第6章 PART I(5)
Fritz took his seat again."My heart is at ease;I can pour myself out freely,he said."Never,my friend,was there such an interesting love-story as mine.She is the sweetest girl living.Dark,slim,gracious,delightful,desirable,just eighteen.The image,I should suppose,of what her widowed mother was at her age.Her name is Minna.
Daughter and only child of Madame Fontaine.Madame Fontaine is a truly grand creature,a Roman matron.She is the victim of envy and scandal.
Would you believe it?There are wretches in Wurzburg (her husband the doctor was professor of chemistry at the University)--there are wretches,I say,who call my Minna's mother "Jezebel,"and my Minna herself 'Jezebel's Daughter!'I have fought three duels with my fellow-students to avenge that one insult.Alas,David,there is another person who is influenced by those odious calumnies!--a person sacred to me--the honored author of my being.Is it not dreadful?My good father turns tyrant in this one thing;declares I shall never marry 'Jezebel's Daughter;'exiles me,by his paternal commands,to this foreign country;and perches me on a high stool to copy letters.Ha!he little knows my heart.I am my Minna's and my Minna is mine.In body and soul,in time and in eternity,we are one.Do you see my tears?Do my tears speak for me?The heart's relief is in crying freely.There is a German song to that effect.When Irecover myself,I will sing it to you.Music is a great comforter;music is the friend of love.There is another German song to _that_effect."He suddenly dried his eyes,and got on his feet;some new idea had apparently occurred to him."It is dreadfully dull here,"he said;"I am not used to evenings at home.Have you any music in London?Help me to forget Minna for an hour or two.Take me to the music."Having,by this time,heard quite enough of his raptures,I was eager on my side for a change of any kind.I helped him to forget Minna at a Vauxhall Concert.He thought our English orchestra wanting in subtlety and spirit.On the other hand,he did full justice,afterwards,to our English bottled beer.When we left the Gardens he sang me that German song,'My heart's relief is crying freely,'with a fervor of sentiment which must have awakened every light sleeper in the neighborhood.
Retiring to my bedchamber,I found an open letter on my toilet-table.It was addressed to my aunt by the lawyer;and it announced that he had decided on accompanying her to the madhouse--without pledging himself to any further concession.In leaving the letter for me to read,my aunt had written across it a line in pencil:"You can go with us,David,if you like."My curiosity was strongly aroused.It is needless to say I decided on being present at the visit to Bedlam.
On the appointed Monday we were ready to accompany my aunt to the madhouse.
Whether she distrusted her own unaided judgment,or whether she wished to have as many witnesses as possible to the rash action in which she was about to engage,I cannot say.In either case,her first proceeding was to include Mr.Hartrey and Fritz Keller in the invitation already extended to the lawyer and myself.
They both declined to accompany us.The head-clerk made the affairs of the office serve for his apology,it was foreign post day,and he could not possibly be absent from his desk.Fritz invented no excuses;he confessed the truth,in his own outspoken manner."I have a horror of mad people,"he said,"they so frighten and distress me,that they make me feel half mad myself.Don't ask me to go with you--and oh,dear lady,don't go yourself."My aunt smiled sadly--and led the way out.
We had a special order of admission to the Hospital which placed the resident superintendent himself at our disposal.He received my aunt with the utmost politeness,and proposed a scheme of his own for conducting us over the whole building;with an invitation to take luncheon with him afterwards at his private residence.
"At another time,sir,I shall be happy to avail myself of your kindness,"my aunt said,when he had done."For the present,my object is to see one person only among the unfortunate creatures in this asylum.""One person only?"repeated the superintendent."One of our patients of the higher rank,I suppose?""On the contrary,"my aunt replied,"I wish to see a poor friendless creature,found in the streets;known here,as I am informed,by no better name than Jack Straw.
The superintendent looked at her in blank amazement.
"Good Heavens,madam!"he exclaimed;"are you aware that Jack Straw is one of the most dangerous lunatics we have in the house?""I have heard that he bears the character you describe,"my aunt quietly admitted.
"And yet you wish to see him?"
"I am here for that purpose--and no other."
The superintendent looked round at the lawyer and at me,appealing to us silently to explain,if we could,this incomprehensible desire to see Jack Straw.The lawyer spoke for both of us.He reminded the superintendent of the late Mr.Wagner's peculiar opinions on the treatment of the insane,and of the interest which he had taken in this particular case.To which my aunt added:"And Mr.Wagner's widow feels the same interest,and inherits her late husband's opinions."Hearing this,the superintendent bowed with his best grace,and resigned himself to circumstances."Pardon me if I keep you waiting for a minute or two,"he said,and rang a bell.
A man-servant appeared at the door.
"Are Yarcombe and Foss on duty on the south side?"the superintendent asked.
"Send one of them here directly."
We waited a few minutes--and then a gruff voice became audible on the outer side of the door."Present,sir,"growled the gruff voice.
The superintendent courteously offered his arm to my aunt."Permit me to escort you to Jack Straw,"he said,with a touch of playful irony in his tone.