fox learn?
4. Do you think the fox and the stork are good friends? Why or why not?
5. What should the fox do the next time he invites the stork to dinner?
IV. Fill in the blanks—Find the correct words in the story.
1. The fox lived in a d _ _.
2. The fox i _ _ _ _ _ _ the stork to have dinner at his place.
3. The fox served the soup in s _ _ _ _ _ _ bowls.
4. The fox l _ _ _ _ _ up all his soup.
5. The stork could not drink the soup because of her long b _ _ _.
6. When the fox had dinner at the stork's place, soup was served in tall, heavy j _ _ _.